determines whether the simulated fleets catcht the right magnitude and spatial distribution of catch
over the last n years of a run.
speciesCodes = NULL,
nYrs = 20,
min.dist = 100,
relChangeThreshold = 0.01
A character string. Path to location of functional groups file.
A character string. Path to the fishery definitions file.
A character string. Path to catch nc file
A character string. Path to the bgm file.
A data.frame containing reference catch by fleet data (species|fleet|polygon|ref.value)
Character vector. A vector of Atlantis species codes in which to test for stability.
Numeric scalar. Number of years from the end of the time series that stability must occur.
Numeric Scalar. Maximum distance between model and reference center of gravity
Numeric Scalar. Maximum magnitude of relative change of slope (Default = 0.01)
Returns a data frame of all species and how they measure up against the catch by fleet criteria
The common name of the species/functional group
The fleet name from the fisheries file
Double. The mean catch in mT over the last nYrs of the model
Double. The reference catch (mT)
Double. The mean x-coordinate center of gravity from the model
Double. The mean x-coordinate center of gravity from the reference
Double. The mean y-coordinate center of gravity from the model
Double. The mean y-coordinate center of gravity from the reference
Double. The mean distance between the center of gravity between the model and reference
Logical. Is the relative difference between model and refernece catch within +/- relChangeThreshold?
Logical. Is the distance between center of gravity betwene model and reference less than min.dist?
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