Pulls data from cfdbs via [comlandr]
Palmer method applied to assign missing attributes (NEGEAR, QTR, AREA) to landings records
species_itis = NULL,
stock = NULL,
outPath = here::here(),
fileName = NULL
Numeric. Itis code for species (Default = NA, Returns a NA object for user to define)
Character string. Define the stock associated with species of interest. eg. for winter flounder stock = "GB" or "SNEMA". For black sea bass, "North" or "South"
Character string. Path to directory where data will be saved
character string. File name of data to be saved
List. Data is also written to disk.
Data frame containing landings data by YEAR, QTR, NEGEAR, MARKET_CODE
Data frame containing fish lengths by YEAR, QTR, NEGEAR, MARKET_CODE