67 Wind Energy Development Timeline

Description: Wind Energy Lease Area Development

Found in: State of the Ecosystem - Gulf of Maine & Georges Bank (2021+), State of the Ecosystem - Mid-Atlantic (2021+)

Indicator category: Published methods, Synthesis of published information, Database pull, Database pull with analysis

Contributor(s): Angela Silva, Andrew Lipsky, Doug Christel

Data steward: Angela Silva

Point of contact: Angela Silva

Public availability statement: Source data are NOT publicly available. Please email for further information and queries of Speed and Extent of Offshore Wind Development indicator source data.

67.1 Methods

67.1.1 Data Sources

BOEM lease area, Call Areas, Planning Area shapefiles: https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/mapping-and-data/renewable-energy-gis-data;

Maine Area of Interest: Maine Department of Marine Resources, Central Atlantic Bight planning area draft (BOEM communication, INTERNAL ONLY private shapefile); Foundation and Cable data from South Fork Final Environemntal Impact Statement (SWFW FEIS) data tables E-4, E-4-1, E-2: https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/documents/renewable-energy/state-activities/SFWF%20FEIS.pdf

67.1.2 Data Analysis

All data was updated for 2022 with South Fork Wind Farm FEIS and the following assumptions were made on future wind areas: * (1) There are no reported values for foundations, cable acres and miles and year of construction for NY WEA, Maine AOI, and Central Atlantic Bight draft planning area. * (2) To estimate the variables, the ratio of each (Cumul_FNDS, Cumul_Offsh_Cbl_Acres, Cumul_OffExp_Inter_Cab_Miles, TBNSinstall_no) was calculated by using reported values for existing lease area. All data is reported as ““2030””

Spatial Analysis for Project_Acres:

Project Areas and Call Area acres were calculated using BOEM Project Area Shapefiles (Project_Areas_12_3_2019), BOEM NY Call Area Shapefiles (NY_Call_Areas), and NY Call Area Primary and Secondary Recommendation shapefiles (BOEM_NY_Draft_WEAs_11_1_2018) in ArcMap.

Project_Areas_12_3_2019, NY_Call_Areas, and BOEM_NY_Draft_WEAs_11_1_2018 Acres were calculated using Add Field and Field Calculator tool. Python Expression = !!

Project_Name: Table E-4 of South Fork FEIS Project names were matched to shapefiles by name and lease number.

FDNS: Number of foundations proposed or expected for each Project area taken directly from Table E-4 of South Fork DEIS.

Offsh_Cbl_Acres: Values taken directly from Table A-4 in South Fork DEIS (Table A-4: Offshore Wind Leasing Activities in the U.S. East Coast: Projects and Assumptions [part 2], pg. E-3-4). Total values for MA/RI lease areas Bay State Wind, Liberty Wind, OCS-A 0522 Remainder, OCS-A 0500 Remainder, OCS-A 0521 Remainder, OCS-A 0520 were aggregated in the table (567 total acres). Values were evenly distributed across the 6 Project areas. As such, these values should be treated as estimates until more information is released specific to individual project areas and their landing sites.

Dominion Energy was presented as 3 phases in Table E-4 for Project_Name (Dominion Energy Phase1, Dominion Energy Phase 2, Dominion Energy Phase 3). Only one Project shapefile area exists for this lease area OCS-A 0483. Therefore, the total shapefile acreage was evenly divided between 3 phases similar to how the foundations were treated in table E-4 (Future Offshore Wind Project Construction Schedule, pg. E-14).

OffExpCab_Miles: Offshore Export Cable Length OCS-A 0482, OCS-A 0519 OCS-A 0490 had 360 offshore export cable miles reported in Table E-4. This number was divided by 3 and 120 were assigned to these three project areas.

67.1.3 Data Processing

Data were formatted for inclusion in the ecodata R package using the R code found here.

catalog link https://noaa-edab.github.io/catalog/wind_dev_speed.html