Data in the format needed for processing. Landings are pulled from STOCKEFF database using the tables: "MV_CF_Landings" for landings and "MV_CF_LEN" for lengths
get_sample_data(channel, species = 164744, species_itis = T, area = "all")
an Object inherited from DBIConnection-class.
This object is used to communicate with the database engine. (see connect_to_database
Numeric scalar. Species_itis or NESPP3 code. Default = 164744 (147, Haddock)
Numeric vector. Statistical areas for which to pull data from. Default = "all"
Boolean . TRUE indicates species code is species_itis, FALSE = nespp3
A list of two objects
Tibble containing landing data in format required for processing
Tibble containing landing data in format required for processing
There are missing Areas in the database which wont be used.
There are QTR values coded as zero which wont be used.
All of the missing data needs to be dealt with prior to using the processing algorithm
To get access to the data base you will need credentials, permissions, and software. See connect_to_database
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#Pull all Haddock data
channel <- dbutils::connect_to_database("serverName","userName")
data <- get_sample_data(channel,species = 164744, area="all")
} # }