Report Structure/ Orientation
Overview of 2019 New England State of the Ecosystem
Notable Improvements
New Avenues for Ecosystem Information
The IEA Loop1
The purpose of this report is to synthesize available information relevant to fishery management in the New England portion of the US Northeast Shelf. This 2019 report highlights where management interventions have proven successful to achieve ecological objectives, but also characterizes the considerable challenges for management posed by climate change and increasing trade-offs across conservation, fishing, and other human activities in this region. Finally, we describe combinations of ecological signals that present opportunities for further integrated research and possibly creative management solutions.
Human dimensions
Protected species
Fish and invertebrates (managed and otherwise)
Habitat quality and ecosystem productivity
Objective Categories | Indicators |
Seafood Production | Landings by feeding guild |
Profits | Revenue by feeding guild |
Recreation | Number of anglers and trips; recreational catch |
Stability | Diversity indices (fishery and species) |
Social & Cultural | Commercial and recreational reliance |
Biomass | Biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys |
Productivity | Condition and recruitment of managed species |
Trophic structure | Relative biomass of feeding guilds, primary productivity |
Habitat | Estuarine and offshore habitat conditions |
Status (short-term) and trend (long-term) of components are measured as indicators and plotted in a standardized way
Indicators are selected to
Be broadly informative about a component in a management context1-3
Minimize redundancy of information
Be responsive to ecosystem change
[1] Rice J. C.Rochet M. J. "A framework for selecting a suite of indicators for fisheries management." ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 (2005): 516–527.
[2] Link J. 2010. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Confronting Tradeoffs . Cambridge University Press, New York.
[3] Zador, Stephani G., et al. "Ecosystem considerations in Alaska: the value of qualitative assessments." ICES Journal of Marine Science 74.1 (2017): 421-430.
Guild | MAFMC | Joint | NEFMC | State or Other |
Apex Predator | NA | NA | NA | bluefin tuna, shark uncl, swordfish, yellowfin tuna |
Piscivore | bluefish, summer flounder | goosefish, spiny dogfish | acadian redfish, atlantic cod, atlantic halibut, clearnose skate, little skate, offshore hake, pollock, red hake, silver hake, smooth skate, thorny skate, white hake, winter skate | fourspot flounder, john dory, sea raven, striped bass, weakfish, windowpane |
Planktivore | atlantic mackerel, butterfish, longfin squid, northern shortfin squid | NA | atlantic herring | alewife, american shad, blackbelly rosefish, blueback herring, cusk, longhorn sculpin, lumpfish, menhaden, northern sand lance, northern searobin, sculpin uncl |
Benthivore | black sea bass, scup, tilefish | NA | american plaice, barndoor skate, crab,red deepsea, haddock, ocean pout, rosette skate, winter flounder, witch flounder, yellowtail flounder | american lobster, atlantic wolffish, blue crab, cancer crab uncl, chain dogfish, cunner, jonah crab, lady crab, smooth dogfish, spider crab uncl, squid cuttlefish and octopod uncl, striped searobin, tautog |
Benthos | atlantic surfclam, ocean quahog | NA | sea scallop | blue mussel, channeled whelk, sea cucumber, sea urchin and sand dollar uncl, sea urchins, snails(conchs) |
Feeding guilds assigned based on NEFSC food habits data base
Simplified from existing guild structures1,2
[1] Garrison, Lance P, and Jason S Link. 2000. “Dietary guild structure of the fish community in the Northeast United States continental shelf ecosystem.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 202:231–40.
[2] Link, Jason S, Carolyn A Griswold, Elizabeth T Methratta, and Jessie Gunnard. 2006. Documentation for the energy modeling and analysis exercise (EMAX). US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic; Atmospheric Administration.
Because we focus on ecosystem context, we've aggregated species in most of our indicators up to the level of feeding guild, shown here.
These feeding guilds were derived from NEFSC food habits data and existing guilds identified in the literature
Current bycatch levels suggest that management actions have been effective in reducing harbor porpoise bycatch
The maps here show density estimates of the widely distributed harbor porpoise in the spring and fall months, as estimated by the Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species.
The red line in the time series plot shows the potential biological removal. Above this line removals from the population will prevent the stock from reaching a stable population size.
2016 and 2017 estimates for bycatch are among the lowest values in the series, suggest that management actions have been effective in reducing harbor porpoise bycatch.
While management action has had a postive impact on harbor porpoise mortality, there are multiple signals indicating challenges to meeting management goals.
Management objectives are being met for 20 species at the single species level, but 9 stocks are below biomass thresholds.
Many social-ecological systems in New England are reliant on lobster, as in Gulf of Maine, or scallop, for Georges Bank. As these species are considered moderately to highly at risk due to climate change, the communities dependent on them could be a heightened risk as well.
Maine and South coast of MA have high reliance
This reliance becomes apparent if we look at the breakdown of catch volume and prices by feeding guild.
In these figures, the catch price is shown in blue and the catch volume is shown in green, and total revenue change from the long term is shown by the black line. It's not perfect, but it's relatively clear that the benthivore feeding guild is driving revenue in Gulf of Maine and benthos in Georges Bank.
Along with strong reliance on a few species in New England, we've also seen a decline in catch of managed species since the mid 1980s.
Positive long-term trend for diversity of catch in New England recreational fisheries
Overall decline in rec seafood harvest since 1980s
Increase in recreational effort (n anglers) since the mid 90s
While commercial fisheries have high specialization of catch, there's a positive long-term trend for recreational catch diversity in the recreational sector.
Updated Marine Recreational Information Program data shows that there's been an upswing in harvest since the mid-90s, although the trend overall is negative
An increase in diversity of recreational catch will likely benefit communities that are reliant upon recreational fisheries by increasing their resilience to ecosystem changes.
North Atlantic right whales (NARW)
Evidence suggests that the level of interaction between NARWs, fixed gear (US and CAN) is contributing to the decline of the species
Fisheries interactions are the largest contributor to NARW mortality, with more than half of the mortality events in 2018-2019 attributed to vessel strikes or entanglement
Changing ecosystem conditions may contribute to increased interactions between NARW and fisheries.
Changes in fishery management to address the issue of fishery interactions with protected species could have large implications for the fixed gear sector, and particularly for pot gear fisheries like lobster.
MA gray seal population between 30-40,000 individuals
Annual gray seal bycatch mortality ~900
Unusual Mortality Event declared for seals (gray and harbor)
Seal diet studies underway to understand role in fisheries
Image credit: NOAA Fisheries
Unusual mortality event in gray and harbor seals may be caused by phocine distemper virus
Northeast US shelf is still among the fastest warming waters globally
Most northerly Gulf Stream north wall positions ever recorded 2014-2017
Advice for managing in the face of rapid, unprecedented ecosystem changes?
NE Shelf Long-term SST
Gulf Stream Index
SST Figure on left shows estimated time series of SST extending back to to 1850s. *7 out of 10 of the hottest years have been in the past decade
GSI The figure on the right shows that deviation from the mean latitude of the north wall of the gulf stream, showing anomalously high value for the past 5 years
Townsend, D. W., Pettigrew, N. R., Thomas, M. A., Neary, M. G., McGillidcuddy, D. J., O'Donnell, J (2015), Water masses and nutrient sources to the Gulf of Maine, Journal of Marine Research, 73: 93-122.
Regional currents are major influencers of ocean temperatures in the NW Atlantic
The Gulf Stream is a reliable indicator of bottom water temps
An offshoot of the gulf stream is the warm slope water, which makes its way into gulf of maine through the northeast channel
Warming oceans have implications for suitable fish habitat, which is predicted to decline for many NE species1
Kleisner, Kristin M., et al. "Marine species distribution shifts on the US Northeast Continental Shelf under continued ocean warming." Progress in Oceanography 153 (2017): 24-36.
These changes have implications for fish populations in the region that are already at the southern extent of their ranges, like Atlantic cod. Suitable habitat for these species is predicted to contract as waters continue to warm.
Distributions of managed species within feeding guilds have changed.
Increase in MAFMC species proportiongs in GOM/GB driven by mackerel
The decline in NEFMC species in the mid survey is driven mostly by ocean pout, which has seen proportional declines in the gulf of maine and georges bank survey
Warmer waters affect vertical distribution of prey species
High diet diversity in past decade may be the result of decreases in preferred prey type (hake, sandlance)
To assess the size structure of copepods in the region, we use the small-large index.
NEFMC Condition Factor
Looking at condition in aggregate across all managed stocks, we can see a clear decline in condition between 2000-2010
Recent improvement within past decade
Interestingly, the drop-off in condition around 2000 resembles a shift in zooplankton size-structure on the shelf, and this is a topic for future research
Reporting the information is not enough
Back-end critical for describing collection, analyses, and processing
This workflows also ensures that there's no information lost between SOE cycles. We know exactly how a data set was analyzed and handled so that the data can be updated for next year's reports.
First provided for 2018 summer flounder assessment
Provides seasonal ecosystem information for stock areas
A new approach to incorporating ecosystem information into the management process is the ECSA, or the Ecosystem Context for Stock Assessment, which is the brainchild of Kevin Friedland, and relies heavily on his modeling work on the shelf.
The goal of the ECSA is to provide seasonal ecosystem information for specific stocks, so that ecosystem information can form a backdrop for the stock assessment process.
An exciting part of the ECSA is that the data are visualized in an interactive way and data are quickly accessible
Automated workflows for rapid generation of reports
Transparent and reproducible methods
Developed specifically for science audience
Positive feedback overall, will continue building out ECSA for assessments
The ECSA is a very different product from the State of the Ecosystem report, but relies on many of the same principals we use to develop the SOE
Specifically, we rely upon automated workflows, and in the case of the ECSA, this allows us to rapidly generate reports for single stocks.
By hosting our work on open-source platforms like github, we ensure that our analyses are transparent for those whom are interested. This further allows us to elaborate upon our methods in detail without overwhelming readers.
A major difference in the two reports is the audience each report is aimed at. By design, State of the Ecosystem reports are high-level overviews, whereas the ECSA is technical and aimed at stock-assessment scientists.
Slides available at
The New England and Mid-Atlantic SOEs made possible by (at least) 38 contributors from 8 intstitutions
Donald Anderson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
Amani Bassyouni (Virginia Department of Health)
Lisa Calvo (Rutgers)
Matthew Camisa (MA Division of Marine Fisheries)
Patricia Clay
Lisa Colburn
Geret DePiper
Deb Duarte
Michael Fogarty
Paula Fratantoni
Kevin Friedland
Sarah Gaichas
James Gartland (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Heather Haas
Sean Hardison
Kimberly Hyde
Terry Joyce (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
John Kosik
Steve Kress (National Audubon Society)
Scott Large
Don Lyons (National Audubon Society)
Loren Kellogg
David Kulis (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
Sean Lucey
Chris Melrose
Ryan Morse
Kimberly Murray
Chris Orphanides
Richard Pace
Charles Perretti
Karl Roscher (Maryland Department of Natural Resources)
Vincent Saba
Laurel Smith
Mark Terceiro
John Walden
Harvey Walsh
Mark Wuenschel
Qian Zhang (Unversity of Maryland and US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program)
Report Structure/ Orientation
Overview of 2019 New England State of the Ecosystem
Notable Improvements
New Avenues for Ecosystem Information
The IEA Loop1
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