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Decisions from meeting June 3 2020

Notes were taken on the KEYRUN Kanban board under the epic KEYRUN-4 (a password is required to access these sites, but current information is copied below).

Objective: Develop a common input dataset for use in all keyrun models

The purpose of the June 3 meeting was to describe the decisions and components required to develop the common input dataset for the project.

Epic description

(This text copied from KEYRUN-4 Description and lightly edited)

Below is a list of potential stories under this Epic with links to other Epics. Numbers indicate order tasks need to be done (priority) established at the June 3 2020 meeting.

TODO: Add each story. Add done condition for each story.

  1. Document decisions on all stories below (maybe rmd) and document as we go for all datasets, Jira not searchable so establish decision document and documentation elsewhere (pull comment from done column? plugins may be available by license)

  2. Establish temporal and spatial dimensions for data (years, seasons, areas).

define Georges Bank for survey and fisheries which will not match, could use habitat model

  1. Establish species lists (Rpath KEYRUN-2 larger list than multispecies models KEYRUN-1 and KEYRUN-3)

  2. Define environmental data needed for each model

  3. Establish dataset standards (See e.g. condition work)

  4. Biomass index data from surveys for all models:

  5. Establish common definitions of fleets: applies to all catch data, discard data, and composition data.

  6. Catch (landings) data for all models:

    Rpath in KEYRUN-2

    Hydra and MSCAA in KEYRUN-1

    All other tested models in KEYRUN-3

  7. Discard data for all models, needs methods discussion/decision (check: Andy)

  8. Length composition data from surveys and fisheries for Hydra in KEYRUN-1 (check: Andy)

  9. Age composition data from surveys and fisheries for MSCAA in KEYRUN-1

  10. Define which diet and or consumption data from surveys and fisheries for all models

  11. Define which life history data from surveys and/or fisheries for all models (e.g. maturity, weight at age, maximum age for mortality estimation, etc)

Additional meeting notes

Progress on catch data:

Notes on mscatch and comlands. comlands in a package now. dataset from comland is input to mscatch which combines with observer data length samples, for each quarter/yr for species, gear, can assign length samples to each of those landings bins. done and tested. Discards not yet accounted for, difficult and needs decisions. mostly documented, decision process for filling blanks documented in log file. Canadian landings for GB may be needed.

there is a comdisc as well, computes discard to kept ratio. add to subtasks under discard story

Identify done criteria, meet them, then run by key stock assessment folks.


Stories have been added to the board as of 15 April, 2024:

## Warning: `includeHTML()` was provided a `path` that appears to be a complete HTML document.
##  Path: NMFS_JIRA_2020-06-15T_0_11_28-0400.html
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Displaying 11 issues at 15/Jun/20 10:11 AM.
Project Key Summary Issue Type Status Priority Resolution Assignee Reporter Creator Created Last Viewed Updated Resolved Affects Version/s Fix Version/s Component/s Due Date Votes Watchers Images Original Estimate Remaining Estimate Time Spent Work Ratio Sub-Tasks Linked Issues Environment Description Security Level Progress Σ Progress Σ Time Spent Σ Remaining Estimate Σ Original Estimate Labels Work Completed by Reviewer1 Data Timeframe NERO IT Documentation Project Due Date Data Set List Device Location Purpose Work Accepted by Recipient Org. Set Date Work Accepted Submission Format Submission Method Submission Instructions GARFO FDDC POC NEFSC FDDC POC RSA Project Code NER CCB Regulatory Deadline Number or Reviewers RSA Project Title Owner / Operator RSA Hull Number Vessel Name Development Schedule as Repeat Request? Additional Information Date of Request Request Declined by Date Needed by Geographic Area Set Date Work Verified Set Date Request Declined Sub-Task? Work Verified by Primary Stakeholder Milestone Schedule Project Overview Cost Estimate Resources Needed Requested By Constraints Assumptions Deploy Due PICSAF-Text Field Background Timeframe Business Objective Project Sponsor Executive Summary Request Priority Project Scope IT Security Considerations Project Objectives Risks JFP nFeed NERO PRD HCD Due Date Date Paperwork Submitted to OCIO Labor Category COR Group Employee Last Day Cell Phone S&T HR Groups Disposition Company EMAIL Division Date Work Completed Assignment Group NERO PRD HCD Role NERO PRD HCD Assign Multi Component Reported By Priority Contractor Company Scan Start Time Scan Request Date Account Types Test Plan Scan Stop Time Security Awareness Training Course Contract End Date RSA Program CAC Badge SVN Link NOAA Badge NNF Data Applications NNF FDDC Administrative Category RSA Vessel Permit Number Data Collection Methods Data Types Requesting Organizations Expected Data Volume SWI / ERT2 User Assigned To Other Names Used Date CAC Issued Action Lead Temporary Employment Other Action Work Start Date Country of Citizenship Specifications? PIFSC Report ID# Data Access Constraints Date Work Accepted Date Work Suspended Data Resource Name Date Review Started Date Work Request Cancelled Procedure Request Resolution PIFSC DARTS ID# Date of Last Action Date Request Authorized Date Request Declined Developer1 Date Work Results Verified Set Date Work Completed Data Summarization Details Data to Exclude Data to Include Date Progress Started Data Fields Requested Last Action Customer Input Requested by DR Last Action Review Outcome Notes ST6 Priority Recipient Authorizer Date Work Projected To Start FHII Vessel Organizational Readiness S&T Security Awareness Watchers Alternatives Federal Supervisor Technical Readiness? COR/Task Manager Project Readiness Details Epic Link Requester Sprint Epic Status Rank COR/Task Manager Capability Enhancement Details Capability Enhancement Areas ST Position Title Project Dependencies Termination Requested By NSA System / Schema NNF FDDC Summary NSA Priority Scheduled Start Time NSA System / Schema Name Background & Business Needs Beneficiaries NSA Labels Sunflower Equipment Issued NSA Rank Scheduled Stop Time Mandated Timeline ST6 Web Scan Watchers VOIP Key Stakeholders Mandated By TDY Public Relations Impact? Work Location Assignment Method Failure Impact VPN Component Existing functionality Public Relations Impacts Work Requirements Network Account NOAA Email Position Sensitivity Pitney-Bowes Funding Sources OCIO Dev Estimated Level of Effort Release Specific Roles and Responsibilities, Assumptions, Constraints, Risks, IT Security Considerations Resolution Notes Key Stakeholders Old Release Overview Release Specific Requirements Action Scope Finger Print Status OCIO QA/Test Estimated Level of Effort Action Initiation Date Employee Status Action Active Investigation Type Action Priority Hard Drive Monitors LDAP NNF Priority Matrix Quadrant IDI Trip ID LOBSTAH-Year NNF Final Decision Resources AIR Type Cardholder Submit Date GARFO RPM Requested Action Project Roles and Responsibilities GARFO RPM Original Permit ID Metadata Identifier Organization GARFO RPM Date Permit Reissued Package Location SEFSC Security Impacts ASP Data Requirements Impact ASP Metadata Requirements GARFO RPM Name of Requestor Steward Data Reviewer SEFSC Other Impacts Metadata Reviewer SEFSC Change Type Accounting Code SEFSC Change Rollback Date/Time Performance End Date SEFSC Business/User Impacts SEFSC Change Reason SEFSC Change Rollback Details SEFSC Software/Module Impacts SEFSC Network Impacts Environment Personal Telephone Number Security Awareness Training Completion Date Federal Supervisor's Phone Number Board Review Status Board Review Commentary Position Title Environment - select SEFSC Change End Date and Time Position Sensitivity SEFSC Service Interruption Suffix Key Stakeholders NPR Business Need ST6 Watchers Implementation date Personal Email Address Contract Number Notification plan Peer Sign-off Cascading Select Change checklist Previous DOC Assignments Previous Federal/DOC Work Dates Verification Federal Supervisor Integration NERO MAST TIME Total NERO MAST ACTUAL TIME Backout plan Workstation Re-Imaged Date CD# FHII Vessel Not Used Risk plan VoIP Removal Date Acceptance plan Departure Date Reviewed by Gender Team Name Team Members Problem Analysis Current State Date Account Deactivation Form Submitted Need Date Employee Server Accounts Removed Implementation Plan Ramifications Trust Wave Date User Profile Backed Up Future State Implementation procedure Pay.Gov CD/Hard Drive Surrender Date Date Request Completed Prerequisites Date Equipment Removed from Sunflower Metrics Approved By OITC Name OITC Approved Request Test Results Termination Date Termination Checklist Date CAC/NOAA Badge Retrieved Memory (in GB) Disk Space (in GB) NOAA Contact CPU (in cores) Work Results Verified by Specifications ASP DOI Requirements Message IP Address Domain Name Watchers Distinct Error Count SF Supervisor Team Lead Sequence Manager GAPSD Customer GAPSD Species Date Work Rejected GAPSD Project Type SEFSC Change Location SEFSC Change Date and Time SEFSC System Type Effort Incorporated Version Founder Sign-off Morale QA Completed On Total Days Spent NOAALink Worksheet Testing Notes status Link to play Frustration SEFSC Test Description CAM JIRA SVN Database SEFSC Test Scope Confluence SEFSC Test Results SAMBA Linux SFTP Start Date Name Employee Location Division Phone Type Needed Temporary Type Employee NNF Type of Change NNF Priority Ranking NNF Quadrant Ranking Data Collection Being Addressed Flagged NNF Documentation Required Story Points Epic/Theme NNF Labels FDDC Administration Category Business Value NNF FDDC Administration NNF Data Collections Epic Color Epic Name IDI Rec ID
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-24

Develop common biomass index data from surveys

Story Backlog Medium Unresolved Unassigned sean.lucey sean.lucey 12/Jun/20 2:51 PM 15/Jun/20 10:11 AM 13/Jun/20 8:48 AM           0 1   All of the models selected as part of this project need a time series of biomass.  The source of biomass will be the NEFSC bottom trawl survey.  Decisions will need to be made on whether to include both the fall and spring survey or even the winter and summer surveys which have much sorter time frames than the fall and spring.  A common strata set will need to be selected from which an index can be created.  For the full foodweb models, use of species specific surveys (clam, scallop, and shrimp) should be considered.
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u061ag:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-23

KEYRUN-5 Test and refine atlantisom diet functions

Sub-task Selected for Development Medium Unresolved sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas 11/Jun/20 2:16 PM 11/Jun/20 2:17 PM 11/Jun/20 2:17 PM           0 1   total consumption time series needed for each predator

ages/lengths in diets needed?

(diet proportion needed for food web models)
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-22

Discard data for all models, needs methods discussion/decision

Story Backlog Medium Unresolved Unassigned andrew.beet andrew.beet 03/Jun/20 11:53 AM 04/Jun/20 10:44 AM 03/Jun/20 11:53 AM           0 1   Discard estimates will be required for all species, space, time, fleet combinations.
* revisit Seans comdisc.r script to dealing with discards
* obtain documentation relating to how pop dynamics handle this (S.Wigley scripts?)
* add discard scripts to [comlandr|[]] or [mscatch|[|]] or create a new repo


Done when: Methodology finalized and code written to implement methods
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wg0:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-21

KEYRUN-14 Initialize github KEYRUN repo

Sub-task Done Medium Done sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas 03/Jun/20 11:46 AM 04/Jun/20 10:39 AM 03/Jun/20 12:50 PM 03/Jun/20 12:50 PM         0 1   Start bookdown? or simpler with standalone rmds/docs folder for:
# dataset dimension decisions 
# dataset source and methods documentation
# dataset descriptions, linked to datasets themselves in different repo folder
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-20

Length composition data from surveys and fisheries for Hydra in KEYRUN-1

Story Backlog Medium Unresolved Unassigned andrew.beet andrew.beet 03/Jun/20 11:40 AM   03/Jun/20 11:41 AM           0 1   Finalize dependent length data [mscatch|[]] (subtasks) :
* include discards
* aggregate length samples to semester
* aggregate length samples to annual
* test with comlandr data pulls
* seek approval from popdy
* include Canadian landings data (for GB)


Lengths composition from survey:
* ???


Done when: have sign off from pop dynamics

not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wew:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-19

Establish common definitions of fleets

Story Backlog High Unresolved Unassigned robert.gamble robert.gamble 03/Jun/20 10:25 AM   03/Jun/20 10:25 AM           0 1   Establish common definitions of fleets.  This applies to all:
* catch data
* discard data
* composition data

Done: Agreed upon list of fleets and how input data to them should be aggregated.  As much as possible, these definitions should be consistent across models with the understanding that some models may have different levels of aggregation and/or species lists.
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wdk:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-18

Establish dataset standards

Story Backlog Medium Unresolved Unassigned sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas 03/Jun/20 10:09 AM 03/Jun/20 10:09 AM 03/Jun/20 10:09 AM           0 1   Objective: interoperable base datasets for all models

Define filetype (available to all operating systems and software)

Define format (which attributes required, long vs wide)

Establish metadata describing units, source, etc

Establish minimum documentation standards

Define accessible location for all project participants
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wd4:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-17

Define environmental data needed for each model

Story Backlog Medium Unresolved Unassigned sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas 03/Jun/20 10:05 AM 03/Jun/20 10:05 AM 03/Jun/20 10:05 AM           0 1   Which data (if any) are needed for model keyruns?

List, ensure that it is available at spatial and temporal scales defined for KEYRUN-4
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wcw:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-16

Establish species lists for each model

Story Backlog Medium Unresolved Unassigned sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas 03/Jun/20 10:03 AM 03/Jun/20 10:03 AM 13/Jun/20 8:48 AM           0 1   longer list for Rpath food web model in KEYRUN-2

shorter list for structured and aggregate multispecies models in KEYRUN-1 and KEYRUN-3
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wco:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-15

Establish temporal and spatial dimensions for data

Story Backlog Medium Unresolved Unassigned sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas 03/Jun/20 10:00 AM 15/Jun/20 10:03 AM 13/Jun/20 8:48 AM           0 1   Define start and end year for time series

Define which seasons

Define spatial footprint: what is Georges Bank for survey and for fishery?
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wc8:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Multispecies model key run review KEYRUN-14

Document decision process

Story Backlog High Unresolved Unassigned sarah.gaichas sarah.gaichas 03/Jun/20 9:42 AM 04/Jun/20 10:57 AM 03/Jun/20 11:46 AM           0 1   KEYRUN-21 Have an rmd or other accessible doc where all decisions on other stories are recorded.
not planned No Access No Access Data Applications To be reviewed Completed Request Created
Common keyrun dataset 0|u05wbs:
No Not Prioritized N/A N/A System - Modification N/A N/A N/A
Need to determine what message will be displayed? Should be a description of what needs to be done as part of preparing DOIs for archival
None N/A N/A N/A FDDC Administration FDDC Administration Data Collections
Generated at Mon Jun 15 10:11:28 EDT 2020 by sarah.gaichas using Jira 8.3.4#803005-sha1:1f96e09b3c60279a408a2ae47be3c745f571388b.