Connect to the database

Once you are granted permission to access the database and have Oracle’s instant Client installed you can make a connection as follows:

channel <- dbutils::connect_to_database(server="servername",uid="yourUsername")

channel is an object inherited from the DBIConnection-class. This object is passed as an argument to functions in comnlandr

Pull Raw Data

Pulling the raw data takes up to 15 minutes to complete. see get_comland_data for details. To pull the commercial data with shellfish represented as meat weight (landed = “y”)

data <- get_comland_data(channel,landed="y",endyear=2019,out.dir=here::here())

data is a data frame (see ?get_comland_data) for more details

This data is considered the raw data and does not contain any corrections that stock assessment scientists may do. For example, market categories representing parts of a fish are not removed.

Corrected Raw Data

The raw data is processed to in several ways

  • Fish parts are removed
  • Separate little and winter skate aggregate based on survey proportions
  • Separate silver hake and offshore hake based on survey proportions
  • Herring data are pulled from Maine database
  • catch with missing fields (AREA, Size, Gear) are assigned based on trips with similar characteristics (Palmer ????)
  • Additional Foreign landings are added from NAFO*

To calculate the processed Raw data with default arguments:
