60 Recreational Fishing Indicators
Description: A variety of indicators derived from MRIP Recreational Fisheries Statistics, including total recreational catch, total angler trips by region, annual diversity of recreational fleet effort, and annual diversity of managed species.
Found in: State of the Ecosystem - Gulf of Maine & Georges Bank (2017+), State of the Ecosystem - Mid-Atlantic (2017+)
Indicator category: Database pull with analysis
Contributor(s): Geret DePiper, Scott Steinbeck
Data steward: Geret DePiper, geret.depiper@noaa.gov
Point of contact: Geret DePiper, geret.depiper@noaa.gov
Public availability statement: Data sets are publicly available (see Data Sources below).
60.1 Methods
We use total recreational harvest as an indicator of seafood production and total recreational trips and total recreational anglers as proxies for recreational value generated from the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions respectively. We estimate both recreational catch diversity in species managed by the Fisheries Management Councils; Mid-Atlantic (MAFMC), New England (NEFMC) and Atlantic States (ASFMC), and fleet effort diversity using the effective Shannon index.
60.1.1 Data sources
All recreational fishing indicator data, including number of recreationally harvested fish, number of angler trips, and number of anglers, were downloaded from the Marine Recreational Information Program MRIP Recreational Fisheries Statistics Queries portal. Relevant metadata including information regarding data methodology updates are available at the query site. Note that 2017 data were considered preliminary at the time of the data pull.
Data sets were queried by region on the MRIP site, and for the purposes of the State of the Ecosystem reports, the “NORTH ATLANTIC” and “MID-ATLANTIC” regions were mapped to the New England and Mid-Atlantic report versions respectively. All query pages are accessible through the MRIP Recreational Fisheries Statistics site.
The number of recreationally harvested fish was found by selecting “TOTAL HARVEST (A + B1)” on the Catch Time Series Query page. Catch diversity estimates were also derived from the total catch time series (see below). Species included in the diversity of catch analysis can be found in Table 60.1. The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council asked that species managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council be distinguished in the analysis of recreational species diversity.
Common.Name | Scientific.Name | Diversity.analysis |
American eel | Anguilla rostrata | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Atlantic Cod | Gadus morhua | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Atlantic Croacker | Micropogonias undulatus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Atlantic Herring | Clupea harengus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Atlantic Mackerel | Scomber scombrus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Atlantic Menhaden | Brevoortia tyrannus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Atlantic Sturgeon | Acipenser oxyrinchus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Banded Rudderfish | Seriola zonata | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Black Sea Bass | Centropristis striata | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Gray Triggerfish | Balistes capriscus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Greater Amberjack | Seriola dumerili | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Little Tunny | Euthynnus alletteratus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Pollock | Pollachius virens | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Rock Sea Bass | Centropristis philadelphica | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Scup | Stenotomus chrysops | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Southern Flounder | Paralichthys lethostigma | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Spiny Dogfish | Squalus acanthias | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Spot | Leiostomus xanthurus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Striped Bass | Morone saxatilis | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Summer Flounder | Paralichthys dentatus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Tautog | Tautoga onitis | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Tilefish | Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Weakfish | Cynoscion regalis | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Winter Flounder | Pseudopleuronectes americanus | Species inclded in NE and MA analyses |
Black Drum | Pogonias cromis | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Cobia | Rachycentron canadum | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Lesser Amberjack | Seriola fasciata | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Red Drum | Sciaenops ocellatus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Red Porgy | Pagrus pagrus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Wahoo | Acanthocybium solandri | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Bar Jack | Caranx ruber | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Blue Runner | Caranx crysos | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Hogfish | Lachnolaimus maximus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Jolthead Porgy | Calamus bajonado | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Margate | Haemulon album | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Almaco Jack | Seriola rivoliana | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Atlantic Spadefis | Chaetodipterus faber | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Ocean Triggerfish | Canthidermis sufflamen | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Spanish Mackerel | Scomberomorus maculatus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Spotted Seatrout | Cynoscion nebulosus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Tomtate | Haemulon aurolineatum | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Gray Snapper | Lutjanus griseus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Mutton Snapper | Lutjanus analis | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Coney | Cephalopholis fulva | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
White Grunt | Haemulon plumierii | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Yellowtail Snapper | Ocyurus chrysurus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Snowy Grouper | Hyporthodus niveatus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Blueline Tilefish | Caulolatilus microps | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Longspine Porgy | Stenotomus caprinus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Wreckfish | Polyprion americanus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Gag | Mycteroperca microlepis | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Whitebone Porgy | Calamus leucosteus | SAFMC managed species included in MA analysis |
Angler trips (listed as “TOTAL” trips) were pulled from the MRIP Effort Time Series Query page, and included data from 1981 - 2021. Time series of recreational fleet effort diversity were calculated from this data set (see below). The number of anglers was total number of anglers from the Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Survey (MRFSS) Participation Time Series Query, and includes data from 1981 - 2016.
60.1.2 Data analysis
Recreational fleet effort diversity
Code used to for effort diversity data analysis can be found here.
Recreational catch diversity
Code used to for catch diversity data analysis can be found here.
60.1.3 Data processing
Recreational fishing indicators were formatted for inclusion in the ecodata
R package using this code.
catalog link https://noaa-edab.github.io/catalog/recdat.html