
The NE multispecies (Groundfish) FMP comprises the following species:

  • Atlantic Cod (COD)
  • Haddock (HAD)
  • Yellowtail Flounder (YTF)
  • Pollock (POL)
  • American Plaice (PLA)
  • Witch Flounder (WTF)
  • White Hake (WHK)
  • Winter Flounder (WIF)
  • Redfish (RED)
  • Atlantic Halibut (HAL)

Non target species

  • Windowpane flounder (WPF)
  • Ocean Pout (OPT)
  • Atlantic Wolffish (WOL)

These GEARCAT(s) associated with groundfish species are:

  • Bottom Trawl
  • Sink Gillnet

** Still need to separate some species (sharks) **


The landings of trips with associated bycatch

Total groundfish landings for species in FMP

Total groundfish landings for bycatch species

Landings of groundfish by species

Landings of groundfish by box

Spatial maps show Boxes that comprise 99% of landings for each species. Typically species are caught in all boxes.

Landings of Groundfish by state

Landings of groundfish by port (species in FMP)

Timing of Landings

What is the distribution of effort over the calendar year

Magnitude of Landings

What is the distribution of landings over the calendar year

Landings by Atlantis Box

compared to model output from v2.2.0

Landings (data) by box spatially

Landings are displayed for the Boxes which cumulatively make up 95% of the landings.

Boxes that contribute 95% of landings 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20

Ports Landings and revenue

Order the ports by NE groundfish landings and revenue.



Note there are 888588 records where revenue is NA. Revenue has been deflated to xxxx using the GDP Implicit Price Deflator

Select the main ports

The top ports ordered by landings or revenue are in relative agreement. The following ports are selected as the main ports to parameterize in the Atlantis model.

    • PORTLAND (220101)
    • PORTSMOUTH (SEABROOK) (320201, 320901)
    • GLOUCESTER (240207)
    • BOSTON (SCITUATE) (240115, 240813)
    • CHATHAM (PROVINCETOWN) (240301, 240601)
    • NEW BEDFORD (240403)
    • POINT JUDITH (420209)
    • none
    • MONTAUK (350635)

** Note: MONTAUK, NY added for historic reason (although it was in the top 20 ports)**

Landings by gear type by port

How do landings by gear type differ among ports


Landings (data) by box spatially for main ports

Landings are displayed for the Boxes which cumulatively make up 99% of the landings.

Aggregate remaining data as “other” fleet

The remaining ports (other than the ports listed above) make up ~10% of total landings. All trips associated with these ports will be combined to form one fleet which will fish in the footprint below. This maintains the communities at sea idea for the main ports but takes into account all remaining landings to satisfy model requirements

Total Landings over 1996-2021 = 5.507^{4} metric tons

Time series of landings by box of other fleet