Ecosystem indicators linked to management objectives (DePiper et al., 2017)
Open science emphasis (Bastille et al., 2020)
Used within Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Ecosystem Process (Muffley et al., 2020)
The IEA Loop1
Ecosystem and Socioeconomic Profiles (ESPs)
Objective Categories | Indicators reported |
Provisioning and Cultural Services | |
Seafood Production | Landings; commercial total and by feeding guild; recreational harvest |
Profits | Revenue decomposed to price and volume |
Recreation | Angler trips; recreational fleet diversity |
Stability | Diversity indices (fishery and ecosystem) |
Social & Cultural | Community engagement/reliance and environmental justice status |
Protected Species | Bycatch; population (adult and juvenile) numbers, mortalities |
Supporting and Regulating Services | |
Biomass | Biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys |
Productivity | Condition and recruitment of managed species, primary productivity |
Trophic structure | Relative biomass of feeding guilds, zooplankton |
Habitat | Estuarine and offshore habitat conditions |
Characterizing ecosystem change for fishery management
Spatial scale
A glossary of terms (2021 Memo 5), detailed technical methods documentation and indicator data are available online.
Key to figures
Trends assessed only for 30+ years: more information
Orange line = significant increase
Purple line = significant decrease
No color line = not significant or < 30 yearsGrey background = last 10 years
Andy's arfit
R package integrated into ecodata
Tests for significant trend, null hypothesis is mean with autocorrelation (no trend)
Apply to most recent 10 years of each dataset
Decision based on how strange some of them looked
Has implications for risk assessment scoring
All participants:
This meeting, Jan 21-23
Group edit, Jan 27-Feb 7
Lead editors:
Internal review, Feb 14-28
Document public: Mar 7
SSC presentations: March
Council presentations: April
These are the basis of 2025--discuss what to change
Performance relative to management objectives
Seafood production ,
Profits ,
Recreational opportunities: Effort
; Effort diversity
Stability: Fishery
; Ecological
Social and cultural, trend not evaluated, status of:
Protected species:
Performance relative to management objectives - Georges Bank
Seafood production Total , Managed
, Both
Profits ,
Recreational opportunities: Effort ,
; Effort diversity
Stability: Fishery , Commercial
; Ecological
Social and cultural, trend not evaluated, status of:
Protected species:
Performance relative to management objectives - Gulf of Maine
Seafood production ,
Profits Total ,
; NEFMC Managed
Recreational opportunities: Effort ,
; Effort diversity
Stability: Fishery , Commercial
; Ecological
Social and cultural, trend not evaluated, status of:
Protected species:
Risks to meeting fishery management objectives
Climate: risks to spatial and seasonal management, quota setting and rebuilding
Other ocean uses: offshore wind development
New section in 2024: 2023 Highlights
Notable 2023 events and conditions
The memo is organized into categories by topic, and categories are listed in descending order of overall (2022) priority based on approximate weighting within the category.
Therefore, a range of priority may be applied to individual requests within a category even though the entire category has an overall priority.
The subgroup agreed to keep this group priority ranking
SSC: Link to current memo
SSC: Link to overview
System level thresholds/reference points: highest, much methods work in progress
Management: high, resource limited
Regime shifts: high, need system level framework
Multiple system drivers: moderate-high, many unranked requests
Functional group level status/thresholds/reference points: moderate, many in progress
Stock level indicators: moderate, ESPs better venue
SOE administration: unranked
System level thresholds/reference points Includes requests to develop analytical methods that can be applied across all indicator types and operationalized for management advice. Much of this high priority methodological work is in progress. Management Includes analyses related to management performance. Work on this category is resource limited. Short term forecasts Includes requests for biological and environmental forecasts. These forecasts may be forthcoming from CEFI products once they are tested. Regime shifts Many analyses have been conducted and are in progress for individual ecosystem components, but a unifying framework with consistent methods is needed for the SOE. Multiple system drivers This category has the most requests. Most unranked requests from 2023 are in this category. Prioritization within this category is sorely needed. Functional group level status/thresholds/reference points Most of these requests are in progress. Stock level indicators Requests for this information may be more appropriately directed to stock specific ecosystem products such as Ecosystem and Socioeconomic Profiles (ESPs).
These newer requests were ranked highest within each category
System level thresholds/reference points: highest
Management: high
Short term forecasts: high
Regime shifts: high
SSC: link to full list, comments welcome!
These newer requests were ranked highest within each category
Multiple system drivers: moderate-high
Functional group level status/thresholds/reference points: moderate
Stock level indicators: moderate, ESPs
SSC: link to full list, comments welcome!
Ecosystem indicators linked to management objectives (DePiper et al., 2017)
Open science emphasis (Bastille et al., 2020)
Used within Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Ecosystem Process (Muffley et al., 2020)
The IEA Loop1
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