Effort is measured as Days at Sea at the trip level
get_effort_landings(fleetData, ports, combine, speciesCodes, lbs = T)
data frame. Data which contains the effort by box, and fleet data. Make sure you understand the units of the landings
vector, list of ports, by PORTID for which effort is requred
data frame. main ports and associated ports (one to one)
character vector. Atlantis species codes
Boolean. Are landings in lbs? (Default = T)
data frame of port effort and landings aggregated by year, box, Gear category, species. if in lbs, landings are converted to metric tons
Other modelData:
if (FALSE) {
fleetData <- readRDS(here::here("data/NEGroundfishDataCAMS.rds"))
combine = data.frame(main = c(320201, 240115, 240301), associated = c(320901,240813, 240601) ),
speciesCodes = c("COD","HAD","YTF","POL","PLA","WTF","WHK","WIF","RED","HAL","WPF","OPT","WOL"),
lbs = T)