89 Wind lease areas and habitat occupancy overlap
Description: Wind lease areas and habitat occupancy
Found in: State of the Ecosystem - Mid-Atlantic (2020)
Indicator category: Database pull with analysis; Extensive analysis; not yet published; Published methods
Contributor(s): Kevin Friedland
Data steward: Kimberly Bastille kimberly.bastille@noaa.gov
Point of contact: Kimberly Bastille kimberly.bastille@noaa.gov
Public availability statement: Source data are publicly available.
89.1 Methods
Habitat area with a probability of occupancy greater than 0.5 was modeled for many species throughout the Northeast Large Marine Ecosystem (NE-LME) (Kevin D. Friedland et al. 2020). Methodology for habitat occupancy models have been discussed in a seperate chapter.
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is the department responsible for the developement of offshore wind energy. Existing and proposed and lease areas were overlayed with habitat occupancy models to determine the species most likely to be found in the wind lease areas.
89.1.1 Data extraction
BOEM existing and proposed lease areas (as of Feb 2019) shape files were taken from the BOEM website.
89.1.2 Data analysis
For the purposes of this indicator, the Northeast Shelf was broken into three general areas (North, Mid and South). The species shown in the table below (Table not available) are those that have the highest average probablity of occupancy in the lease areas.
89.1.3 Data processing
Code used to format wind lease area and habitat occupancy overlap for inclusion in the ecodata
package can be found here.
catalog link No associated catalog page