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EAFM Risk Assessment
Mid Atlantic 2025

Slides for Brandon
20 March 2025

Sarah Gaichas and Geret DePiper, based on 2025 SOE

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Risk Element Example - Commercial revenue

This element is applied at the ecosystem level. Revenue serves as a proxy for commercial profits.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend and low variability in revenue
Low-Moderate Increasing or high variability in revenue
Moderate-High Significant long term revenue decrease
High Significant recent decrease in revenue

Ranked moderate-high risk due to the current low status and visual trend

Risk element: CommRev

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Ecological Risk Elements

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Stock Assessment Performance

This risk element is applied at the species level, and addresses risk to achieving OY due to scientific uncertainty based on analytical and data limitations.

Risk Level Definition
Low Assessment model(s) passed peer review, high data quality, small retrospective pattern
Low-Moderate Assessment passed peer review but some data and/or reference points may be lacking
Moderate-High Assessment passed peer review but with major data quality issue or large retrospective pattern
High Assessment failed peer review or no assessment, data-limited tools applied
Species Assess
Ocean Quahog lowest
Surfclam lowest
Summer flounder lowest
Scup lowest
Black sea bass lowest
Atl. mackerel lowest
Chub mackerel highest
Butterfish lowest
Longfin squid lowmod
Shortfin squid highest
Golden tilefish lowmod
Blueline tilefish highest
Bluefish lowest
Spiny dogfish lowest
Monkfish highest
Unmanaged forage na
Deepsea corals na
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Fishing Mortality and Stock Biomass Status

These elements are applied at the species level. They indicate the level of risk to achieving OY from either overfishing or stock depletion, respectively.

Indicator: Stock status

Risk Level Definitions
Low F < Fmsy; B > Bmsy
Low-Moderate Unknown, but weight of evidence indicates low overfishing risk; Bmsy > B > 0.5 Bmsy or weight of evidence indicates low risk
Moderate-High Unknown status
High F > Fmsy; B < 0.5 Bmsy

Species Fstatus Bstatus
Ocean Quahog lowest lowest
Surfclam lowest lowest
Summer flounder highest lowmod
Scup lowest lowest
Black sea bass lowest lowest
Atl. mackerel lowest highest
Chub mackerel lowmod lowmod
Butterfish lowest lowmod
Longfin squid lowmod lowmod
Shortfin squid lowmod lowmod
Golden tilefish highest lowmod
Blueline tilefish highest modhigh
Bluefish lowest lowmod
Spiny dogfish lowest lowest
Monkfish lowmod lowmod
Unmanaged forage na na
Deepsea corals na na
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Offshore Habitat (new)

This element will be applied at the species level, and evaluates risk of not achieving OY due to changes in offshore habitat quality and quantity.

Potential criteria--species specific

Risk Level Bluefish Black Sea Bass Golden Tilefish
Low No indicators suggest negative impact to OY No indicators suggest negative impact to OY No indicators suggest negative impact to OY
Low-Moderate Either distribution indicators or natural mortality indicators suggest negative impact to OY but climate indicators suggest no impact. Indicators suggest increase in overwinter mixing but no change or increase in overwinter survival Physical oceanography indicators suggest negativeimpacts to OY but Habitat condition indicators suggest no impact or positive impact
Moderate-High Climate indicators suggest negative impacts to OY or Both distribution and natural mortality indicators suggest negative impacts to OY. Indicators suggest decrease in overwinter survival but no change or decrease in overwinter mixing Habitat condition indicators suggest negative impacts to OY but Physical oceanography indicators suggest no impact or positive impact
High Distribution, climate, and natural mortality indicators all suggest negative impacts to OY. Overwinter survival decreasing, overwinter mixing increasing Both Physical oceanography and Habitat condition indicators suggest negative impact to OY
Species OffHab
Ocean Quahog tbd
Surfclam tbd
Summer flounder tbd
Scup tbd
Black sea bass lowest
Atl. mackerel tbd
Chub mackerel tbd
Butterfish tbd
Longfin squid tbd
Shortfin squid tbd
Golden tilefish lowest
Blueline tilefish tbd
Bluefish modhigh
Spiny dogfish tbd
Monkfish tbd
Unmanaged forage tbd
Deepsea corals tbd
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The EOP Committee and AP elected to tailor offshore habitat indicators for each managed species, using Ecosystem and Socioeconomic Profile (ESP) information as a starting point. Risk indicators will be developed as ESP information becomes available.

Social and Economic Risk Elements

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Commercial Value

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and addresses the risk of not maximizing fishery value. Revenue serves as a proxy for commercial profits.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend and low variability in revenue
Low-Moderate Increasing or high variability in revenue
Moderate-High Significant long term revenue decrease
High Significant recent decrease in revenue

Ranked moderate-high risk due to the current low status and visual trend

Risk element: CommVal

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Commercial Fishery Resilience (1) - Revenue Diversity

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and addresses the potential risk of reduced commercial fishery business resilience by evaluating species diversity of revenue at the permit level.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend in diversity measures
Low-Moderate Increasing trend or high variance in diversity measure
Moderate-High Significant long term downward trend in diversity measure
High Significant recent downward trend in diversity measure
Species revenue diversity in the Mid Atlantic.

Species revenue diversity in the Mid Atlantic.

In late 2024, this element was ranked high risk due to a significant short term decline 2013-2022. With the addition of new data, this decline is no longer present, as species revenue diversity increased in 2023. Therefore this element now ranks low risk.

Risk element: FishRes1

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Commercial Fishery Resilience (3) -- Fleet Diversity

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and ranks the risk to maintaining equity in access to fishery resources.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend in diversity measures
Low-Moderate Increasing trend or high variance in diversity measure
Moderate-High Significant long term downward trend in diversity measure
High Significant recent downward trend in diversity measure

This element was ranked low risk based on two indicators of fleet diversity. The Mid-Atlantic fleet count indicator has a significant 21 year downward trend, so the element is now ranked moderate-high risk.

Commercial fleet count and revenue diversity in the Mid Atlantic.

Risk element: ComDiv

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EAFM Risk Assessment: 2025 Update with new elements

Species level risk elements

Species Assess Fstatus Bstatus PreyA PredP FW2Prey Climate DistShift EstHabitat OffHab
Ocean Quahog lowest lowest lowest tbd lowest lowest highest modhigh lowest tbd
Surfclam lowest lowest lowest tbd lowest lowest modhigh modhigh lowest tbd
Summer flounder lowest highest lowmod tbd tbd lowest lowmod modhigh highest tbd
Scup lowest lowest lowest tbd tbd lowest lowmod modhigh highest tbd
Black sea bass lowest lowest lowest highest tbd lowest modhigh modhigh highest lowest
Atl. mackerel lowest lowest highest lowmod modhigh lowest lowmod modhigh lowest tbd
Chub mackerel highest lowmod lowmod tbd tbd lowest na na lowest tbd
Butterfish lowest lowest lowmod tbd modhigh lowest lowest highest lowest tbd
Longfin squid lowmod lowmod lowmod tbd lowmod lowmod lowest modhigh lowest tbd
Shortfin squid highest lowmod lowmod tbd tbd lowmod lowest highest lowest tbd
Golden tilefish lowmod highest lowmod tbd tbd lowest modhigh lowest lowest lowest
Blueline tilefish highest highest modhigh tbd tbd lowest modhigh lowest lowest tbd
Bluefish lowest lowest lowmod lowmod tbd lowest lowest modhigh highest modhigh
Spiny dogfish lowest lowest lowest tbd tbd lowest lowest highest lowest tbd
Monkfish highest lowmod lowmod tbd tbd lowest lowest modhigh lowest tbd
Unmanaged forage na na na tbd tbd lowmod na na na tbd
Deepsea corals na na na tbd tbd lowest na na na tbd

Ecosystem level risk elements

System EcoProd CommVal RecVal FishRes1 FishRes2 ComDiv RecDiv Social ComFood RecFood
Mid-Atlantic lowmod modhigh lowmod lowest lowmod modhigh highest modhigh modhigh modhigh

Species and Sector level risk elements

Species FControl Interact OSW1 OSW2 OtherUse RegComplex Discards Allocation
Ocean Quahog-C lowest lowest lowmod lowest tbd lowest modhigh lowest
Surfclam-C lowest lowest modhigh modhigh tbd lowest modhigh lowest
Summer flounder-R lowmod lowest lowmod tbd lowest highest modhigh highest
Summer flounder-C lowest lowmod lowmod lowmod lowest lowmod modhigh lowest
Scup-R highest lowest lowmod tbd tbd highest modhigh highest
Scup-C lowmod lowmod lowmod lowmod tbd lowmod modhigh lowest
Black sea bass-R highest lowest modhigh tbd tbd highest modhigh highest
Black sea bass-C lowmod lowmod modhigh modhigh tbd lowmod modhigh lowest
Atl. mackerel-R lowmod lowest lowmod tbd tbd lowmod lowmod lowest
Atl. mackerel-C lowest lowmod lowmod lowmod tbd highest lowmod lowest
Butterfish-C lowest lowmod modhigh lowmod lowest modhigh modhigh lowest
Longfin squid-C lowest modhigh lowmod lowmod tbd modhigh modhigh lowest
Shortfin squid-C lowmod lowmod modhigh lowmod lowest modhigh lowest lowest
Golden tilefish-R na lowest lowest tbd tbd lowest lowest lowest
Golden tilefish-C lowest lowest lowest tbd tbd lowest lowest lowest
Blueline tilefish-R lowmod lowest lowest tbd tbd lowmod lowest lowest
Blueline tilefish-C modhigh lowest lowest tbd tbd lowest lowmod lowest
Bluefish-R lowmod lowest lowmod tbd lowest modhigh lowmod highest
Bluefish-C lowmod lowest lowmod lowmod lowest lowmod lowmod lowest
Spiny dogfish-R lowmod lowest modhigh tbd tbd lowest lowmod lowest
Spiny dogfish-C lowmod modhigh modhigh lowmod tbd highest lowmod lowest
Chub mackerel-C lowest lowmod lowest lowmod tbd lowest lowest lowest
Unmanaged forage lowest lowest tbd tbd tbd lowest lowest lowest
Deepsea corals na na na tbd na na na na
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UNCHANGED 2024-2025

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Food Web (1) - Prey Availability

Fish stocks and protected species stocks are managed using single species approaches, but fish and protected species stocks exist within a food web of predator and prey interactions. This element is one of two separating food web risks to achieving OY for Council managed species from two sources. This first element assesses prey availability for each species, and the second food web risk element assesses predation pressure on each species (see Food Web (2)- Predation Pressure).

Risks from all prey (1) and all predators (2) are considered.

Indicators of prey availability combine aggregate prey abundance and species body condition (relative weight at length).


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Food Web (1) - Prey Availability

This element is applied at the species level. This element assesses prey availability risk for each species.

Risk Level Definition
Low Fish condition good, no correlation with major prey trends
Low-Moderate Fish condition above average or neutral, aggregate prey for this species has stable or increasing trend
Moderate-High Fish condition below average or neutral, aggregate prey for this species has significant decreasing trend
High Fish condition poor, species highly dependent on prey with limited and declining availability, or prey and condition trends significantly correlated
Species PreyA
Ocean Quahog tbd
Surfclam tbd
Summer flounder tbd
Scup tbd
Black sea bass highest
Atl. mackerel lowmod
Chub mackerel tbd
Butterfish tbd
Longfin squid tbd
Shortfin squid tbd
Golden tilefish tbd
Blueline tilefish tbd
Bluefish lowmod
Spiny dogfish tbd
Monkfish tbd
Unmanaged forage tbd
Deepsea corals tbd
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Food Web (2) - Predation Pressure

A range of potential predation pressure indicators were discussed. The EOP Committee and AP agreed to use available data at present while total predation mortality indicators from full food web models are developed and tested.

The EOP and AP agreed to a threshold value for low predation of 10%. In addition, at least 50% of predation mortality should be accounted for in selected indicators by combining the most important predators.


  • Predator prey overlap

  • Predator consumption index

  • Predation pressure index

PPI from Laurel

  • Model-derived predation mortality
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Food Web (2) - Predation Pressure

This element is applied at the species level. This food web risk element assesses predation pressure risk on each species.

Risk Level Definition
Low Predation pressure represents low proportion of overall mortality
Low-Moderate Decreasing or no overlap/consumption/PPI/mortality trend, predation represents a moderate proportion of overall mortality
Moderate-High Increasing overlap/consumption/PPI/mortality trend, predation represents a moderate proportion of overall mortality
High Increasing overlap/consumption/PPI/mortality trend, predation represents a high proportion of overall mortality
Species PredP
Ocean Quahog lowest
Surfclam lowest
Summer flounder tbd
Scup tbd
Black sea bass tbd
Atl. mackerel modhigh
Chub mackerel tbd
Butterfish modhigh
Longfin squid lowmod
Shortfin squid tbd
Golden tilefish tbd
Blueline tilefish tbd
Bluefish tbd
Spiny dogfish tbd
Monkfish tbd
Unmanaged forage tbd
Deepsea corals tbd
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Food Web (3) - Protected Species Prey

This element is applied at the species level. This element ranks the risks of not achieving protected species objectives due to species interactions with Council managed species.

Risk Level Definition
Low Few interactions with any protected species
Low-Moderate Important prey of 1-2 protected species, or important prey of 3 or more protected species with management consideration of interaction
Moderate-High Important prey of 3 or more protected species
High Managed species is sole prey for a protected species
Species FW3Prey
Ocean Quahog lowest
Surfclam lowest
Summer flounder lowest
Scup lowest
Black sea bass lowest
Atl. mackerel lowest
Chub mackerel lowest
Butterfish lowest
Longfin squid lowmod
Shortfin squid lowmod
Golden tilefish lowest
Blueline tilefish lowest
Bluefish lowest
Spiny dogfish lowest
Monkfish lowest
Unmanaged forage lowmod
Deepsea corals lowest
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Ecosystem Productivity

This element is applied at the ecosystem level (the Mid-Atlantic Ecosystem Production Unit). Productivity at the base of the food web supports and ultimately limits the amount of managed species production in an ecosystem.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trends in ecosystem productivity
Low-Moderate Trend in ecosystem productivity (1-2 measures, increase or decrease)
Moderate-High Trend in ecosystem productivity (3+ measures, increase or decrease)
High Decreasing trend in ecosystem productivity, 4+ measures

Ranked Low-moderate due to increasing zooplankton and decreasing forage trends. Patterns in fish condition and productivity also observed. No trend in primary production.

Risk Element: EcoProd

Changes in zooplankton abundance in the MAB for large (top left) and small (top right) copepods, Cnidarians (bottom left), and Euphausiids (bottom right), with significant increases (orange) in small copeods and Cnidarians.

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This element is applied at the species level, and evaluates risks to species productivity (and therefore to achieving OY) due to projected climate change factors in the region.

Locations where bottom aragonite saturation state (`\(\Omega_{Arag}\)`; summer only: June-August) were at or below the laboratory-derived sensitivity level for Atlantic sea scallop (left panel) and longfin squid (right panel) for the time periods 2007-2022 (dark cyan) and 2023 only (magenta). Gray circles indicate locations where bottom `\(\Omega_{Arag}\)` values were above the species specific sensitivity values.

Risk Level Definition
Low Low climate vulnerability ranking
Low-Moderate Moderate climate vulnerability ranking
Moderate-High High climate vulnerability ranking, climate indicators impacting the stock increasing (worsening)
High Very high climate vulnerability ranking, climate indicators impacting the stock increasing (worsening)
Species Climate
Ocean Quahog highest
Surfclam modhigh
Summer flounder lowmod
Scup lowmod
Black sea bass modhigh
Atl. mackerel lowmod
Chub mackerel na
Butterfish lowest
Longfin squid lowest
Shortfin squid lowest
Golden tilefish modhigh
Blueline tilefish modhigh
Bluefish lowest
Spiny dogfish lowest
Monkfish lowest
Unmanaged forage na
Deepsea corals na
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Distribution Shifts

This element is applied at the species level, and evaluates risks of species distribution shifts due to projected climate change in the Northeast US.

Aggregate species distribution metrics for species in the Northeast Large Marine Ecosystem: along shelf distance with increasing trend (orange), and depth with decreasing trend indicating deeper water (purple).

Risk Level Definition
Low Low potential for distribution shifts
Low-Moderate Moderate potential for distribution shifts
Moderate-High High potential for distribution shifts, observed distribution shifts
High Very high potential for distribution shifts, observed distribution shifts
Species DistShift
Ocean Quahog modhigh
Surfclam modhigh
Summer flounder modhigh
Scup modhigh
Black sea bass modhigh
Atl. mackerel modhigh
Chub mackerel na
Butterfish highest
Longfin squid modhigh
Shortfin squid highest
Golden tilefish lowest
Blueline tilefish lowest
Bluefish modhigh
Spiny dogfish highest
Monkfish modhigh
Unmanaged forage na
Deepsea corals na
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Estuarine and Coastal Habitat

This element is applied at the species level, and evaluates risk of not achieving OY due to threats to estuarine and nearshore coastal habitat/nursery grounds.

Chesapeake Bay water quality trend, 3 year running mean proportion of areas meeting or exceeding quality thresholds based on dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, water clarity, and submerged aquatic vegetation.

Risk Level Definition
Low Not dependent on nearshore coastal or estuarine habitat
Low-Moderate Estuarine dependent, estuarine condition stable
Moderate-High Estuarine dependent, estuarine condition fair
High Estuarine dependent, estuarine condition poor
Species EstHabitat
Ocean Quahog lowest
Surfclam lowest
Summer flounder highest
Scup highest
Black sea bass highest
Atl. mackerel lowest
Chub mackerel lowest
Butterfish lowest
Longfin squid lowest
Shortfin squid lowest
Golden tilefish lowest
Blueline tilefish lowest
Bluefish highest
Spiny dogfish lowest
Monkfish lowest
Unmanaged forage na
Deepsea corals na
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Marine Recreational Angler Trips

This element is assessed at the ecosystem level where it applies equally to all recreationally fished species. It addresses the risk of not maximizing recreational fishery value and opportunities.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trends in angler trips
Low-Moderate Increasing or high variability in angler trips
Moderate-High Significant long term decreases in angler trips
High Significant recent decreases in angler trips

Recreational effort (number of trips, black) in the Mid-Atlantic, with significant increase (orange line).

Ranked low-moderate risk due to the significant long term increase with high recent variability.

Risk element: RecVal

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Recreational Fleet Diversity (new)

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and ranks the risk to maintaining equity in recreational access to fishery resources.

Potential Indicator Recreational fleet effort diversity (black) in the Mid-Atlantic, with significant decrease (purple line).


Risk Level Definition
Low No trend in diversity measure
Low-Moderate Increasing trend or high variance in diversity measure
Moderate-High Significant long term downward trend in diversity measure
High Significant recent downward trend in diversity measure

Ranked high risk due to the significant recent downward trend in diversity.

Risk element: RecDiv

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Commercial Fishery Resilience (2) - Shoreside Support

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and ranks the risk of reduced commercial fishery business resilience due to shoreside support infrastructure.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend in shoreside support businesses
Low-Moderate Increasing or high variability in shoreside support businesses
Moderate-High Significant recent decrease in one measure of shoreside support businesses
High Significant recent decrease in multiple measures of shoreside support businesses

One indicator showed a decrease, which represents moderate-high risk to fishery resilience. Data access has changed but updates should be possible.

Risk element: FishRes2

Shoreside support businesses: Number of Companies and nonemployer entitites

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Fishing Community Vulnerability

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and evaluates the risk of reduced community resilience (engagement, social vulnerability).

Risk Level Definition
Low Few (<10%) vulnerable fishery dependent communities
Low-Moderate 10-25% of fishery dependent communities with 2 or more high vulnerability ratings
Moderate-High 25-50% of fishery dependent communities with 2 or more high vulnerability ratings
High Majority (>50%) of fishery dependent communities with 2 or more high vulnerability ratings

The current risk assessment uses 2022 data, modified criteria for fewer indicator categories and a different set of social indicators. Over 48% of commercial fishing dependent communities and 34% of recreational fishing dependent communities had two or more high social vulnerability ratings. Therefore, social vulnerability risk is ranked moderate-high.

Risk element: Social

Commercial engagement, reliance, and environmental justice vulnerability for the top commercially engaged and reliant fishing communities in the Mid-Atlantic.

Recreational engagement and reliance, and environmental justice vulnerability, for the top recreationally engaged and reliant fishing communities in the Mid-Atlantic.

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Commercial Fishing Production

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and describes the risk of not optimizing domestic commercial fishing production from Council-managed species and total commercial fishing production in the Mid-Atlantic.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend or increase in seafood landings
Low-Moderate Increasing or high variability in seafood landings
Moderate-High Significant long term decrease in seafood landings
High Significant recent decrease in seafood landings

There is a significant long term decrease in total commercial landings and U.S. seafood landings in the Mid-Atlantic, indicating moderate-high risk using previous criteria.

Risk element: ComFood

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Recreational/Subsistence Food Production

This element is applied at the ecosystem level, and describes the risk of not maintaining personal food production.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend or increase in recreational landings
Low-Moderate Increasing or high variability in recreational landings
Moderate-High Significant long term decrease in recreational landings
High Significant recent decrease in recreational landings

Indicators: Recreational harvest

This significant long term decrease in both recreational landings represents a moderate-high risk to food production.

Risk element: RecFood

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Risk Element Example - Commercial revenue

This element is applied at the ecosystem level. Revenue serves as a proxy for commercial profits.

Risk Level Definition
Low No trend and low variability in revenue
Low-Moderate Increasing or high variability in revenue
Moderate-High Significant long term revenue decrease
High Significant recent decrease in revenue

Ranked moderate-high risk due to the current low status and visual trend

Risk element: CommRev

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