an iterative, collaborative process has evolved to formulate ecosystem advice and to apply it in decision making
ICES WGNARS international science (DePiper, et al., 2017)
Engagement improves ecosystem reporting
Engagement to build a Council's EAFM process (Muffley, et al., 2021)
Governance and climate change
The IEA Loop1
an iterative, collaborative process has evolved to formulate ecosystem advice and to apply it in decision making
Deep dive into components of the IEA process from a scientific perspective
"So what?" --John Boreman, September 2016
Clear linkage of ecosystem indicators with management objectives
Synthesis across indicators for big picture
Indicators related to management objectives being placed first in report
Short (< 40 pages), non-technical (but rigorous) text
Emphasis on reproducibility
In 2016, we began taking steps to address these common critiques of the ESR model Many indicators presented at WGNARS, used in larger Ecosystem Status reports Shorter, fishery specific State of the Ecosystem (SOE) report with conceptual models prototyped based on California Current reporting Feedback from fishery managers redesigned reporting to align with objectives outlined by WGNARS
Performance relative to management objectives
Seafood production , status not evaluated
Profits , status not evaluated
Recreational opportunities: Effort
; Effort diversity
Stability: Fishery
; Ecological
Social and cultural, trend not evaluated, status of:
Protected species:
Risks to meeting fishery management objectives
Climate: warming and changing oceanography continue
Other ocean uses: offshore wind development
Request | Year | Source | Status | Progress | Memo Section |
Add "This report is for [audience]" | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | In SOE | Introduction section | 1 |
State management objectives first in report | 2021 | NEFMC | In SOE | Introduction section + Table | 2 |
Ocean acidification (OA) in NEFMC SOE | 2021 | NEFMC SSC | In SOE | Climate risks section | 3 |
Habitat impact of fishing based on gear. | 2021 | NEFMC | In SOE | Habitat risks section | 4 |
Revisit right whale language | 2021 | NEFMC | In SOE | Protected species section | 5 |
Sum of TAC/ Landings relative to TAC | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | In SOE-MAFMC | Seafood production section | 6 |
Estuarine Water Quality | 2020 | NEFMC | In SOE-MAFMC, In progress-NEFMC | Climate and Habitat Risks sections MAFMC; Intern collated New England NERRS data | 7 |
More direct opportunities for feedback | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | In progress | MAFMC SSC ecosystem subgroup | 8 |
Further definition of regime shift | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | In progress | Regime shift analyses for specific indicators define "abrupt" and "persistent" quantitatively | 9 |
Expand collaboration with Canadian counterparts | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | In progress | Currently drafting a NMFS-DFO climate/fisheries collaboration framework. | 10 |
Fall turnover date index | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | In progress | See Current Conditions report | 11 |
Links between species availability inshore/offshore (estuarine conditions) and trends in recreational fishing effort? | 2021 | MAFMC | In progress | Bluefish prey index inshore/offshore partially addresses | 12 |
Apex predator index (pinnipeds) | 2021 | NEFMC | In progress | Protected species branch developing time series | 13 |
Forage availability index (Herring/Sandlance) | 2021 | NEFMC | In progress | Bluefish prey index partially addresses | 14 |
Fishery gear modifications accounted for in shark CPUE? | 2021 | MAFMC | In progress | Updated methods in tech-doc | 15 |
Trend analysis | 2021 | NEFMC SSC | In progress | Evaluating empirical thresholds | 16 |
Regime shifts in Social-Economic indicators | 2021 | NEFMC SSC | In progress | National working group and regional study | 17 |
Linking Condition | 2020 | MAFMC | In progress | Not ready for 2022 | 18 |
Cumulative weather index | 2020 | MAFMC | In progress | Data gathered for prototype | 19 |
VAST and uncertainty | 2020 | Both Councils | In progress | Not ready for 2022 | 20 |
Seal index | 2020 | MAFMC | In progress | Not ready for 2022 | 21 |
Breakpoints | 2020 | NEFMC | In progress | Evaluating empirical thresholds | 22 |
Management complexity | 2019 | MAFMC | In progress | Student work needs further analysis, no further work this year | 23 |
Shellfish growth/distribution linked to climate (system productivity) | 2019 | MAFMC | In progress | Project with A. Hollander | 24 |
Avg weight of diet components by feeding group | 2019 | Internal | In progress | Part of fish condition project | 25 |
Mean stomach weight across feeding guilds | 2019 | MAFMC | In progress | Intern evaluated trends in guild diets | 26 |
Inflection points for indicators | 2019 | Both Councils | In progress | Evaluating empirical thresholds | 27 |
Recreational bycatch mortality as an indicator of regulatory waste | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 28 |
Sturgeon Bycatch | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 29 |
Decomposition of diversity drivers highlighting social components | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 30 |
Changing per capita seafood consumption as driver of revenue? | 2021 | MAFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 31 |
Nutrient input, Benthic Flux and POC(particulate organic carbon ) to inform benthic productivity by something other than surface indidcators | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 32 |
Relate OA to nutrient input; are there "dead zones" (hypoxia)? | 2021 | MAFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 33 |
Indicators of chemical pollution in offshore waters | 2021 | MAFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 34 |
How does phyto size comp affect EOF indicator, if at all? | 2021 | MAFMC | Not started | May pursue with MAFMC SSC eco WG | 35 |
Indicator of scallop pred pops poorly sampled by bottom trawls | 2021 | NEFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 36 |
Compare EOF (Link) thresholds to empirical thresholds (Large, Tam) | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | Not started | May pursue with MAFMC SSC eco WG | 37 |
Time series analysis (Zooplankton/Forage fish) to tie into regime shifts | 2021 | MAFMC SSC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 38 |
Optimum yield for ecosystem | 2021 | NEFMC | Not started | May pursue with MAFMC SSC eco WG | 39 |
Re-evaluate EPUs | 2020 | NEFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 40 |
Incorporate social sciences survey from council | 2020 | NEFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 41 |
Biomass of spp not included in BTS | 2020 | MAFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 42 |
Reduce indicator dimensionality with multivariate statistics | 2020 | NEFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 43 |
Estuarine condition relative to power plants and temp | 2019 | MAFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 44 |
Young of Year index from multiple surveys | 2019 | MAFMC | Not started | Lacking resources this year | 45 |
"We rebuilt all the stocks, so why is everyone still pissed off?" --Rich Seagraves
in 2011, the Mid-Atlantic Council asked:
And many people answered, from commercial fishery, recreational fishery, environmental organization, and interested public perspectives.
Visioning report:
• There is a lack of confidence in the data that drive fishery management decisions.
• Stakeholders are not as involved in the Council process as they can and should be.
• Different jurisdictions and regulations among the many fishery management organizations result in complexity and inconsistency.
• There is a need for increased transparency and communications in fisheries management.
• The dynamics of the ecosystem and food web should be considered to a greater extent in fisheries management decisions.
• Stakeholders are not adequately represented on the Council.
• Pollution is negatively affecting the health of fish stocks.
Visioning report, p. 3:
Visioning Project → Strategic Plan with one objective to develop
"A non-regulatory umbrella document intended to guide Council policy with respect to ecosystem considerations across existing Fishery Management Plans"
Details, including workshop presentations and white papers:
The Mid-Atlantic Council identified several theme areas from the visioning project as noted in the left panel of the workflow graphic: forage fish, species interactions, social and economic issues, climate and habitat. The Council held full day workshops during Council meetings where experts on the topics provided overviews and Council members asked questions and discussed the issues. Workships on Forage fish, Climate, Climate and Governance, Interactions (species and fleet), and Habitat were held between 2013 and 2015, resulting in white papers on Forage fish, Climate (and habitat), Interactions (species, fleet, climate, and habitat). Social and economic considerations were integrated in each workshop rather than looked at separately.
2016 Ecosystem Approach to Fishery Management (EAFM) Policy Guidance document:
Mid-Atlantic EAFM framework :
The Council’s EAFM framework has similarities to the IEA loop on slide 2. It uses risk assessment as a first step to prioritize combinations of managed species, fleets, and ecosystem interactions for consideration. Second, a conceptual model is developed identifying key environmental, ecological, social, economic, and management linkages for a high-priority fishery. Third, quantitative modeling addressing Council-specified questions and based on interactions identified in the conceptual model is applied to evaluate alternative management strategies that best balance management objectives. As strategies are implemented, outcomes are monitored and the process is adjusted, and/or another priority identified in risk assessment can be addressed.
Risk assessment highlights prority species/issues for more detailed evaluation
A conceptual model maps out key interactions for high risk fisheries, specifies quantitative management strategy evaluation
Quoted from Gaichas et al 2016 For this example, the existing Mid Atlantic food web model is used to define key species interactions for each managed species, habitat expertise is needed to link habitats to species, physical oceanographic and climate expertise is needed to link key climate drivers to habitats, and the expertise of fishermen, economists and other social scientists, and fishery managers is needed to link fish with fisheries and objectives for human well-being. The key link between fisheries and human well being objectives is identified as the system of regulatory allocations of total allowable catch between states along the Mid Atlantic coast. The interaction between this allocation system (based on historical catch) and climate-driven distribution shifts of the managed species has created considerable difficulty in this region. This conceptual model clearly connects climate considerations to management, as well as habitat considerations of concern to the Council but outside Council jurisdiction (water quality in coastal estuaries).
Council staff and scientists create examples based on Council input
↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ...
Council discusses, clarifies, revises with public input
Element | Definition | Indicators |
Economic | ||
Commercial Revenue | Risk of not maximizing fishery value | Revenue in aggregate |
Recreational Angler Days/Trips | Risk of not maximizing fishery value | Numbers of anglers and trips in aggregate |
Commercial Fishery Resilience (Revenue Diversity) | Risk of reduced fishery business resilience | Species diversity of revenue |
Commercial Fishery Resilience (Shoreside Support) | Risk of reduced fishery business resilience due to shoreside support infrastructure | Number of shoreside support businesses |
Social | ||
Fleet Resilience | Risk of reduced fishery resilience | Number of fleets, fleet diversity |
Social-Cultural | Risk of reduced community resilience | Community vulnerability, fishery engagement and reliance |
Food Production | ||
Commercial | Risk of not optimizing seafood production | Seafood landings in aggregate |
Recreational | Risk of not maintaining personal food production | Recreational landings in aggregate |
Element | Definition | Indicators |
Management | ||
Control | Risk of not achieving OY due to inadequate control | Catch compared to allocation |
Interactions | Risk of not achieving OY due to interactions with species managed by other entities | Number and type of interactions with protected or non-MAFMC managed species, co-management |
Other ocean uses | Risk of not achieving OY due to other human uses | Fishery overlap with energy/mining areas |
Regulatory complexity | Risk of not achieving compliance due to complexity | Number of regulations by species |
Discards | Risk of not minimizing bycatch to extent practicable | Standardized Bycatch Reporting |
Allocation | Risk of not achieving OY due to spatial mismatch of stocks and management | Distribution shifts + number of interests |
Mid-Atlantic conceptual model developed by a technical team and Council representatives (DePiper, et al., 2021)
Collaborative conceptual modeling with stakeholders:
Alaska sablefish (Rosellon-Druker, et al., 2021)
Pacific herring (Levin, et al., 2016)
Gulf of Mexico red tides (Spooner, et al., 2021)
South Atlantic pelagic species management
Caribbean EBFM development
slide courtesy Juan J. Cruz-Motta
Are any Atlantic herring harvest control rules good for both fisheries and predators?
Harvest control rules are:
"Which harvest control rules best consider herring's role as forage?"
First MSE within US Council
(Feeney, et al., 2018)
Scope: annual stockwide HCR
Open stakeholder meetings (2)
Uncertainties identified
The Dream:1 Convert the effects of control rules on 4 user groups to dollars:
1 Credit: Min-Yang Lee
Broad online scoping results helped develop Core stakeholder group
Eight regional Fishery Management Councils establish plans for sustainable management of stocks within their jurisdictions. All are governed by the same law, but tailor management to their regional stakeholder needs.
More information:
Alaska: 1 Council, 1 State
Pacific coast: 1 Council, 3 States
Atlantic coast: 3 Councils, 1 Interstate Commission, 15 States
Difficult to deal with climate issues affecting whole coast
Stocks moving beyond boundaries
User conflicts
Wind development conflicts
Alaska: 1 Council, 1 State
Pacific coast: 1 Council, 3 States
Atlantic coast: 3 Councils, 1 Interstate Commission, 15 States
Difficult to deal with climate issues affecting whole coast
Stocks moving beyond boundaries
User conflicts
Wind development conflicts
Western Pacific and Caribbean: multiple US territories and international waters!
2014 US East Coast Climate and Governance conference
Cross-Jurisdictional Management & Governance
- What major stresses would be placed on existing cross-jurisdictional (Council/Commission/State) governance arrangements in this scenario?
- Would current approaches for updating management authority over a fishery work well? Here, management authority refers to the entity (Council(s), Commission, or NOAA) responsible for developing the management plan.
- What mechanisms for changing management authority need to be considered? For example, automatic triggers based on changes in stock distribution?
- What management challenges are present for species that move across jurisdictional boundaries?
- What actions/changes are needed to better manage species that move across jurisdictional boundaries?
The process takes time – need to recognize that early and be willing to invest the resources to see it through
Collaboration is key
Timely and understandable scientific information
Bastille, K. et al. (2021). "Improving the IEA Approach Using Principles of Open Data Science". In: Coastal Management 49.1. Publisher: Taylor & Francis _ eprint:, pp. 72-89. ISSN: 0892-0753. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1846155. URL: (visited on Apr. 16, 2021).
DePiper, G. S. et al. (2017). "Operationalizing integrated ecosystem assessments within a multidisciplinary team: lessons learned from a worked example". En. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science 74.8, pp. 2076-2086. ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsx038. URL: (visited on Mar. 09, 2018).
DePiper, G. et al. (2021). "Learning by doing: collaborative conceptual modelling as a path forward in ecosystem-based management". In: ICES Journal of Marine Science 78.4, pp. 1217-1228. ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsab054. URL: (visited on Aug. 08, 2022).
Deroba, J. J. et al. (2018). "The dream and the reality: meeting decision-making time frames while incorporating ecosystem and economic models into management strategy evaluation". In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 0706-652X. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0128. URL: (visited on Jul. 20, 2018).
Feeney, R. G. et al. (2018). "Integrating Management Strategy Evaluation into fisheries management: advancing best practices for stakeholder inclusion based on an MSE for Northeast U.S. Atlantic herring". In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 0706-652X. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0125. URL: (visited on Nov. 09, 2018).
Gaichas, S. K. et al. (2018). "Implementing Ecosystem Approaches to Fishery Management: Risk Assessment in the US Mid-Atlantic". In: Frontiers in Marine Science 5. ISSN: 2296-7745. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00442. URL: (visited on Nov. 20, 2018).
Levin, P. S. et al. (2016). "Thirty-two essential questions for understanding the social–ecological system of forage fish: the case of pacific herring". In: Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2.4. Publisher: Taylor & Francis _ eprint:, p. e01213. ISSN: 2096-4129. DOI: 10.1002/ehs2.1213. URL: (visited on Jun. 22, 2020).
Muffley, B. et al. (2021). "There Is no I in EAFM Adapting Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management". In: Coastal Management 49.1. Publisher: Taylor & Francis _ eprint:, pp. 90-106. ISSN: 0892-0753. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1846156. URL: (visited on Apr. 16, 2021).
Rosellon-Druker, J. et al. (2021). "Participatory place-based integrated ecosystem assessment in Sitka, Alaska: Constructing and operationalizing a socio-ecological conceptual model for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)". En. In: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 184-185, p. 104912. ISSN: 0967-0645. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104912. URL: (visited on Mar. 10, 2022).
Spooner, E. et al. (2021). "Using Integrated Ecosystem Assessments to Build Resilient Ecosystems, Communities, and Economies". En. In: Coastal Management 49.1, pp. 26-45. ISSN: 0892-0753, 1521-0421. DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2021.1846152. URL: (visited on Nov. 21, 2022).
Contact: Slides available at
ICES WGNARS international science (DePiper, et al., 2017)
Engagement improves ecosystem reporting
Engagement to build a Council's EAFM process (Muffley, et al., 2021)
Governance and climate change
The IEA Loop1
an iterative, collaborative process has evolved to formulate ecosystem advice and to apply it in decision making
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