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EBFM “on-ramps”
Using Ecosystem Information
in the Stock Assessment and Advice Process

15 November 2022

Sarah Gaichas
Northeast Fisheries Science Center

With thanks to Kimberly Gordon and Katie Latanich

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US Policy defines EBFM as:

relating environment marine habitat and the marine community to human activities social systems and objectives

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EBFM Guiding Principles

Five supporting EBFM steps to maintain resilient ecosystems

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What is ecosystem information?

An indicator tells us something about where we are relative to our goals or to limits, or about the context we are working within that may affect achieving our goals.

bank account balance,  speedometer, weather warning

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as a big umbrella that can include many types of information A quick definition of ecosystem indicators, why they’re useful, and broad categories (e.g. climate, oceanographic, habitat, primary productivity, ecosystem services, human dimensions, etc.)

What is ecosystem information? Performance relative to objectives

An indicator tells us something about where we are relative to our goals or to limits, or about the context we are working within that may affect achieving our goals.

Stock status

Commercial Revenue and Recreational Effort

Black = Revenue of all species combined; Red = Revenue of MAFMC managed species

## Error in loadNamespace(x) : there is no package called 'arfit'
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What is ecosystem information? Context, risks to meeting objectives

An indicator tells us something about where we are relative to our goals or to limits, or about the context we are working within that may affect achieving our goals.

SSTblack sea bass survey distribution change over time from 2018 SOEoffshore wind

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Documenting and sharing ecosystem information

ecosystem, stock assessment, and economic reports


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Pathways for documenting and sharing ecosystem information ESRs and what they can do (e.g. synthesize, provide context, help formulate hypotheses and questions, support communication, potentially inform specific decisions) Other vehicles (e.g., some regions that don’t yet have regular ESRs have mentioned SAFE reports, fishery performance reports, and others). *Don’t worry about being comprehensive here – in the discussion that follows this talk we’ll be asking people how they receive ecosystem information.

On ramps: getting where we want to go

Management decisions

  1. Where do we want to go? Key question. Start here
  2. Current decisions
    • Stock assessments
    • SSC advice--ABC decisions
    • Harvest control rules
  3. New (current) decisions
    • Habitat change or restoration
    • Changing species distribution and interactions
    • Tradeoffs between fisheries
    • Tradeoffs between ocean use sectors

Methods and tools

  1. Stakeholder engagement, surveys, strategic planning
  2. Add information to current process
    • Ecosystem ToRs, ESPs
    • Risk or uncertainty assessments
    • Management strategy evaluation
  3. Integrate across current processes
    • Risk assessment
    • Conceptual models
    • Scenario planning
    • Management strategy evaluation
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A basic orientation to ecosystem on-ramps – (however you would organize this) – e.g. assessments inputs, context for decision-making, risk assessment and identifying priorities, and less concrete pathways too – having a shared vocabulary, formulating questions or research priorities

Many options and entry points for a systematic ecosystem approach

Fishing icon made by EDAB       Fishing industry icon made by EDAB       Multiple drivers icon made by EDAB       Spiritual cultural icon made by EDAB       Protected species icon made by EDAB

Climate icon made by EDAB       Stock assessment icon made by EDAB       Ecosystem reorganization icon made by EDAB       Wind icon made by EDAB

Hydrography icon made by EDAB       Phytoplankon icon made by EDAB       Forage fish icon made by EDAB       Apex predators icon made by EDAB       Other human uses icon made by EDAB

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US Policy defines EBFM as:

relating environment marine habitat and the marine community to human activities social systems and objectives

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