Inspects each time point. If at any point in time a species falls below or rises above predefined bounds it is flagged. The term "reasonable" is based on survey data when available.
A character string. Path to location of functional groups file.
A character string. Path to the BiomIndx.txt file.
Numeric Scalar. Year in which the model run was initiated. (Default = 1964)
Numeric Scalar. Year in which the model finishes spin up period. (Default = 1998)
Character vector. A vector of Atlantis species codes in which to test for reasonableness
(Default = NULL, uses all species found in modelBiomass
. Species codes should be a subset of the Atlantis species codes
A data frame. biomass time series (from assessments, stock SMART or otherwise) for species.
should be in long format with column labels (YEAR,variable,value,Code,Species,isFishedSpecies)
variable should contain value = "biomass" (Biomass units should be in metric tonnes) and/or "var" if useVariance = T
Boolean. If to use variance estimates of biomass (included in realBiomass
) (Default = F, reverts to using surveyBounds
as upper and lover bounds)
Numeric scalar. Number of years from the end of the time series for which reasonableness is checked. (Default = NULL, contemporary period from startYr is used)
Numeric vector. Size of 1x2 containing the values in which to multiple lower and upper bounds of observed data. For example (Default = c(1,1)) indicating use of min and max of observed biomass
Numeric vector. Size of 1x2 containing lower and upper bound proportions used to scale initial biomass. This is used for groups/species that dont have surveys
Returns a data frame of species
The common name of the species/functional group as described in Atlantis input file
Atlantis Code for species/functional group
Starting value of Biomass for species/functional group. From model output
The smallest value of biomass observed in the run
The largest value of biomass observed in the run
The maxBiomass as a proportion of the inintial biomass
Magnitude of lower bound excedence as a proportion of lower threshold
Magnitude of upper bound excedence as a proportion of upper threshold
max of propBelowLower
and propAboveUpper
The first year reasonableness was not met
The last year reasonableness was not met
The total number of years that reasonableness was not met
Measure of the goodness of fit
number of observations used in the goodness of fit
Boolean. Indicates if the Atlantis group passed reasonability
Character. Indicate how pass
was determined. If the Atlantis species is fished and the species is a stand alone species in the model
then survey data is used to assess reasonability. Otherwise deviations from initial biomass is used
Other diags:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Declare paths to files required
biomind <- paste("Full path to file","xxxBiomIndx.txt")
fgs <- paste("Full path to file","functionalGroups.csv")
# read in survey biomass and convert to metric tons
realBiomass <- readRDS(paste0(dataDir,"sweptAreaBiomassNEUS.rds")) %>%
dplyr::filter(variable %in% c("tot.biomass")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(value=ifelse(grepl("kg$",units),value/1000,value)) %>%
# Perform reasonability test on all species/groups using the last 20 years of the run.
# Allow species with data to be bounded by 100 x max observed biomass and 1 x min observed biomass.
# For species without data allow model biomass to lie between 0.5 and 2 times initial biomass
diag_reasonability(fgs, biomind, initialYr = 1964, realBiomass=realBiomass,
surveyBounds = c(1,100), initBioBounds = c(0.5,2))
# Only perform test on herring and white hake.
diag_reasonability(fgs, biomind, initialYr = 1964, speciesCodes =c("MAK","WHK"),
realBiomass=realBiomass, surveyBounds = c(1,100), initBioBounds = c(0.5,2))
} # }