Calculate average size of fish through time and check to see if any fish exceed the user supplied observed maximum size. Both maximum weight and maximum length are used
speciesCodes = NULL
A character string. Path to location of main nc file.
A character string. Path to location of box coordinates bgm file.
A character string. Path to location of initial conditions nc file.
A character string. Path to location of functional groups file.
A character string. Path to location of run parameter file file.
A character string. Path to location of biology parameter file.
Data frame. Must contain at least 3 columns labeled code
- Atlantis species codes
- a value (g) indicating the maximum weight the species should weigh,
- a value (cm) indicating the maximum length the species should grow to.
Character vector. A vector of Atlantis species codes in which to test for large fish. (Default = NULL, uses all species)
Returns a data frame indicating which species meet defined max weight/length criterion.
The common name of the species/functional group
Atlantis Code for species/functional group
Polygon in which the largest individual occupies
Age class of the largest individual
Time in which the largest individual was found (Decimal years)
Maximum length of species in Atlantis (cm)
Maximum observed length of species (cm) - from litereature
Maximum mean weight of indivdual in Atlantis (g)
Maximum observed weight of species (g) - from litereature
Boolean indicating whether species maximum weight (from Atlantis) falls below max observed weight
ratio of atlantis max weight to observed max weight
Boolean indicating whether species maximum length (from Atlantis) falls below max observed length
ratio of atlantis max length to observed max length