The Atlantis-simulated focal species biological parameters in mskeyrun project
Model name and scenario, Species code, species name, length weight, and other biological parameters
A data frame
- ModSim
Atlantis model name and simulation id
- Code
Atlantis model three letter code for functional group
- Name
Atlantis model common name for functional group
- WLa
Weight-Length equation parameter a, W = aL^b
- WLb
Weight-Length equation parameter b, W = aL^b
- MinPreyWtProp
Lower limit of prey/predator weight ratio
- MaxPreyWtProp
Upper limit of prey/predator weight ratio
- SpawnMonth
Spawning month of year converted from Atlantis time_spawn day of year
- RecruitMonth
Recruits month of arrival in model converted from Atlantis time_spawn + recruit_time day of year; if >12 recruitment is following year from SpawnMonth
- AgeperAgecl
Number of annual ages per Atlantis age class
- NAgecl
Number of Atlantis age classes
- propMatAgecl1
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 1
- propMatAgecl2
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 2
- propMatAgecl3
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 3
- propMatAgecl4
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 4
- propMatAgecl5
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 5
- propMatAgecl6
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 6
- propMatAgecl7
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 7
- propMatAgecl8
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 8
- propMatAgecl9
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 9
- propMatAgecl10
Proportion mature in Atlantis age class 10