Once you are granted permission to access the database and have Oracle’s instant Client installed you can make a connection as follows:
channel <- dbutils::connect_to_database(server="servername",uid="yourUsername")
is an object inherited from the
DBIConnection-class. This object is passed as an argument to functions
in survdat
Pulling the data can take up to 15 minutes to complete. see
for details. To pull the survey data with
conversion corrections applied use the following:
data <- get_survdat_data(channel)
To pull biological traits of individual fish sampled on the survey cruise
data <- get_survdat_data(channel, getBio=TRUE)
is a list of 5 elements.
For detailed information
Two shape files are included in the package, strata.shp
and EPU.shp
To read and plot the EPU.shp
areaPolygon <- sf::st_read(dsn = system.file("extdata","EPU.shp",package="survdat"), quiet=T)
Swept area biomass is estimated for particular regions of interest. These regions are specified via shape files.
All shapefiles are required to be an sf (simple features) object.
calc_swept_area(data$survdat,areaPolygon=areaPolygon,areaDescription="EPU",filterByArea="GB",filterBySeason = "SPRING")
The filterByArea
value should be one of the values found
in the areaDescription
field of the shapefile
calc_swept_area(data$survdat,areaPolygon=areaPolygon,areaDescription="EPU",filterByArea="GB",filterBySeason = "SPRING",tidy=T)
To visualize the overlap of the survey data and the regions, first define a coordinate reference system (crs) in which to project both the points and the shapefile. Convert the LAT and LON coordinates to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid (crs = 4326)
crs <- 4326
points <- sf::st_as_sf(data$survdat,coords=("LON","LAT"), crs=crs)
# plot data with regions