The NE
multispecies (Groundfish) FMP
- Atlantic Cod (COD)
- Haddock (HAD)
- Yellowtail Flounder (YTF)
- Pollock (POL)
- American Plaice (PLA)
- Witch Flounder (WTF)
- White Hake (WHK)
- Winter Flounder (WIF)
- Redfish (RED)
- Atlantic Halibut (HAL)
Non target species
- Windowpane flounder (WPF)
- Ocean Pout (OPT)
- Atlantic Wolffish (WOL)
Histogram of lengths
Number of fish over all designated groundfish fleets

Probability curves
Fish over all designated groundfish fleets

Probability curves stacked
Combined lengths across species
Fitted logistic model as described in Atlantis
\[psel = \frac{1}{1+exp(-selb(length -
lsm))}\] where
\(lsm\) = length at 50%
\(selb\) = steepness of the
selectivity curve

Parameter estimates: \(\hat{selb}\)
= 0.1441718 and \(\hat{lsm}\) =
Selectivities by GEARCAT
Bottom Trawl

Gill net
