11 Harmful Algal Bloom - Alexandrium Indicator
Description: Alexandrium catenella annual cyst abundance in the Gulf of Maine
Found In:: Northeast U.S. Ecosystem Indicator Catalog
Indicator category: Published methods, Database pull with analysis
Contributor(s): Yizhen Li, NOAA/NOS NCCOS Stressor Detection and Impacts Division, HAB Forecasting Branch, Silver Spring MD
Data steward: Moe Nelson david.moe.nelson@noaa.gov
Point of contact: Moe Nelson david.moe.nelson@noaa.gov
Public availability statement: Source data are NOT publicly available. Data were provided upon request by Yizhen Li. Data are also used in operational HAB forecast models, freely available to the public.
11.1 Methods
11.1.1 Data Sources
Alexandrium cysts in sediments of the Gulf of Maine have been monitored through a cooperative effort of NOAA, WHOI, and other partners for over twenty years. Sampling methods are described in Anderson et al. (2005). In the annual survey cruises, samples are obtained with a Craib corer, and Alexandrium cysts are counted from the top 1- cm of sediment layer. Results are extrapolated to estimate overall cyst abundance in the eastern, western, and entire Gulf of Maine.Results are reported as estimated total numbers of cells (10 to the 16th power) in Eastern Gulf of Maine (east of Penobscot Bay), Western Gulf of Maine (west of Penobscot Bay), Bay of Fundy (2003-2013 only), and entire Gulf of Maine.
11.1.2 Data Extraction
Tabular data provided by Yizhen Li, NOAA/NOS NCCOS Stressor Detection and Impacts Division, HAB Forecasting Branch.
11.1.3 Data Analysis
The spatial distribution and abundance of cyst cells from the annual survey are used to drive an ecosystem forecast model for the Gulf of Maine (Anderson et al. (2005), Li et al. (2009), Li et al. (2020), McGillicuddy et al. (2011)). The model also includes many other inputs of dynamic oceanographic data such as currents, temperature, and nutrients. Operational Harmful Algal Bloom forecast is served online at https://coastalscience.noaa.gov/research/stressor-impacts-mitigation/hab-forecasts/gulf-of-maine-alexandrium-catenella-predictive-models/.
11.1.4 Data Processing
Code for processing Alexandrium cyst data can be found here.
catalog link https://noaa-edab.github.io/catalog/habs.html