Ecosystem indicators linked to management objectives (DePiper, et al., 2017)
Open science emphasis (Bastille, et al., 2020)
Used within Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Ecosystem Process (Muffley, et al., 2020)
The IEA Loop1
Objective Categories | Indicators reported |
Provisioning and Cultural Services | |
Seafood Production | Landings; commercial total and by feeding guild; recreational harvest |
Profits | Revenue decomposed to price and volume |
Recreation | Angler trips; recreational fleet diversity |
Stability | Diversity indices (fishery and ecosystem) |
Social & Cultural | Community engagement/reliance and environmental justice status |
Protected Species | Bycatch; population (adult and juvenile) numbers, mortalities |
Supporting and Regulating Services | |
Biomass | Biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys |
Productivity | Condition and recruitment of managed species, primary productivity |
Trophic structure | Relative biomass of feeding guilds, zooplankton |
Habitat | Estuarine and offshore habitat conditions |
Characterizing ecosystem change for fishery management
Spatial scale
A glossary of terms (2021 Memo 5), detailed technical methods documentation and indicator data are available online.
Key to figures
Trends assessed only for 30+ years: more information
Orange line = significant increase
Purple line = significant decrease
No color line = not significant or < 30 yearsGrey background = last 10 years
Performance relative to management objectives
Seafood production ,
Profits ,
Recreational opportunities: Effort
; Effort diversity
Stability: Fishery
; Ecological
Social and cultural, trend not evaluated, status of:
Protected species:
Risks to meeting fishery management objectives
Climate: warming and changing oceanography continue
Other ocean uses: offshore wind development
Indicators: Commercial landings, total and seafood
Key: Black = Landings of all species;
Blue = Seafood landings;
Red = MAFMC managed seafood landings
Total landings now include Atlantic menhaden
Indicators: Recreational harvest
Multiple potential drivers of landings changes: ecosystem and stock production, management actions, market conditions (including COVID-19 disruptions), and environmental change.
The long-term declining trend in landings didn't change.
Indicator: Stock status
Most stocks have good status. Butterfish B status has improved. Results from Dec 2022 Research Track assessments shown for Spiny dogfish (F above threshold) and bluefish (B above limit) do not represent official management advice.
Indicators: Total ABC or ACL, and Realized catch relative to management target
Few managed species have binding limits; Management less likely playing a role
Stock status affects catch limits established by the Council, which in turn may affect landings trends. Summed across all MAFMC managed species, total Acceptable Biological Catch or Annual Catch Limits (ABC or ACL) have been relatively stable 2012-2020 (top). With the addition of blueline tilefish management in 2017, an additional ABC and ACL contribute to the total 2017-2020. Discounting blueline tilefish, the recent total ABC or ACL is lower relative to 2012-2013, with much of that decrease due to declining Atlantic mackerel ABC.
Nevertheless, the percentage caught for each stock’s ABC/ACL suggests that these catch limits are not generally constraining as most species are well below the 1/1 ratio (bottom). Therefore, stock status and associated management constraints are unlikely to be driving decreased landings for the majority of species.
Biomass does not appear to drive landings trends
Key: Black = NEFSC survey;
Red = NEAMAP survey
Declining seafood mainly benthos: surfclam/ocean quahog market drivers
Stock status is above the minimum threshold for all but one stock, and aggregate biomass trends appear stable, so the decline in commercial seafood landings is most likely driven by market dynamics affecting the landings of surfclams and ocean quahogs, as landings have been below quotas for these species. The long term decline in total planktivore landings is largely driven by Atlantic menhaden fishery dynamics, including a consolidation of processors leading to reduced fishing capacity between the 1990s and mid-2000s.
Climate change also seems to be shifting the distribution of surfclams and ocean quahogs, resulting in areas with overlapping distributions and increased mixed landings. Given the regulations governing mixed landings, this could become problematic in the future and is currently being evaluated by the Council.
Indicator: Commercial Revenue
Key: Black = Revenue of all species combined;
Red = Revenue of MAFMC managed species
Indicator: Bennet--price and volume indices
Recent declines in prices contributed to falling revenue as quantities landed did not increase enough to counteract declining prices.
Indicators: Recreational effort and fleet diversity
The increasing long term trend from 2021 changed the risk categories for the RecValue element to low-moderate (previously ranked high risk). No trend indicates low risk.
Decline in recreational fleet diversity suggests a potentially reduced range of opportunities. This metric could be added to the risk assessment.
Changes in recreational fleet diversity can be considered when managers seek options to maintain recreational opportunities. Shore anglers will have access to different species than vessel-based anglers, and when the same species, typically smaller fish. Many states have developed shore-based regulations where the minimum size is lower than in other areas and sectors to maintain opportunities in the shore angling sector.
Fishery Indicators: Commercial fleet count, fleet diversity
Most recent commercial fleet counts at low range of series
Fishery Indicators: commercial species revenue diversity, recreational species catch diversity
Most recent commercial species revenue diversity near series low value
Recreational catch diversity maintained by a different set of species over time
Ecological Indicators: zooplankton and larval fish diversity
Ecological Indicator: expected number of species, NEFSC bottom trawl survey
While larval and adult fish diversity indices are stable, a few warm-southern larval species are becoming more dominant. Increasing zooplankton diversity is driven by declining dominance of an important species, which warrants continued monitoring.
Indicators: Environmental justice vulnerability, commercial fishery engagement and reliance
Mid-Atlantic commercial fishing communities
Implications: Highlighted communities may be vulnerable to changes in fishing patterns due to regulations and/or climate change. When also experiencing environmental justice issues, they may have lower ability to successfully respond to change.
These plots provide a snapshot of the presence of environmental justice issues in the most highly engaged and most highly reliant commercial and recreational fishing communities in the Mid-Atlantic. These communities may be vulnerable to changes in fishing patterns due to regulations and/or climate change. When any of these communities are also experiencing social vulnerability including environmental justice issues, they may have lower ability to successfully respond to change.
Indicators: Environmental justice vulnerability, recreational fishery engagement and reliance
Mid-Atlantic recreational fishing communities
Implications: There was an increase in recreational fishing activities in the many of the top recreational communities from 2019 to 2020.
Highlighted communities may be vulnerable to changes in fishing patterns due to regulations and/or climate change. When also experiencing environmental justice issues, they may have lower ability to successfully respond to change.
Indicators: Harbor porpoise and gray seal bycatch
Currently meeting objectives
Risk element: TechInteract, evaluated by species and sector: 14 low, 6 low-mod, 3 mod-high risk, unchanged
The downward trend in harbor porpoise bycatch can also be due to a decrease in harbor porpoise abundance in US waters, reducing their overlap with fisheries, and a decrease in gillnet effort.
The increasing trend in gray seal bycatch may be related to an increase in the gray seal population (U.S. pup counts).
Indicators: North Atlantic right whale population, calf counts
Population drivers for North Atlantic Right Whales (NARW) include combined fishery interactions/ship strikes, distribution shifts, and copepod availability.
Additional potential stressors include offshore wind development, which overlaps with important habitat areas used year-round by right whales, including mother and calf migration corridors and foraging habitat.
Unusual mortality events continue for 2 large whale species.
Risk elements:
Indicators: ocean currents, temperature, seasons
The Gulf Stream is trending north. Ocean summer is lasting longer. In contrast to SST, long term bottom temperature is increasing in all seasons.
Seasonal sea surface temperatures in 2022 were above average for most of the year, however late spring storms caused deep mixing, which delayed stratification and surface warming in late spring and early summer.
To identify extreme events separately from the baseline warming, methods describing marine heatwaves have been changed to remove the global warming signal. These indicators look different than in previous reports, but now identify truly extreme departures from an already warming ecosystem.
A marine heatwave is a warming event that lasts for five or more days with sea surface temperatures above the 90th percentile of the historical daily climatology (1982-2011).
Indicators: Chesapeake Bay temperature and salinity
Indicator: SAV trends in Chesapeake Bay
Indicator: Water quality attainment
Indicator: cold pool indices
Indicator: Mid Atlantic Ocean acidification
Indicator: warm core rings
Summer aragonite saturation low for both Atlantic sea scallop and longfin squid in Long Island Sound and the nearshore and mid-shelf regions of the New Jersey shelf several times over the past decade.
There were fewer warm core rings near the continental shelf in 2022, which combined with economic fishery drivers may have contributed to total catch of Illex squid being 20% less than the total catch reported in 2021.
Indicators: chlorophyll, primary production, zooplankton
Increased production by smaller phytoplankton implies less efficient transfer of primary production to higher trophic levels. Pteropods are important prey items for planktivores such as herring and mackerel, as well as some sea birds. Pseudocalanus spp. are important prey for many larval fish species, and can influence phytoplankton standing stock through grazing.
Indicator: fish condition
Indicator: fish productivity anomaly →
Implications: Species in the MAB had mixed condition in 2022. Fish productivity based on surveys and assessments has been below average.
Black line indicates sum where there are the same number of assessments across years.
Methods from (Perretti, et al., 2017).
Fluctuating environmental conditions and prey for forage species affect both abundance and energy content. Energy content varies by season, and has changed over time most dramatically for Atlantic herring
Mid Atlantic forage index
Habitat model-based species richness by EPU
Implications: forage, including species not well sampled by bottom trawls, has been fluctuating over time. Richness calculated for the most common species suggests shifts away from the Mid Atlantic towards Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine.
Indicators: distribution shifts, diversity (previous sections) predator status and trends here
No trend in aggregate sharks
HMS populations mainly at or above target
Climate: 6 low, 3 low-mod, 4 mod-high, 1 high risk
Multiple drivers with different impacts by species
DistShift: 2 low, 9 mod-high, 3 high risk species
Shifting species distributions alter both species interactions, fishery interactions, and expected management outcomes from spatial allocations and bycatch measures based on historical fish and protected species distributions.
New Indicator: protected species shifts
Indicators: development timeline, fishery and community specific revenue in lease areas
Council request: which New England ports have significant reliance on Mid-Atlantic managed species?
Current plans for rapid buildout of offshore wind in a patchwork of areas spreads the impacts differentially throughout the region Evaluating the impacts to scientific surveys has begun.
Species level risk elements
Species | Assess | Fstatus | Bstatus | FW1Pred | FW1Prey | FW2Prey | Climate | DistShift | EstHabitat |
Ocean Quahog | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | modhigh | lowest |
Surfclam | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Summer flounder | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Scup | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Black sea bass | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Atl. mackerel | lowest | highest | highest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | lowest |
Chub mackerel | highest | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | na | na | lowest |
Butterfish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest |
Longfin squid | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Shortfin squid | highest | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | highest | lowest |
Golden tilefish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish | highest | highest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest |
Bluefish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | highest |
Spiny dogfish | lowest | highest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest |
Monkfish | highest | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Unmanaged forage | na | na | na | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | na | na | na |
Deepsea corals | na | na | na | lowest | lowest | lowest | na | na | na |
Ecosystem level risk elements
System | EcoProd | CommRev | RecVal | FishRes1 | FishRes4 | FleetDiv | Social | ComFood | RecFood |
Mid-Atlantic | lowmod | modhigh | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowmod | highest | modhigh |
Species and Sector level risk elements
Species | MgtControl | TecInteract | OceanUse | RegComplex | Discards | Allocation |
Ocean Quahog-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Surfclam-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Summer flounder-R | modhigh | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | highest |
Summer flounder-C | lowmod | modhigh | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Scup-R | lowmod | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Scup-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Black sea bass-R | highest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | highest | highest |
Black sea bass-C | highest | lowmod | highest | modhigh | highest | lowest |
Atl. mackerel-R | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Atl. mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | lowmod | highest |
Butterfish-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Longfin squid-C | lowest | modhigh | highest | modhigh | highest | lowest |
Shortfin squid-C | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | modhigh | lowest | highest |
Golden tilefish-R | na | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Golden tilefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish-R | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish-C | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Bluefish-R | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Bluefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest |
Spiny dogfish-R | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Spiny dogfish-C | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | modhigh | lowmod | lowest |
Chub mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Unmanaged forage | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Deepsea corals | na | na | modhigh | na | na | na |
Comments on overall risk assessment for EOP to consider?
Now organized by priority and category
Comments on priorities? Categories?
Objective: assist the Council in developing short term and long term objectives to advance the operational use of ecosystem information in management decisions
Outcomes for the Council:
The SSC Ecosystem WG looks forward to the feedback of the full SSC on any of these topics, and always welcomes new members.
Simulation analyses evaluating impact of ecosystem indicators on stock productivity and assessment uncertainty (OFL CV) in progress
Initial indicators and analyses presented evaluating ecosystem overfishing and ecosystem performance given environmental conditions
Ecosystem socioeconomic profiles in progress for several MAFMC stocks, and multiple SSC members involved in Research Track working groups
ABC decisions with environmentally driven recruitment (Wilberg et al)
Alternative stock performance metrics considering current conditions (Rago and Rothschild)
Ecosystem overfishing indicators (Beet and Gaichas)
Index Numbers for ecosystem performance (Walden and DePiper)
Do historical summer flounder recruitment dynamics demonstrate patterns of environmental effects?
How to develop alternative relationships between environmental drivers and recruitment for summer flounder and other species? Gaussian, sigmoidal, none
Work to continue integrating theoretical responses with summer flounder operating model, and harvest control rules representing Councils across the US.
How well do we play the hand we have been dealt?
Basic idea: compare observed quantities to optimal values GIVEN the recent history of stock
Summer flounder example:
Reviewed new information and agreed with proposals:
Previous SSC discussion:
What information would be most useful in decision making?
Declining commercial and recreational landings can be driven by many interacting factors, including combinations of ecosystem and stock production, management actions, market conditions, and environmental change. While we cannot evaluate all possible drivers at present, here we evaluate the extent to which ecosystem overfishing (total landings exceeding ecosystem productive capacity), stock status, and system biomass trends may play a role.
Useful way to synthesize information
Reviewed results from previous recommendation:
What information would be most useful in decision making?
Pacific cod example from ASFC: and
Reviewers commented that it was the most complete treatment of a stock assessment "ecosystem ToR" they had seen, and formed a good basis for integrating further ecosystem information into the stock assessment in the future.
The full ESP document is available as a working paper from the stock assessment data portal
Discuss use of summary table in OFL CV or other decisions?
The Bluefish Research Track ESP was presented December 7 2022, and was well received by CIE reviewers. Reviewers commented that it was the most complete treatment of a stock assessment "ecosystem ToR" they had seen, and formed a good basis for integrating further ecosystem information into the stock assessment in the future. The full ESP document is available as a working paper from the stock assessment data portal.
In addition to the conceptual model, a summary table was developed for bluefish ecosystem indicators. This type of summary could contribute to OFL CV decisions with further information on how these indicator levels affect uncertainty in assessment.
Kimberly Bastille
Aaron Beaver (Anchor QEA)
Andy Beet
Ruth Boettcher (Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries)
Mandy Bromilow (NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office)
Zhuomin Chen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Joseph Caracappa
Doug Christel (GARFO)
Patricia Clay
Lisa Colburn
Jennifer Cudney (NMFS Atlantic HMS Management Division)
Tobey Curtis (NMFS Atlantic HMS Management Division)
Geret DePiper
Dan Dorfman (NOAA-NOS-NCCOS)
Hubert du Pontavice
Emily Farr (NMFS Office of Habitat Conservation)
Michael Fogarty
Paula Fratantoni
Kevin Friedland
Marjy Friedrichs (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Sarah Gaichas
Ben Galuardi (GARFO)
Avijit Gangopadhyay (School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
James Gartland (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Lori Garzio (Rutgers University)
Glen Gawarkiewicz (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Sean Hardison
Kimberly Hyde
John Kosik
Steve Kress (National Audubon Society’s Seabird Restoration Program)
Young-Oh Kwon (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Scott Large
Andrew Lipsky
Sean Lucey
Don Lyons (National Audubon Society’s Seabird Restoration Program)
Chris Melrose
Shannon Meseck
Ryan Morse
Ray Mroch (SEFSC)
Brandon Muffley (MAFMC)
Kimberly Murray
Janet Nye (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Chris Orphanides
Richard Pace
Debi Palka
Tom Parham (Maryland DNR)
Charles Perretti
CJ Pellerin (NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office)
Grace Roskar (NMFS Office of Habitat Conservation)
Grace Saba (Rutgers)
Vincent Saba
Sarah Salois
Chris Schillaci (GARFO)
Amy Schueller (SEFSC)
Teresa Schwemmer (Stony Brook University)
Dave Secor (CBL)
Angela Silva
Adrienne Silver (UMass/SMAST)
Emily Slesinger (Rutgers University)
Laurel Smith
Talya tenBrink (GARFO)
Bruce Vogt (NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office)
Ron Vogel (UMD Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies and NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research)
John Walden
Harvey Walsh
Changhua Weng
Timothy White (Environmental Studies Program, BOEM)
Mark Wuenschel
Bastille, K. et al. (2020). "Improving the IEA Approach Using Principles of Open Data Science". In: Coastal Management 0.0. Publisher: Taylor & Francis _ eprint:, pp. 1-18. ISSN: 0892-0753. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1846155. URL: (visited on Dec. 09, 2020).
DePiper, G. S. et al. (2017). "Operationalizing integrated ecosystem assessments within a multidisciplinary team: lessons learned from a worked example". En. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science 74.8, pp. 2076-2086. ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsx038. URL: (visited on Mar. 09, 2018).
Muffley, B. et al. (2020). "There Is no I in EAFM Adapting Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management". In: Coastal Management 0.0. Publisher: Taylor & Francis _ eprint:, pp. 1-17. ISSN: 0892-0753. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1846156. URL: (visited on Dec. 09, 2020).
Perretti, C. et al. (2017). "Regime shifts in fish recruitment on the Northeast US Continental Shelf". En. In: Marine Ecology Progress Series 574, pp. 1-11. ISSN: 0171-8630, 1616-1599. DOI: 10.3354/meps12183. URL: (visited on Feb. 10, 2022).
Ecosystem indicators linked to management objectives (DePiper, et al., 2017)
Open science emphasis (Bastille, et al., 2020)
Used within Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Ecosystem Process (Muffley, et al., 2020)
The IEA Loop1
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