50 Persistent annual hotspots

Description: Integrated persistent annual hotspots derived from at-sea observations of seabirds, cetaceans and sea turtles collected on systematic ship and aerial surveys

Indicator family:

Contributor(s): Timothy White, Jason Roberts

Affiliations: BOEM

50.1 Introduction to Indicator

Locations of high densities through time of seabirds, marine mammals, and sea turtles

50.2 Key Results and Visualizations

North Atlantic Right Whale hotspots
North Atlantic Right Whale hotspots
Seabirds, Turtles, & marine mammals hotspots
Seabirds, Turtles, & marine mammals hotspots

50.3 Indicator statistics

Spatial scale: Atlantic EEZ

Temporal scale: Annual, all seasons

Synthesis Theme:

50.4 Implications

Persistent hotpots through time identify places where seabirds, marine mammals and sea turtles frequently aggregate to feed, and may indicate locations of seasonal and annual resilience. Individual hotspot richness maps represent annual persistent hotspots of 71 species and also common taxa challenging to identify to the species level on at-sea surveys but whose abundance and spatial patterns significantly contribute to richness and diversity on the Atlantic EEZ. The integrated maps represent very high densities and very high persistence; however, one or both parameters can be adjusted to identify other important locations, for example, to reveal areas of high density and moderate persistence.

50.5 Get the data

Point of contact:

ecodata name: No dataset

Variable definitions

Persistence probability.

No Data

Indicator Category:

50.6 Public Availability

Source data are publicly available.

50.7 Accessibility and Constraints

No response