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US landings by trip are pulled from STOCKEFF via get_comland_raw_data() and grouped by year, month, negear, toncl2, nespp3, nespp4, area, utilcd, mesh, market_code from which spplivlb, sppvalue, and spplndlb are summed.

  • Mesh category (MESHCAT) is then defined as either SM (<= 3 inches) or LG (> 3 inches) depending on whether a trip reported a mesh size

  • Depending on the value of the argument useLanded, meat weight or live weight is used for shellfish species (NESPP3 codes for shellfish are 743:800). Use get_species() or get_species_itis() to associate common or scientific names to these shellfish codes

  • Fish parts are removed. For a list of removed fish part codes, see vignette("fishPartsRemoved")

  • All weight is converted from lbs to metric tons