Calculates the stratified mean. Details of method found here ...
areaPolygon = "NEFSC strata",
areaDescription = "STRATA",
filterByArea = "all",
groupDescription = "SVSPP",
filterByGroup = "all",
mergesexFlag = T,
tidy = F,
returnPrepData = F
Data table. NEFSC survey data generated by get_survdat_data.R
sf object or character string. Default = "NEFSC strata". The default option uses the survey strata shapefile bundled with the package.
To use any other shapefile for stratification, the shapefile must be read in as an sf object and the areaDescription
argument must be specified.
Character String. Column name from areaPolygon
that contains the strata designations.
Numeric vector. Set of areas to subset from the
of the areaPolygon
Character string. Which seasons of the surveyData
should be included. Choices include "SPRING", "FALL", or "all".
Character string. Column of prepData
contains the groups (e.g. "SVSPP") on which the means are based.
Character or numeric vector. Set of groups to subset from
. The default "all" will calculate means for all groups.
Boolean. Logical value to merge sexed species such as dogfish.
Boolean. Return output in long format (Default = F).
Boolean. Return both stratmeanData
and prepData
as a list object. The default (F) returns only the stratmeanData
as a
data frame
Other survdat:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Pull data and apply conversion corrections
data <- get_survdat_data(channel)
# Calculate stratified mean for specific survey strata for the SPRING season
calc_stratified_mean(surveyData=data$survdat, filterByArea=c(1220, 1240, 1260:1290,1360:1400),filterBySeason = "SPRING")
# Calculate stratified mean for area defined by EPU regions, for all seasons ("SPRING", "FALL")
# Read in EPU shapefile (loaded as part of the package)
area <- sf::st_read(dsn = system.file("extdata","EPU.shp",package="survdat"),quiet=T)
calc_stratified_mean(surveyData=data$survdat, areaPolygon=area, areaDescription="EPU", filterByArea="all",filterBySeason = "all")
} # }