82 Sandlance
Description: Sandlance survey data from Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Found In: 2022 Indicator Catalog
Indicator category: Published methods
Contributor(s): David N. Wiley, Tammy L. Silva
Data steward: Moe Nelson david.moe.nelson@noaa.gov
Point of contact: Moe Nelson david.moe.nelson@noaa.gov
Public availability statement:Source data are publicly available.
82.1 Methods
82.1.1 Data Sources
This data set is taken directly from Table 1, Silva et al. (2020). See full citation in “References” section below.
82.1.2 Data Analysis
Data processing and analysis methods are described in Silva et al. (2020). The catch counts of sand lance and observational counts of humpback whales and great shearwater were used to derive spatial metrics (center of gravity, and inertia) for each species. Equations for these spatial metrics are provided in Table 2 of Silva et al. (2020). The spatial metrics (center of gravity, inertia) were used to calculate the global index of collocation (GIC) to quantify spatial overlap between pairs of species for each cruise. GICs for species pairs are reported in Table 3 of Silva et al. (2020), but data were not sufficient to calculate GICs for each pair of species in each cruise.
82.1.3 Data Processing
Code for processing salinity data can be found here.
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