Determine how landings data are aggregated based on available length samples
How are missing length samples handled
Need to recognize species specific rules for calculating catch at length & age
Need to know data sources
Initial meeting with Kiersten, Gary, Paul to formulate a set of rules/decision tree
Interest centers on the decision making process prior to entering information into this template
Multispecies models require data for many species on a different spatial footprint from assessments
Template found on StockEff Confluence
Address the decision making process
Define species specific rules.
Reproducible with documentation of decisions (Transparency)
Multispecies length and age based models require data on a different spatial footprint from assessments
Evaluate the performance of multispecies assessment models
uses survey length-weight data to fit relationship
Process for handling missing length samples will be expanded to incorporate today's discussion.
How are gear types aggregated?
How are market codes aggregated?
How are landing aggregated temporally? QTR, SEMESTER, ANNUAL?
What are the rules implemented when length samples are missing?
Sources for length-weight data/parameters?
Sources for discard data?
Sources for age data?
Sources for foreign data?
What is the first year of data used in assessment?
Stock area definition? Statistical areas?
All gears combined into a single gear type
Temporal aggregation: semesters (Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec)
Market codes:
Missing samples: Borrow sample from previous semester within the same market category
Length-weight relationships: 6 (3 time intervals per semester)
Age-length data: from Bottom trawl survey and Commercial data. Combine
Age-length key: By Year
Start date: 1992
All gears combined into a single gear type
Temporal aggregation: semesters (Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec)
Market codes: SQ, MD, PW combined to SMALL, LG
Missing samples: No Borrowing of samples.
Length-weight relationships: 3 semester (annual if collapsed)
Age-length data: (pooled sexes)
Age-length key: semester
Start date: 1973
Landings: from state of Maine
Gears: Mobile (Trawl, purse Seines: 050,170,120,121,122,124,370), Fixed (all other gear types)
Temporal aggregation: quarter year
Market codes: All unclassified
Missing samples: No Borrowing of samples.
Length-weight relationships: (same as aggregation)
Age-length data:
Age-length key: Year, Semester, gear type
Start date: 1965
What are we missing?
What diagnostics are useful?
Helpful to post species specific diagnostics and length and age compositions for feedback
Can you help supply information for other species?
Gears: combine all gears: otter (050,010,057)
Temporal aggregation: semester
Market codes:
Missing samples:
Length-weight relationships: 2 (spring and fall)
Age-length data:
Age-length key:
Start date: 1964
Landings: East 561-562, West 521-522,525,526,537-539
Gears: 050, 010 (longline bottom), 100 (Gill net)
Temporal aggregation: quartely
Market codes:
Missing samples:
Length-weight relationships: 4 (by semester and region)
Age-length data:
Age-length key:
minimum number of samples: 2
Start date: 1981
Gears: 050 (otter)
Temporal aggregation: quarterly
Market codes:
Missing samples:
Length-weight relationships:
Age-length data:
Age-length key:
Start date: 1964
Gears: 050 (otter)
Temporal aggregation: semester
Market codes:
Missing samples: No borrowing
Length-weight relationships: single relationship
Age-length data:
Age-length key: year, semester
Start date: 1982
Gears: 050 (otter), fixed (010,020,100,101)?
Temporal aggregation: Annual
Market codes: All unclassified
Missing samples:
Length-weight relationships: 2 (males and females)
Age-length data: None
Age-length key: None
Start date:
Landings: survey proportions applied to skate population
Temporal aggregation:
Market codes:
Missing samples:
Length-weight relationships:
Age-length data: None
Age-length key: None
Start date:
Gears: 050, + ?
Temporal aggregation: semester
Market codes:
Missing samples:
Length-weight relationships:
Age-length data: survey (1973-2009)
Age-length key: Borrow ages from adjacent years
Start date: 1955
Landings: No age structured assessment
Gears: 050, 100, 132
Temporal aggregation:
Market codes: SQ, LG
Missing samples:
Length-weight relationships:
Age-length data: None
Age-length key: None
Start date:
Determine how landings data are aggregated based on available length samples
How are missing length samples handled
Need to recognize species specific rules for calculating catch at length & age
Need to know data sources
Initial meeting with Kiersten, Gary, Paul to formulate a set of rules/decision tree
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