11 Inshore Survey (Mid Atlantic)
Description: Biomass time series for aggregate species groups from the NEAMAP inshore bottom trawl surveys conducted from Cape Hatteras to Rhode Island.
Indicator family:
Contributor(s): James Gartland, Matt Camisa, Rebecca Peters, Sean Lucey
Affiliations: VIMS, Maine, NEFSC
11.1 Introduction to Indicator
Indicators from these inshore surveys are analogous to those produced by the NEFSC trawl survey in the aggregate survey biomass indicator dataset.
11.3 Indicator statistics
Spatial scale: Nearshore regions of the MAB and GOM
Temporal scale: Spring and Fall
Synthesis Theme:
11.4 Implications
The trends in the NEAMAP inshore survey vary compared to the NEFSC survey. This is driven by different species availability to surveys in time and space as well as the surveys sampling different habitats. Nearshore habitats are important to fish and fisheries so we monitor them as as well as trends from the larger EPUs.
11.5 Get the data
Point of contact: James Gartland (NEAMAP), jgartlan@vims.edu; Rebecca Peters (ME/NH survey), rebecca.j.peters@maine.gov; Sean Lucey (MA Inshore Survey), sean.lucey@rws.com
ecodata name: ecodata::mab_inshore_survey
Variable definitions
See variable definitions for aggregate_biomass
Indicator Category:
11.7 Accessibility and Constraints
No response
tech-doc link https://noaa-edab.github.io/tech-doc/mab_inshore_survey.html