75 Harmful Algal Bloom Indicator - Mid Atlantic

Description: An aggregation of reported algal bloom data in Chesapeake Bay between 2007-2017.

Found in: State of the Ecosystem - Mid-Atlantic (2018)

Indicator category: Database pull

Contributor(s): Sean Hardison, Virginia Department of Health

Data steward: Kimberly Bastille,

Point of contact: Kimberly Bastille,

Public availability statement: Source data for this indicator are available here. Processed time series can be found here.

75.1 Methods

We presented two indicator time series for reports of algal blooms in the southern portion of Chesapeake Bay between 2007-2017. The first indicator was observations of algal blooms above 5000 cell ml-1. This threshold was developed by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) for Microcystis spp. algal blooms based on World Health Organization guidelines (Organization 2003; Health 2011). VDH also uses this same threshold for other algal species blooms in Virginia waters. When cell concentrations are above 5000 cell ml-1, VDH recommends initiation of biweekly water sampling and that relevant local agencies be notified of the elevated cell concentrations.

The second indicator we reported, blooms of Cochlodinium polykrikoides at cell concentrations >300 cell ml-1, was chosen due to reports of high ichthyotoxicity seen at these levels. Tang and Gobler (2009) showed that fish exposed to cultured C. polykrikoides at densities as low 330 cells ml-1 saw 100% mortality within 1 hour, which if often far less than C. polykrikoides cell concentrations seen in the field. Algal bloom data were not available for 2015 nor 2010. The algal bloom information presented here are a synthesis of reported events, and has been updated to include data not presented in the 2018 State of the Ecosystem Report.

75.1.1 Data sources

Source data were obtained from VDH. Sampling, identification, and bloom characterization was completed by the VDH, Phytoplankton Analysis Laboratory at Old Dominion University (ODU), Reece Lab at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. Problem algal species were targeted for identification via light microscopy followed by standard or quantitative PCR assays and/or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Reports specifying full methodologies from ODU, VIMS, and VDH source data are available upon request.

75.1.2 Data extraction

Data were extracted from a series of spreadsheets provided by the VDH. We quantified the number of algal blooms in each year reaching target cell density thresholds in the southern Chesapeake Bay.

R code used in extracting harmful algal bloom data can be found here.

75.1.3 Data analysis

No data analysis steps took place for this indicator.

catalog link No associated catalog page


Health, Virginia Department of. 2011. Virginia Recreational Water Guidance for Microcystin and Microcystis Blooms: Provisional Guidance.” Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Health. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Organization, World Health. 2003. Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments: Coastal and Fresh Waters. Vol. 1. World Health Organization.
Tang, Ying Zhong, and Christopher J. Gobler. 2009. Characterization of the toxicity of Cochlodinium polykrikoides isolates from Northeast US estuaries to finfish and shellfish.” Harmful Algae 8 (3): 454–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2008.10.001.