For use in multispecies projects.


  • pulls data from cfdbs: by area, gear, species, year, month

  • pulls Herring data from state of Maine database

  • defines fleet structure and assigns fleets to gear types

  • define geographic areas and assigns statistical areas to geographic areas

  • assigns catch to unknown gear, area, quarter/half year, size based on similar trips (based on M Palmer, ????)

  • pulls and processes NAFO (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization) data

  • uses survey data to apportion hake complex into species

  • uses survey data to apportion skate complex into species

  • adjusts species value to specified date

  • plots output


Palmer, M (????) Working doc reference and title

NAFO website:

#'To learn more about using comlandr, start with the vignette: browseVignettes(package="comlandr") or click the index below