53 Thermal Habitat Persistence
Description: The number of days per year per 1/12 degree cell that exceeds a temperature threshold.
Indicator family:
Contributor(s): Joe Caracappa
Affiliations: NEFSC
53.1 Introduction to Indicator
Many deep water benthic and demersal species exhibit thermal preferences for metabolic, reproductive, and growth processes. Temperatures above these thermal presences may impair these processes. Data originate from GLORYS12V1 global reanalysis for 1993-01-01 to 2023-08-29, and from PSY forecasts from 2021-01-01 to 2023-12-31. Cells are mapped to 3 depth bins: 0-25m, 25-100m, and >100m. Two temperature thresholds are used, representing a temperature where moderate (15C) and extreme (24C) thermal stresses are likely to occur across several species. GLORYS and PSY 1/12 degree grid is mapped to EPU_NOESTUARIES shape files by the center point of each grid cell.
53.2 Key Results and Visualizations
Maps of full NE shelf with cells shading gradient showing number of days exceeding temperature thresholds. For 15C threshold, much of the southern MAB, the shelf break and Nantucket Shoals experienced >100 days. In 2023, only the southern and/or shallow portion of the MAB exceeded the 24C threshold.
53.4 Implications
Using a high resolution bottom temperature product elucidates localized heat stress within EPUs that may be masked when looking at mean EPU bottom temperature. This can be important to sessile species who aren’t able to move out of warm water conditions.
53.5 Get the data
Point of contact: joseph.caracappa@noaa.gov
ecodata name: ecodata::thermal_habitat_gridded
Variable definitions
Source: GLORYS (CMEM’s GLORYS12V1 global reanalysis bottom temperature) and PSY (CMEM’s PSY global forecast bottom temperature) min.depth: minimum of depth band max.depth: maximum of depth band temp.threshold: cutoff temperature for thermal area calculations (all areas greater than or equal to this temperature) longitude: longitude of cell center point latitude: latitude of cell center point Ndays: number of days exceeding temp.threshold
Indicator Category:
53.7 Accessibility and Constraints
No response
tech-doc link https://noaa-edab.github.io/tech-doc/thermal_habitat_gridded.html