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State of the Ecosystem
Council Requests

SOE planning workshop
23 August 2021

Sarah Gaichas
Northeast Fisheries Science Center

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Council Feedback on Updated structure: Keep!

2020 Report

  1. Summary 2 pager
  2. Human dimensions
  3. Protected species
  4. Fish and invertebrates (managed and otherwise)
  5. Habitat quality and ecosystem productivity

2021 Report

  1. Graphical summary
    • Page 1 report card re: objectives →
    • Page 2 risk summary bullets
    • Page 3 synthesis themes
  2. Performance relative to management objectives
  3. Risks to meeting management objectives
Ecosystem-scale fishery management objectives
Objective Categories Indicators reported here
Provisioning and Cultural Services
Seafood Production Landings; commercial total and by feeding guild; recreational harvest
Profits Revenue decomposed to price and volume
Recreation Days fished; recreational fleet diversity
Stability Diversity indices (fishery and ecosystem)
Social & Cultural Community engagement/reliance status
Protected Species Bycatch; population (adult and juvenile) numbers, mortalities
Supporting and Regulating Services
Biomass Biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys
Productivity Condition and recruitment of managed species, Primary productivity
Trophic structure Relative biomass of feeding guilds, Zooplankton
Habitat Estuarine and offshore habitat conditions
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2022 Request tracking memo: prioritze with current outline, SSCs

Request Year Source Progress
Linking Condition 2020 MAFMC in progress; not ready for 2021
Re-evaluate EPUs 2020 NEFMC unable to start in 2020
More direct convos for feedback 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit
Add "This report is direct to..." 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit implemented in MAFMC and NEFMC 2021
Further definition of regime shift - Define "abupt" and "Persistant" 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit
Expand collaboration with Canadian Counterparts 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit Vince Saba: We are currently drafting a NMFS-DFO climate/fisheries collaboration framework.
State management objectives first in report 2021 NEFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/119fjByOtS75IZuqVAVocKZb-NSdzYF7oXpl4WDt9RwQ/edit
Management complexity 2019 MAFMC in progress; student work needs further analysis, no further work in 2020
Incorporate social sciences survey from council 2020 NEFMC unable to start in 2020
recreational bycatch mortality as an indicator of regulatory waste 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wDBu92Z4sotWjXGpqQYwc9XoSkjndoEF/edit
Sturgeon Bycatch 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wDBu92Z4sotWjXGpqQYwc9XoSkjndoEF/edit
Sum of TAC/ Landings relative to TAC 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit
Decomposition of diversity drivers highlighting social components 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit
changing per capita seafood consumption as driver of revenue? 2021 MAFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19OkkLTt00RaQ4YWx4Mrc_4CBI9iTxKJDBkl60A_D4lU/edit
Cumulative weather index 2020 MAFMC in progress; data gathered for prototype
fall turnover date index 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wDBu92Z4sotWjXGpqQYwc9XoSkjndoEF/edit
Nutrient input, Benthic Flux and POC(particulate organic carbon ) to inform benthic productivity by something other than surface indidcators 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit
OA in NEFMC SOE 2021 NEFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jc8mpBWZSu3RUBUBdXytFzEOsJsMn9A1yBdfjFIW1FU/edit
Habitat impact of fishing based on gear. 2021 NEFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/119fjByOtS75IZuqVAVocKZb-NSdzYF7oXpl4WDt9RwQ/edit
relate OA to nutrient input; are there "dead zones" (hypoxia)? 2021 MAFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19OkkLTt00RaQ4YWx4Mrc_4CBI9iTxKJDBkl60A_D4lU/edit
indicators of chemical pollution in offshore waters? 2021 MAFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19OkkLTt00RaQ4YWx4Mrc_4CBI9iTxKJDBkl60A_D4lU/edit
links between species availability inshore/offshore (estuarine conditions) and trends in recreational fishing effort? 2021 MAFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19OkkLTt00RaQ4YWx4Mrc_4CBI9iTxKJDBkl60A_D4lU/edit
how does phyto size comp affect EOF indicator, if at all? 2021 MAFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19OkkLTt00RaQ4YWx4Mrc_4CBI9iTxKJDBkl60A_D4lU/edit
Shellfish growth/distribution linked to climate (system productivity) 2019 MAFMC in progress; project with R Mann student to start 2021
Estuarine condition relative to power plants and temp 2019 MAFMC unable to start in 2020
Avg weight of diet components by feeding group 2019 Internal in progress; part of fish condition
Mean stomach weight across feeding guilds 2019 MAFMC in progress; stomach fullness analysis started--species level
VAST and uncertainty 2020 Both Councils in progress; not ready for 2021
Seal index 2020 MAFMC in progress; not ready for 2021
Young of Year index from multiple surveys 2019 MAFMC unable to start in 2020
Biomass of spp not included in BTS 2020 MAFMC unable to start in 2020
Revisit right whale language 2021 NEFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/119fjByOtS75IZuqVAVocKZb-NSdzYF7oXpl4WDt9RwQ/edit
Indicator of scallop pred pops poorly sampled by bts 2021 NEFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/119fjByOtS75IZuqVAVocKZb-NSdzYF7oXpl4WDt9RwQ/edit
Apex predator index (pinnipeds) 2021 NEFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/119fjByOtS75IZuqVAVocKZb-NSdzYF7oXpl4WDt9RwQ/edit
Forage availability index (Herring/Sandlance) 2021 NEFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/119fjByOtS75IZuqVAVocKZb-NSdzYF7oXpl4WDt9RwQ/edit
fishery gear modifications accounted for in shark CPUE? ask HMS 2021 MAFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19OkkLTt00RaQ4YWx4Mrc_4CBI9iTxKJDBkl60A_D4lU/edit
Reduce indicator dimensionality with multivariate statistics 2020 NEFMC unable to start in 2020
Inflection points for indicators 2019 Both Councils unable to start in 2020
Breakpoints 2020 NEFMC unable to start in 2020
compare EOF (Link) thresholds to empirical thresholds (Large, Tam) 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit
Time series analysis (Zooplankton/Forage fish) to tie into regime shifts 2021 MAFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-JQPpceJGzz2jddx2ssHJLlgMB7y0Jg5h_oO31Hx38/edit
Trend analysis 2021 NEFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jc8mpBWZSu3RUBUBdXytFzEOsJsMn9A1yBdfjFIW1FU/edit
Regime shifts in Social-Economic indicators 2021 NEFMC SSC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jc8mpBWZSu3RUBUBdXytFzEOsJsMn9A1yBdfjFIW1FU/edit
Optimum yeild for ecosystem 2021 NEFMC - https://docs.google.com/document/d/119fjByOtS75IZuqVAVocKZb-NSdzYF7oXpl4WDt9RwQ/edit
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SSC State of the Ecosystem Working Group

Objective: make better use of existing ecosystem information presented each year, and develop more tailored products and processes to use this information in management

Possible tasks for this WG include:

  • Review and prioritize current ecosystem indicator work (analyses of indicators/groups, thresholds, etc) for the 2022 SOE report or prototype stock specific reports
  • Develop and test decision frameworks that use ecosystem information in setting Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) for individual stocks
  • Provide scientific support for MAFMC's comprehensive review and update of EAFM risk assessment, and for the Council's use of SOE and risk assessment in strategic planning.
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Seeking Council Feedback

What types of ecosystem data/information, tools, or approaches may be missing or would be informative to help support Council decision making, strategic planning, and priority setting (management and research)?


  1. The North Pacific Fishery Management Council has used Ecosystem Status Reports to inform OFL and ABC setting for coming years (Bering Sea pollock 2006, Gulf of Alaska cod 2018-2019)
  2. California Department of Fish and Wildlife utilizes habitat compression and forage indices to inform their Risk Assessment and Mitigation Program for humpback whales, blue whales, and Pacific leatherback turtles

Gulf of Alaska Cod temperature impacts

Gulf of Alaska Cod condition impacts

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SSC Proposal in Progress

  • Includes stock specific and ecosystem level processes, co-develop with stock specific reporting (ESPs)
    • Overfishing Limit coefficient of variation (OFL CV) can include both
    • Multispecies and system level decisions to be considered for development
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SSC Proposal in Progress

  • Includes stock specific and ecosystem level processes, co-develop with stock specific reporting (ESPs)
    • Overfishing Limit coefficient of variation (OFL CV) can include both
    • Multispecies and system level decisions to be considered for development
  • Potential analyses: OFL CV
    • For selected stocks and/or general life history types
      • Which ecosystem factors affect uncertainty in current stock biomass and Fmsy?
      • Conceptual model mapping ecosystem factors to stock processes
      • Which current ecosystem indicators best match relevant ecosystem factors?
      • Empirical or simulation analysis: do changes in those indicators predictably change uncertainty?
    • Coordinate with with upcoming research track assessments
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SSC Proposal in Progress

  • Includes stock specific and ecosystem level processes, co-develop with stock specific reporting (ESPs)
    • Overfishing Limit coefficient of variation (OFL CV) can include both
    • Multispecies and system level decisions to be considered for development
  • Potential analyses: OFL CV
    • For selected stocks and/or general life history types
      • Which ecosystem factors affect uncertainty in current stock biomass and Fmsy?
      • Conceptual model mapping ecosystem factors to stock processes
      • Which current ecosystem indicators best match relevant ecosystem factors?
      • Empirical or simulation analysis: do changes in those indicators predictably change uncertainty?
    • Coordinate with with upcoming research track assessments
  • Potential analyses: multispecies and system level advice
    • Where are there multispecies/multifleet tradeoffs linking to economic and social outcomes?
    • Identify initial priorities in collaboration with Council
    • Are there multi-indicator thresholds suggesting when FMP level management needs to change?
    • Are there changes in ecosystem productivity that imply standardized approaches for
      • Setting reference points?
      • Developing rebuilding plans?
      • Other analyses requiring short-term projections?
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Under this short term objective, the SSC ecosystem group would first outline a set of hypotheses for which ecosystem factors would be reasonably expected to affect uncertainty in OFL for a range of life history types or selected individual stocks. A conceptual model mapping ecosystem factors to stock attributes and stock assessment components directly affecting OFL would be constructed to focus on the most relevant considerations for OFL CV. NEFSC staff (EDAB and others as appropriate) would match the ecosystem factors to existing ecosystem indicators, or identify information to develop new indicators if necessary. The SSC ecosystem work group would then collaborate with NEFSC staff to develop analyses relating changes in selected ecosystem indicators to increases/decreases in OFL uncertainty for general life history types, individual stocks, or both. Coordination with specific upcoming research track assessments is also possible.

We propose a longer term objective of developing prototype processes to provide multispecies and system level scientific advice appropriate for Council decision making, in particular where there are multispecies and multifleet tradeoffs linking directly to economic and social outcomes. This is obviously more complex, and requires collaborative work with the Council and Council staff to identify initial priorities with concrete endpoints. One suggestion from the working group was to evaluate thresholds across multiple indicators that, if crossed, might cause the Council to reconsider broad management objectives at the FMP level or across FMPs. Another suggestion could be to address ecosystem productivity comprehensively across stocks in estimation of reference points and approaches for short term projections as well as rebuilding plans.

Council Feedback on Updated structure: Keep!

2020 Report

  1. Summary 2 pager
  2. Human dimensions
  3. Protected species
  4. Fish and invertebrates (managed and otherwise)
  5. Habitat quality and ecosystem productivity

2021 Report

  1. Graphical summary
    • Page 1 report card re: objectives →
    • Page 2 risk summary bullets
    • Page 3 synthesis themes
  2. Performance relative to management objectives
  3. Risks to meeting management objectives
Ecosystem-scale fishery management objectives
Objective Categories Indicators reported here
Provisioning and Cultural Services
Seafood Production Landings; commercial total and by feeding guild; recreational harvest
Profits Revenue decomposed to price and volume
Recreation Days fished; recreational fleet diversity
Stability Diversity indices (fishery and ecosystem)
Social & Cultural Community engagement/reliance status
Protected Species Bycatch; population (adult and juvenile) numbers, mortalities
Supporting and Regulating Services
Biomass Biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys
Productivity Condition and recruitment of managed species, Primary productivity
Trophic structure Relative biomass of feeding guilds, Zooplankton
Habitat Estuarine and offshore habitat conditions
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