80 Quota and Catch - New England
Description: The catch limit (either ABC or ACL) and total catch for all NEFMC species and sector (commercial or recreational), if appropriate.
Found in: State of the Ecosystem - New England (2023)
Indicator category: Synthesis of published information, Database pull
Contributor(s): Kimberly Bastille
Data steward: Kimberly Bastille kimberly.bastille@noaa.gov
Point of contact: Kimberly Bastille kimberly.bastille@noaa.gov
Public availability statement: Source data are publicly available
80.1 Methods
80.1.1 Data Sources
Data found in NFMS Species Information System (SIS).
SIS Annual Catch Limit reports were used to collate data for each Fisheries Management Plan (FMP). The Allowable Biological Catch and Grand Total Catch (Commercial + Recreational) were recorded.
80.1.2 Data Analysis
Each stock has a threshold and catch value assigned to it from the sources above. The table below outlines the data pull for each FMP.
FMP | Quota Type | Fishing Year |
Atlantic Herring | ACL | January 1 through December 31 |
Atlantic Sea Scallop | ACL | Apr 1 through Mar 31 |
Red Crab | ACL | Apr 1 thorugh Mar 31 |
Skates | ACL | May 1 through April 30 |
Groundfish | ACL | May 1 through April 30 |
Monkfish | ACL | May 1 through April 30 |
Golden Tilefish | ACL | November 1 through October 31 |
80.1.3 Data Processing
Data were formatted for inclusion in the ecodata
R package using the R code found here.
catalog link No associated catalog page