Data include daily heatwave anomaly for most recent year.
Data set contains 3129 rows and 12 columns
doy: Day of Year.
t: Date.
temp: Temperature.
seas: Climatological Temperature (1982-max year).
thresh: Climatological threshold indicator anything above is a heatwave.
threshCriterion: If TRUE then temperature is above the 90th percentile of the long term average.
durationCriterion: If TRUE the temp has been above threshold for 5 or more days (surface) and 30 or more days (bottom).
event: If TRUE indicates heatwave event.
event_no: Heatwave number.
EPU: Ecological Production Unit (EPU) where sampling occurred.
Year: Year
Var: Variable
More information including processing and indicator derivation steps are available at https://noaa-edab.github.io/tech-doc/marine_heatwave.html.