Evolving ecosystem approach in the Mid-Atlantic
"Can we integrate ecosystem considerations into operational fishery management?"
"What should managers do with information on fish ecology?"
Diverse stakeholders agreed that an ecosystem approach was necessary. Developing and implementing an ecosystem approach to fishery management was done in collaboration between managers, stakeholders, and scientists.
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Ecosystem Approach (EAFM)
Tailoring ecosystem reporting for fishery managers
Mid-Atlantic EAFM: risk assessment ++
Next steps: what would you do?
[Extra slides: more ecosystem indicators]
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
Eight regional Fishery Management Councils establish plans for sustainable management of stocks within their jurisdictions. All are governed by the same law, but tailor management to their regional stakeholder needs.
"We rebuilt all the stocks, so why is everyone still pissed off?" --Rich Seagraves
in 2011, the Council asked:
And many people answered, from commercial fishery, recreational fishery, environmental organization, and interested public perspectives.
Visioning report:
• There is a lack of confidence in the data that drive fishery management decisions.
• Stakeholders are not as involved in the Council process as they can and should be.
• Different jurisdictions and regulations among the many fishery management organizations result in complexity and inconsistency.
• There is a need for increased transparency and communications in fisheries management.
• The dynamics of the ecosystem and food web should be considered to a greater extent in fisheries management decisions.
• Stakeholders are not adequately represented on the Council.
• Pollution is negatively affecting the health of fish stocks.
Visioning report, p. 3:
Visioning Project → Strategic Plan with one objective to develop
"A non-regulatory umbrella document intended to guide Council policy with respect to ecosystem considerations across existing Fishery Management Plans"
Details, including workshop presentations and white papers: http://www.mafmc.org/eafm
The Mid-Atlantic Council identified several theme areas from the visioning project as noted in the left panel of the workflow graphic: forage fish, species interactions, social and economic issues, climate and habitat. The Council held full day workshops during Council meetings where experts on the topics provided overviews and Council members asked questions and discussed the issues. Workships on Forage fish, Climate, Climate and Governance, Interactions (species and fleet), and Habitat were held between 2013 and 2015, resulting in white papers on Forage fish, Climate (and habitat), Interactions (species, fleet, climate, and habitat). Social and economic considerations were integrated in each workshop rather than looked at separately.
2016 Ecosystem Approach to Fishery Management (EAFM) Policy Guidance document: http://www.mafmc.org/s/EAFM-Doc-Revised-2019-02-08.pdf
Mid-Atlantic EAFM framework (Gaichas, et al., 2016):
The Council’s EAFM framework has similarities to the IEA loop on slide 2. It uses risk assessment as a first step to prioritize combinations of managed species, fleets, and ecosystem interactions for consideration. Second, a conceptual model is developed identifying key environmental, ecological, social, economic, and management linkages for a high-priority fishery. Third, quantitative modeling addressing Council-specified questions and based on interactions identified in the conceptual model is applied to evaluate alternative management strategies that best balance management objectives. As strategies are implemented, outcomes are monitored and the process is adjusted, and/or another priority identified in risk assessment can be addressed.
Ecosystem indicators linked to management objectives (DePiper, et al., 2017)
Open science emphasis (Bastille, et al., 2021)
Used within Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Ecosystem Process (Muffley, et al., 2021)
Objective Categories | Indicators reported |
Provisioning and Cultural Services | |
Seafood Production | Landings; commercial total and by feeding guild; recreational harvest |
Profits | Revenue decomposed to price and volume |
Recreation | Angler trips; recreational fleet diversity |
Stability | Diversity indices (fishery and ecosystem) |
Social & Cultural | Community engagement/reliance and environmental justice status |
Protected Species | Bycatch; population (adult and juvenile) numbers, mortalities |
Supporting and Regulating Services | |
Biomass | Biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys |
Productivity | Condition and recruitment of managed species, primary productivity |
Trophic structure | Relative biomass of feeding guilds, zooplankton |
Habitat | Estuarine and offshore habitat conditions |
Objectives derived from (DePiper, et al., 2017)
Characterizing ecosystem change for fishery management
Spatial scale
A glossary of terms, detailed technical methods documentation, and indicator data and catalog are available online.
Key to figures
Trends assessed only for 30+ years: more information
Orange line = significant increase
Purple line = significant decrease
No color line = not significant or < 30 yearsGrey background = last 10 years
Performance relative to management objectives
Seafood production ,
Profits ,
Recreational opportunities: Effort
; Effort diversity
Stability: Fishery
; Ecological
Social and cultural, trend not evaluated, status of:
Protected species:
Risks to meeting fishery management objectives
Climate: risks to spatial and seasonal management, quota setting and rebuilding
Other ocean uses: offshore wind development
New section this year: 2023 Highlights
Notable 2023 events and conditions
This element is applied at the ecosystem level. Revenue serves as a proxy for commercial profits.
Risk Level | Definition |
Low | No trend and low variability in revenue |
Low-Moderate | Increasing or high variability in revenue |
Moderate-High | Significant long term revenue decrease |
High | Significant recent decrease in revenue |
This element is applied at the ecosystem level. Revenue serves as a proxy for commercial profits.
Risk Level | Definition |
Low | No trend and low variability in revenue |
Low-Moderate | Increasing or high variability in revenue |
Moderate-High | Significant long term revenue decrease |
High | Significant recent decrease in revenue |
SOE Implications: Recent change driven by benthos. Monitor changes in climate and landings drivers:
Indicator: Commercial landings
Indicators: Recreational harvest
Multiple potential drivers of landings changes: ecosystem and stock production, management actions, market conditions, and environmental change.
The long-term declining trend in landings didn't change.
Indicator: Stock status
Most stocks have good status. Spiny dogfish B and F status have improved. Mackerel F status has improved, but B is still below the threshold. Summer flounder F exceeds the limit.
Indicators: Total ABC or ACL, and Realized catch relative to management target
Few managed species have binding limits; Management less likely playing a role
Stock status affects catch limits established by the Council, which in turn may affect landings trends. Summed across all MAFMC managed species, total Acceptable Biological Catch or Annual Catch Limits (ABC or ACL) have been relatively stable 2012-2020 (top). With the addition of blueline tilefish management in 2017, an additional ABC and ACL contribute to the total 2017-2020. Discounting blueline tilefish, the recent total ABC or ACL is lower relative to 2012-2013, with much of that decrease due to declining Atlantic mackerel ABC.
Nevertheless, the percentage caught for each stock’s ABC/ACL suggests that these catch limits are not generally constraining as most species are well below the 1/1 ratio (bottom). Therefore, stock status and associated management constraints are unlikely to be driving decreased landings for the majority of species.
Biomass does not appear to drive landings trends
Key: Black = NEFSC survey; Red = NEAMAP survey New species categories, more southern species in Benthivores
Declining managed benthos, aggregate planktivores
Markets and availability (benthos), fishery consolidation (planktivores)
Stock status is above the minimum threshold for all but two stocks, and aggregate biomass trends appear stable, so the decline in managed commercial seafood landings is most likely driven by market dynamics affecting the landings of surfclams and ocean quahogs, as landings have been below quotas for these species. In addition, regional availability of scallops has contributed to the decline of benthos landings not managed by the MAFMC, with some of the most productive grounds currently closed through rotational management. The long term decline in total planktivore landings is largely driven by Atlantic menhaden fishery dynamics, including a consolidation of processors leading to reduced fishing capacity between the 1990s and mid-2000s.
Recreational drivers differ: shark fishery management, possibly survey methodology
Climate change also seems to be shifting the distribution of surfclams and ocean quahogs, resulting in areas with overlapping distributions and increased mixed landings. Given the regulations governing mixed landings, this could become problematic in the future and is currently being evaluated by the Council.
Indicators: Fish distribution shifts
Cetacean distribution shifts
Drivers: Forage shifts, temperature increase
Drivers: changing ocean habitat
Cold pool temperature and spatial extent
Future considerations
Adapting management to changing stock distributions and dynamic ocean processes will require continued monitoring of populations in space and evaluating management measures against a range of possible future spatial distributions.
Indicators: spawning timing, migration change
Cold pool seasonal persistence
Future considerations
Management actions that rely on effective alignment of fisheries availability and biological processes should continue to evaluate whether prior assumptions on seasonal timings still hold.
New indicators should be developed to monitor timing shifts for stocks.
Species level risk elements
Species | Assess | Fstatus | Bstatus | PreyA | PredP | FW2Prey | Climate | DistShift | EstHabitat | OffHab |
Ocean Quahog | lowest | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | lowest | highest | modhigh | lowest | tbd |
Surfclam | lowest | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | lowest | tbd |
Summer flounder | lowest | highest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | tbd |
Scup | lowest | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | tbd |
Black sea bass | lowest | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | highest | tbd |
Atl. mackerel | lowest | lowest | highest | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | lowest | tbd |
Chub mackerel | highest | lowmod | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowest | na | na | lowest | tbd |
Butterfish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest | tbd |
Longfin squid | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest | tbd |
Shortfin squid | highest | lowmod | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowmod | lowest | highest | lowest | tbd |
Golden tilefish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | tbd |
Blueline tilefish | highest | highest | modhigh | tbd | tbd | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | tbd |
Bluefish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | modhigh | highest | tbd |
Spiny dogfish | lowest | highest | lowest | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest | tbd |
Monkfish | highest | lowmod | lowmod | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | tbd |
Unmanaged forage | na | na | na | tbd | tbd | lowmod | na | na | na | tbd |
Deepsea corals | na | na | na | tbd | tbd | lowest | na | na | na | tbd |
Ecosystem level risk elements
System | EcoProd | CommVal | RecVal | FishRes1 | FishRes2 | ComDiv | RecDiv | Social | ComFood | RecFood |
Mid-Atlantic | lowmod | modhigh | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest | tbd | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh |
Species and Sector level risk elements
Species | FControl | Interact | OSW1 | OSW2 | OtherUse | RegComplex | Discards | Allocation |
Ocean Quahog-C | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Surfclam-C | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Summer flounder-R | lowmod | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | highest | modhigh | highest |
Summer flounder-C | lowmod | lowmod | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowmod | modhigh | lowest |
Scup-R | highest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | highest | modhigh | highest |
Scup-C | lowest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowmod | modhigh | lowest |
Black sea bass-R | highest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | highest | modhigh | highest |
Black sea bass-C | lowmod | lowmod | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowmod | highest | lowest |
Atl. mackerel-R | lowmod | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowmod | lowmod | lowest |
Atl. mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | tbd | highest | lowmod | lowest |
Butterfish-C | lowest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | tbd | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Longfin squid-C | lowest | modhigh | tbd | tbd | tbd | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Shortfin squid-C | lowmod | lowmod | tbd | tbd | tbd | modhigh | lowest | lowest |
Golden tilefish-R | na | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Golden tilefish-C | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish-R | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish-C | lowmod | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Bluefish-R | lowmod | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | modhigh | lowmod | highest |
Bluefish-C | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowmod | lowmod | lowest |
Spiny dogfish-R | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowmod | lowest |
Spiny dogfish-C | lowest | modhigh | tbd | tbd | tbd | highest | lowmod | lowest |
Chub mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Unmanaged forage | lowest | lowest | tbd | tbd | tbd | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Deepsea corals | na | na | tbd | tbd | tbd | na | na | na |
In this interactive circular graph visualization, model elements identified as important by the Council (through risk assessment) and by the working group (through a range of experience and expertise) are at the perimeter of the circle. Elements are defined in detail in the last section of this page. Relationships between elements are represented as links across the center of the circle to other elements on the perimeter. Links from a model element that affect another element start wide at the base and are color coded to match the category of the element they affect.Hover over a perimeter section (an element) to see all relationships for that element, including links from other elements. Hover over a link to see what it connects. Links by default show text for the two elements and the direction of the relationship (1 for relationship, 0 for no relationship--most links are one direction).For example, hovering over the element "Total Landings" in the full model shows that the working group identified the elements affected by landings as Seafood Production, Recreational Value, and Commercial Profits (three links leading out from landings), and the elements affecting landings as Fluke SSB, Fluke Distributional Shift, Risk Buffering, Management Control, Total Discards, and Shoreside Support (6 links leading into Total Landings).
Process to develop fishery management procedures
First used in S. Africa, Australia, and at International Whaling Commission late 1980s - early 1990s
Under this approach, management advice is based on a fully specified set of rules that have been tested in simulations of a wide variety of scenarios that specifically take uncertainty into account. The full procedure includes specifications for the data to be collected and how those data are to be used to provide management advice, in a manner that incorporates a feedback mechanism.
Results for 2 of 16 performance metrics:
Bastille, K. et al. (2021). "Improving the IEA Approach Using Principles of Open Data Science". In: Coastal Management 49.1. Publisher: Taylor & Francis _ eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2021.1846155, pp. 72-89. ISSN: 0892-0753. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1846155. URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2021.1846155 (visited on Apr. 16, 2021).
DePiper, G. S. et al. (2017). "Operationalizing integrated ecosystem assessments within a multidisciplinary team: lessons learned from a worked example". En. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science 74.8, pp. 2076-2086. ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsx038. URL: https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/article/74/8/2076/3094701 (visited on Mar. 09, 2018).
DePiper, G. et al. (2021). "Learning by doing: collaborative conceptual modelling as a path forward in ecosystem-based management". In: ICES Journal of Marine Science 78.4, pp. 1217-1228. ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsab054. URL: https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsab054 (visited on Aug. 08, 2022).
Gaichas, S. K. et al. (2018). "Implementing Ecosystem Approaches to Fishery Management: Risk Assessment in the US Mid-Atlantic". In: Frontiers in Marine Science 5. ISSN: 2296-7745. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00442. URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2018.00442/abstract (visited on Nov. 20, 2018).
Gaichas, S. K. et al. (2016). "A Framework for Incorporating Species, Fleet, Habitat, and Climate Interactions into Fishery Management". In: Frontiers in Marine Science 3. ISSN: 2296-7745. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00105. URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2016.00105/full (visited on Apr. 29, 2020).
Muffley, B. et al. (2021). "There Is no I in EAFM Adapting Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management". In: Coastal Management 49.1. Publisher: Taylor & Francis _ eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2021.1846156, pp. 90-106. ISSN: 0892-0753. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1846156. URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2021.1846156 (visited on Apr. 16, 2021).
Perretti, C. et al. (2017). "Regime shifts in fish recruitment on the Northeast US Continental Shelf". En. In: Marine Ecology Progress Series 574, pp. 1-11. ISSN: 0171-8630, 1616-1599. DOI: 10.3354/meps12183. URL: http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v574/p1-11/ (visited on Feb. 10, 2022).
Indicators: fish productivity and condition
Drivers: Forage Quality and Abundance
Drivers: Low tropic levels
Drivers: Environmental
2023 Thermal habitat area by depth
OA in shellfish habitat
Drivers: Predation
Seals increasing, sharks stable, 50% of HMS populations above target
Future considerations
Indicator: Commercial Revenue
Recent change driven by benthos
Monitor changes in climate and landings drivers:
Indicator: Bennet--price and volume indices
baseline year for indicator has changed from previous reports Although the Mid-Atlantic region shows declining revenue trends since 2016, inflation-adjusted revenue from harvested species was still greater than 1982 levels until 2022. In a similar manner to seafood landings, the results here are driven in large part by market dynamics affecting the landings of surfclams and ocean quahogs, as landings have been below quotas for these species, as well as lower quotas for Atlantic scallops. The declining Benthos category since 2012 may be partially caused by decreases in surfclam and ocean quahogs in the southern part of their range as harvest have shifted northward. Changes in other indicators, particularly those driving landings and those related to climate change, require monitoring as they may become important drivers of revenue in the future; for example:
Indicators: Recreational effort and fleet diversity
Adding 2022 data, recreational effort (angler trips) again has a long term increase.
The increasing long term trend changed the risk category for the RecValue element back to low-moderate (previously ranked low risk).
New risk element: Decline in recreational fleet diversity suggests a potentially reduced range of opportunities.
Driven by party/charter contraction and a shift toward shore based angling.
Changes in recreational fleet diversity can be considered when managers seek options to maintain recreational opportunities. Shore anglers will have access to different species than vessel-based anglers, and when the same species, typically smaller fish. Many states have developed shore-based regulations where the minimum size is lower than in other areas and sectors to maintain opportunities in the shore angling sector.
Fishery Indicators: Commercial fleet count, fleet diversity
Most recent fleet counts at low range of series
Fishery Indicators: commercial species revenue diversity, recreational species catch diversity
Most recent near series low value.
Ecological Indicators: zooplankton and larval fish diversity (not updated)
Ecological Indicator: expected number of species, NEFSC bottom trawl survey
While larval and adult fish diversity indices are stable, a few warm-southern larval species are becoming more dominant. Increasing zooplankton diversity is driven by declining dominance of an important species, which warrants continued monitoring.
Indicators: Environmental justice vulnerability, commercial fishery engagement and reliance
Implications: Highlighted communities may be vulnerable to changes in fishing patterns due to regulations and/or climate change. When also experiencing environmental justice issues, they may have lower ability to successfully respond to change.
These plots provide a snapshot of the presence of environmental justice issues in the most highly engaged and most highly reliant commercial and recreational fishing communities in the Mid-Atlantic. These communities may be vulnerable to changes in fishing patterns due to regulations and/or climate change. When any of these communities are also experiencing social vulnerability including environmental justice issues, they may have lower ability to successfully respond to change.
Indicators: Environmental justice vulnerability, recreational fishery engagement and reliance
Implications: Highlighted communities may be vulnerable to changes in fishing patterns due to regulations and/or climate change. When also experiencing environmental justice issues, they may have lower ability to successfully respond to change.
Indicators: Harbor porpoise and gray seal bycatch
Currently meeting objectives for harbor porpoise and gray seals
Risk element: TechInteract, evaluated by species and sector: 14 low, 7 low-mod, 2 mod-high risk, 1 improved
The downward trend in harbor porpoise bycatch can also be due to a decrease in harbor porpoise abundance in US waters, reducing their overlap with fisheries, and a decrease in gillnet effort.
The increasing trend in gray seal bycatch may be related to an increase in the gray seal population (U.S. pup counts).
Indicators: North Atlantic right whale population, calf counts
Signs the adult population stabilized 2020-2022
Population drivers for North Atlantic Right Whales (NARW) include combined fishery interactions/ship strikes, distribution shifts, and copepod availability.
Additional potential stressors include offshore wind development, which overlaps with important habitat areas used year-round by right whales, including mother and calf migration corridors and foraging habitat.
Unusual mortality events continue for 3 large whale species. 1 UME is pending closure for pinnipeds.
Indicators: fishery and community specific revenue in lease areas
Council request: which New England ports have significant reliance on Mid-Atlantic managed species?
Evaluating the impacts to scientific surveys has begun.
Record low hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay since 1995, relatively cool summer with high salinity.
Sea scallop recruitment detected Spring 2022, gone in Spring 2023
Days in 2022 at or above scallop stress temperature 17-19 C →
In Chesapeake Bay, hypoxia conditions were the lowest on record (since 1995), creating more suitable habitat for multiple fin fish and benthic species. Cooler Chesapeake Bay water temperatures paired with low hypoxia in the summer suggest conditions that season were favorable for striped bass. Cooler summer temperatures also support juvenile summer flounder growth. However, warmer winter and spring water temperatures in the Chesapeake Bay, along with other environmental factors (such as low flow), may have played a role in low production of juvenile striped bass in 2023. Higher-than-average salinity across the Bay was likely driven by low precipitation and increased the area of available habitat for species such as croaker, spot, menhaden, and red drum, while restricting habitat area for invasive blue catfish.
Intermittent warm waters like this can be threats to temperature sensitive species, especially species at the southern end of their range or are not mobile (e.g. scallops), while also providing suitable habitat for more southern species.
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