67 Wind Energy Development Timeline
Description: Wind Energy Lease Area Development
Found in: State of the Ecosystem - Gulf of Maine & Georges Bank (2021+), State of the Ecosystem - Mid-Atlantic (2021+)
Indicator category: Published methods, Synthesis of published information, Database pull, Database pull with analysis
Contributor(s): Angela Silva, Andrew Lipsky, Doug Christel
Data steward: Angela Silva
Point of contact: Angela Silva angela.silva@noaa.gov
Public availability statement: Source data are NOT publicly available. Please email angela.silva@noaa.gov for further information and queries of Speed and Extent of Offshore Wind Development indicator source data.
67.1 Methods
67.1.1 Data Sources
BOEM lease area, Call Areas, Planning Area shapefiles: https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/mapping-and-data/renewable-energy-gis-data;
Maine Area of Interest: Maine Department of Marine Resources, Central Atlantic Bight planning area draft (BOEM communication, INTERNAL ONLY private shapefile); Foundation and Cable data from South Fork Final Environemntal Impact Statement (SWFW FEIS) data tables E-4, E-4-1, E-2: https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/documents/renewable-energy/state-activities/SFWF%20FEIS.pdf
67.1.2 Data Analysis
All data was updated for 2022 with South Fork Wind Farm FEIS and the following assumptions were made on future wind areas: * (1) There are no reported values for foundations, cable acres and miles and year of construction for NY WEA, Maine AOI, and Central Atlantic Bight draft planning area. * (2) To estimate the variables, the ratio of each (Cumul_FNDS, Cumul_Offsh_Cbl_Acres, Cumul_OffExp_Inter_Cab_Miles, TBNSinstall_no) was calculated by using reported values for existing lease area. All data is reported as ““2030””
Spatial Analysis for Project_Acres:
Project Areas and Call Area acres were calculated using BOEM Project Area Shapefiles (Project_Areas_12_3_2019), BOEM NY Call Area Shapefiles (NY_Call_Areas), and NY Call Area Primary and Secondary Recommendation shapefiles (BOEM_NY_Draft_WEAs_11_1_2018) in ArcMap.
Project_Areas_12_3_2019, NY_Call_Areas, and BOEM_NY_Draft_WEAs_11_1_2018 Acres were calculated using Add Field and Field Calculator tool. Python Expression = !shape.area@acres!
Project_Name: Table E-4 of South Fork FEIS Project names were matched to shapefiles by name and lease number.
FDNS: Number of foundations proposed or expected for each Project area taken directly from Table E-4 of South Fork DEIS.
Offsh_Cbl_Acres: Values taken directly from Table A-4 in South Fork DEIS (Table A-4: Offshore Wind Leasing Activities in the U.S. East Coast: Projects and Assumptions [part 2], pg. E-3-4). Total values for MA/RI lease areas Bay State Wind, Liberty Wind, OCS-A 0522 Remainder, OCS-A 0500 Remainder, OCS-A 0521 Remainder, OCS-A 0520 were aggregated in the table (567 total acres). Values were evenly distributed across the 6 Project areas. As such, these values should be treated as estimates until more information is released specific to individual project areas and their landing sites.
Dominion Energy was presented as 3 phases in Table E-4 for Project_Name (Dominion Energy Phase1, Dominion Energy Phase 2, Dominion Energy Phase 3). Only one Project shapefile area exists for this lease area OCS-A 0483. Therefore, the total shapefile acreage was evenly divided between 3 phases similar to how the foundations were treated in table E-4 (Future Offshore Wind Project Construction Schedule, pg. E-14).
OffExpCab_Miles: Offshore Export Cable Length OCS-A 0482, OCS-A 0519 OCS-A 0490 had 360 offshore export cable miles reported in Table E-4. This number was divided by 3 and 120 were assigned to these three project areas.
67.1.3 Data Processing
Data were formatted for inclusion in the ecodata
R package using the R code found here.
catalog link https://noaa-edab.github.io/catalog/wind_dev_speed.html