Diverse stakeholders agreed that an ecosystem approach was necessary. Developing and implementing an ecosystem approach to fishery management was done in collaboration between managers, stakeholders, and scientists.
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Ecosystem Approach (EAFM)
Mid-Atlantic EAFM indicator-based risk assessment
Mid-Atlantic EAFM conceptual modeling (towards MSE)
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
2016 Ecosystem Approach to Fishery Management (EAFM) Policy Guidance document: http://www.mafmc.org/s/EAFM-Doc-Revised-2019-02-08.pdf
Mid-Atlantic EAFM framework:
The Council’s EAFM framework has similarities to the IEA loop on slide 2. It uses risk assessment as a first step to prioritize combinations of managed species, fleets, and ecosystem interactions for consideration. Second, a conceptual model is developed identifying key environmental, ecological, social, economic, and management linkages for a high-priority fishery. Third, quantitative modeling addressing Council-specified questions and based on interactions identified in the conceptual model is applied to evaluate alternative management strategies that best balance management objectives. As strategies are implemented, outcomes are monitored and the process is adjusted, and/or another priority identified in risk assessment can be addressed.
Council staff and scientists create examples based on Council input
↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ...
Council discusses, clarifies, revises with public input
Element | Definition | Indicators |
Economic | ||
Commercial Revenue | Risk of not maximizing fishery value | Revenue in aggregate |
Recreational Angler Days/Trips | Risk of not maximizing fishery value | Numbers of anglers and trips in aggregate |
Commercial Fishery Resilience (Revenue Diversity) | Risk of reduced fishery business resilience | Species diversity of revenue |
Commercial Fishery Resilience (Shoreside Support) | Risk of reduced fishery business resilience due to shoreside support infrastructure | Number of shoreside support businesses |
Social | ||
Fleet Resilience | Risk of reduced fishery resilience | Number of fleets, fleet diversity |
Social-Cultural | Risk of reduced community resilience | Community vulnerability, fishery engagement and reliance |
Food Production | ||
Commercial | Risk of not optimizing seafood production | Seafood landings in aggregate |
Recreational | Risk of not maintaining personal food production | Recreational landings in aggregate |
Element | Definition | Indicators |
Management | ||
Control | Risk of not achieving OY due to inadequate control | Catch compared to allocation |
Interactions | Risk of not achieving OY due to interactions with species managed by other entities | Number and type of interactions with protected or non-MAFMC managed species, co-management |
Other ocean uses | Risk of not achieving OY due to other human uses | Fishery overlap with energy/mining areas |
Regulatory complexity | Risk of not achieving compliance due to complexity | Number of regulations by species |
Discards | Risk of not minimizing bycatch to extent practicable | Standardized Bycatch Reporting |
Allocation | Risk of not achieving OY due to spatial mismatch of stocks and management | Distribution shifts + number of interests |
This element is applied at the ecosystem level. Revenue serves as a proxy for commercial profits.
Risk Level | Definition |
Low | No trend and low variability in revenue |
Low-Moderate | Increasing or high variability in revenue |
Moderate-High | Significant long term revenue decrease |
High | Significant recent decrease in revenue |
Ranked moderate-high risk due to the significant long term revenue decrease for Mid-Atlantic managed species (red points in top plot)
Key: Black = Revenue of all species combined;
Red = Revenue of MAFMC managed species
Species level risk elements
Species | Assess | Fstatus | Bstatus | FW1Pred | FW1Prey | FW2Prey | Climate | DistShift | EstHabitat |
Ocean Quahog | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | modhigh | lowest |
Surfclam | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Summer flounder | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Scup | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Black sea bass | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Atl. mackerel | lowest | highest | highest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | lowest |
Butterfish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest |
Longfin squid | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Shortfin squid | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | highest | lowest |
Golden tilefish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish | highest | highest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest |
Bluefish | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | highest |
Spiny dogfish | lowmod | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest |
Monkfish | highest | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Unmanaged forage | na | na | na | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | na | na | na |
Deepsea corals | na | na | na | lowest | lowest | lowest | na | na | na |
Ecosystem level risk elements
System | EcoProd | CommRev | RecVal | FishRes1 | FishRes4 | FleetDiv | Social | ComFood | RecFood |
Mid-Atlantic | lowmod | modhigh | highest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowmod | highest | modhigh |
Species and Sector level risk elements
Species | MgtControl | TecInteract | OceanUse | RegComplex | Discards | Allocation |
Ocean Quahog-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Surfclam-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Summer flounder-R | modhigh | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | highest |
Summer flounder-C | lowmod | modhigh | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Scup-R | lowmod | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Scup-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Black sea bass-R | highest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | highest | highest |
Black sea bass-C | highest | lowmod | highest | modhigh | highest | highest |
Atl. mackerel-R | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Atl. mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | lowmod | highest |
Butterfish-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | modhigh | lowest |
Longfin squid-C | lowest | modhigh | highest | highest | highest | lowest |
Shortfin squid-C | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Golden tilefish-R | na | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Golden tilefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish-R | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | highest |
Blueline tilefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | highest |
Bluefish-R | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Bluefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | highest |
Spiny dogfish-R | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Spiny dogfish-C | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | modhigh | lowmod | lowest |
Chub mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Unmanaged forage | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Deepsea corals | na | na | modhigh | na | na | na |
Changes: Butterfish B status risk increased from lowest to low-mod (below Bmsy) Allocation risk decreased for 4 fisheries from high to low (intermediate rankings not applied) Black sea bass regulatory complexity risk decreased from highest to moderate-high
Potential new indicators from new SOE sections on climate risk, habitat vulnerability, offshore wind
Working group of habitat, biology, stock assessment, management, economic and social scientists developed:
Final conceptual model (next slide) and supporting information at December 2019 Council meeting
Council proceeding with management strategy evaluation (MSE) using the information from conceptual modeling as a basis. Topic: addressing recreational fishery discards with EAFM
In this interactive circular graph visualization, model elements identified as important by the Council (through risk assessment) and by the working group (through a range of experience and expertise) are at the perimeter of the circle. Elements are defined in detail in the last section of this page. Relationships between elements are represented as links across the center of the circle to other elements on the perimeter. Links from a model element that affect another element start wide at the base and are color coded to match the category of the element they affect.Hover over a perimeter section (an element) to see all relationships for that element, including links from other elements. Hover over a link to see what it connects. Links by default show text for the two elements and the direction of the relationship (1 for relationship, 0 for no relationship--most links are one direction).For example, hovering over the element "Total Landings" in the full model shows that the working group identified the elements affected by landings as Seafood Production, Recreational Value, and Commercial Profits (three links leading out from landings), and the elements affecting landings as Fluke SSB, Fluke Distributional Shift, Risk Buffering, Management Control, Total Discards, and Shoreside Support (6 links leading into Total Landings).
You are here!
Opportunity to participate and shape the analysis
Iterative process with feedback
Introduction to MSE process up next
Slides available at https://noaa-edab.github.io/presentations
Contact Sarah.Gaichas@noaa.gov
Diverse stakeholders agreed that an ecosystem approach was necessary. Developing and implementing an ecosystem approach to fishery management was done in collaboration between managers, stakeholders, and scientists.
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Ecosystem Approach (EAFM)
Mid-Atlantic EAFM indicator-based risk assessment
Mid-Atlantic EAFM conceptual modeling (towards MSE)
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
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