39 Long-term Sea Surface Temperature

Description: Long-term sea-surface temperatures

Found in: State of the Ecosystem - Gulf of Maine & Georges Bank (2017+), State of the Ecosystem - Mid-Atlantic (2017+)

Indicator category: Database pull

Contributor(s): Kevin Friedland

Data steward: Kevin Friedland,

Point of contact: Kevin Friedland,

Public availability statement: Source data are available here.

39.1 Methods

Data for long-term sea-surface temperatures were derived from the Noational Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) extended reconstructed sea surface temperature data set (ERSST V5). The ERSST V5 dataset is parsed into 2° x 2° gridded bins between 1854-present with monthly temporal resolution. Data were interpolated in regions with limited spatial coverage, and heavily damped during the period between 1854-1880 when collection was inconsistent (Huang et al. 2017a, 2017b). For this analysis, 19 bins were selected that encompassed the Northeast US Continental Shelf region (see Kevin D. Friedland and Hare 2007).

39.1.1 Data sources

This indicator is derived from the NOAA ERSST V5 dataset (Huang et al. 2017a).

39.1.2 Data extraction

Table 39.1: Coordinates used in NOAA ERSST V5 data extraction.
Longitude Latitude
-74 40
-74 38
-72 40
-70 44
-70 42
-70 40
-68 44
-68 42

R code used in extracting time series of long-term SST data can be found here.

39.1.3 Data Processing

Data were formatted for inclusion in the ecodata R package with the R code found here.

catalog link https://noaa-edab.github.io/catalog/long_term_sst.html


Friedland, Kevin D., and Jon A. Hare. 2007. Long-term trends and regime shifts in sea surface temperature on the continental shelf of the northeast United States.” Continental Shelf Research 27: 2313–28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2007.06.001.
Huang, Boyin, Peter W. Thorne, Viva F. Banzon, Tim Boyer, Gennady Chepurin, Jay H. Lawrimore, Matthew J. Menne, Thomas M. Smith, Russell S. Vose, and Huai Min Zhang. 2017a. NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST), Version 5.” https://doi.org/10.7289/V5T72FNM.
Huang, Boyin, Peter W Thorne, Viva F Banzon, Tim Boyer, Gennady Chepurin, Jay H Lawrimore, Matthew J Menne, Thomas M Smith, Russell S Vose, and Huai-Min Zhang. 2017b. “Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature, Version 5 (ERSSTv5): Upgrades, Validations, and Intercomparisons.” Journal of Climate 30 (20): 8179–8205. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0836.1.