RpathFunctions for creating a mass balance food web |
Creates a shell for the Rpath.params object |
Check Rpath parameter files |
Read Rpath parameters from .csv files |
Ecopath module of Rpath |
Calculate biomass and consumption for multistanza groups |
Rpath functional group names |
RsimFunctions for creating dynamic simulations of the mass balance model |
Rsim module of |
Run Rsim |
Function to add a time step to an Rsim run |
Initial set up for Rsim module of Rpath |
Generate Rsim fishing matrix |
Generate Rsim forcing matrix |
Calculate the derivatives for a time step |
Output consumption by a group |
Output mortality on a group |
Generate Rsim stanza matrix |
Generate Rsim state matrix |
Ecosense function for rpath (rsim.sense) |
Ecosense function for rpath (rsim.sense.path) |
Retrieve Rsim fishing forcing parameters |
Retrieve Rsim forcing parameters |
Retrieve Rsim scenario parameters |
Retrieve Rsim stanza parameters |
Retrieve Rsim starting state values |
Set Rsim.scenario parameters |
ModelsExample ecosysem models |
Eastern Bering Sea 1990s Ecopath model (53 biological groups and 1 fleet). |
Eastern Chukchi Sea Ecopath model (52 biological groups and 1 fleet). |
Gulf of Alaska (west/central) 1990s Ecopath model (49 biological groups and 1 fleet). |
AB.params |
REco.params |
Adjustment ToolsFunctions for adjusting Rsim scenarios |
Adjust Rsim.scenario parameters |
Adjust Fishing Mortality |
Adjust Forcing Parameters |
Visualization ToolsFunctions for visualizing rpath and rsim outputs |
Plot routine for Ecopath food web |
Plot routine for Rsim runs |
Plot routine for Ecopath multistanzas |
Output ToolsFunctions for writing and exporting outputs from Rpath |
Write Rpath parameters to .csv files |
Write function for Ecopath object |
Write function for Ecosim object |
Fishing Mortality Table |
Extract node data |
Rpath: A package implementing mass balance algorithms designed to work with fisheries data sources. |
Auxiliary ToolsAdditional tools |
Mixed Trophic Impacts |