Alt text: Fisheries models range from single and multispecies models to full ecosystem models
Alt text: Fisheries models range from single and multispecies models to full ecosystem models
Ignore predation at your peril: results from multispecies state-space modeling (Trijoulet, Fay, and Miller, 2020)
Ignoring trophic interactions that occur in marine ecosystems induces bias in stock assessment outputs and results in low model predictive ability with subsequently biased reference points.
EM1: multispecies state space
EM2: multispecies, no process error
EM3: single sp. state space, constant M
EM4: single sp. state space, age-varying M
note difference in scale of bias for single species!
This is an important paper both because it demonstrates the importance of addressing strong species interactions, and it shows that measures of fit do not indicate good model predictive performance. Ignoring process error caused bias, but much smaller than ignoring species interactions. See also Vanessa's earlier paper evaluating diet data interactions with multispecies models
Species interactions:
Based on standard age structured stock assessment population dynamics equations
Size preference is gi,a,j,b,t=exp[−12σ2i,j(lnWj,b,tWi,a,t−ηi,j)2]
Suitability, ν of prey i to predator j: νi,a,j,b,t=ρi,jgi,a,j,b,t
Scaled suitability: ˜νi,a,j,b,t=νi,a,j,b,t∑i∑aνi,a,j,b,t+νother
Suitable biomass of prey i to predator j: ϕi,a,j,b,t=˜νi,a,j,b,tBi,a,t
Available biomass of other food, where Bother is system biomass minus modeled species biomass: ϕother=˜νotherBother,t Total available prey biomass: ϕj,b,t=ϕother+∑i∑aϕi,a,j,b,t
Species interactions:
Same MSVPA predation equation as MSCAA (but length based), same dependencies and caveats
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We specify 'preferred' predator-prey weight ratio (log scale) Ψj and variance in predator size preference σj to compare with the actual predator-prey weight ratio (wn/wj) to get the size preference ϑ.
Food intake is Ii,j,t=24[δjeωiT]ˉCi,j,k,t
Species interactions:
Based on Shaefer and Lotka-Volterra population dynamics and predation equations
Interaction coefficients αi,j can be positive or negative
C can be a Catch time series, an exploitation rate time series Bi,t∗Fi,t or an qE (catchability/Effort) time series.
Environmental covariates can be included on growth or carrying capacity (in the model forms that have an explicit carrying capacity).
Species interactions:
Static model: For each group, i, specify:
Biomass B (or Ecotrophic Efficiency EE)
Population growth rate PB
Consumption rate QB
Diet composition DC
Fishery catch C
Biomass accumulation BA
Im/emigration IM and EM
Solving for EE (or B) for each group:
Predation mortality M2ij=DCijQBjBjBi
Fishing mortality Fi=∑ng=1(Cig,land+Cig,disc)Bi
Other mortality M0i=PBi(1−EEi)
Dynamic model (with MSE capability):
dBidt=(1−Ai−Ui)∑jQ(Bi,Bj)−∑jQ(Bj,Bi)−M0iBi−CmBi Consumption:
Where Vij is vulnerability, Dij is “handling time” accounting for predator saturation, and Y is relative biomass which may be modified by a foraging time multiplier Ftime,
The parameters Sij and Hij are flags that control whether the predator density dependence Sij or prey density dependence Hij are affected solely by the biomass levels of the particular predator and prey, or whether a suite of other species’ biomasses in similar roles impact the relationship.
For the default value for Sij of 0 (off), the predator density dependence is only a function of that predator biomass and likewise for prey with the default value of 0 for Hij.
Values greater than 0 allow for a density-dependent effects to be affected by a weighted sum across all species for predators, and for prey. The weights αkj and βkj are normalized such that the sum for each functional response (i.e. ∑kαkj and ∑kβkj for the functional response between predator j and prey i) sum to 1. The weights are calculated from the density-independent search rates for each predator/prey pair, which is equal to 2Q∗ijVij/(Vij−1)B∗iB∗j.
Develop a harvest control rule considering herring's role as prey
Species interactions:
(Also, done in ~ 6 months)
Time constraints forced:
In general, if support for a relationship between herring and predator recruitment was evident, it was modeled as a predator recruitment multiplier based on the herring population Ny relative to a specified threshold Nthresh:
where γ > 1 links herring population size relative to the threshold level to predator recruitment.
If a relationship between predator growth and herring population size was evident, annual changes in growth were modeled by modifying either the Ford-Walford intercept αPy or slope ρPy:
BPy+1=SPy(αPyNPy+FwslopeBPy)+αPyRPy+1 or
where either αPy or ρPy are defined for a predator using herring population parameters.
Finally, herring population size Ny could be related to predator survival using an annual multiplier on constant predator annual natural mortality v:
where 0 < δ <1 links herring population size to predator survival.
Rpath Ecosense functions evaluate parameter uncertainty within a scenario
Now we have MSE closed loop possibilities in Rpath!
Can implement HCRs with predator prey interactions (Lucey et al. accepted)
Curti, K. L, J. S. Collie, C. M. Legault, et al. (2013). "Evaluating the performance of a multispecies statistical catch-at-age model". En. In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70.3, pp. 470-484. ISSN: 0706-652X, 1205-7533. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2012-0229. URL: (visited on Jan. 13, 2016).
Deroba, J. J, S. K. Gaichas, M. Lee, et al. (2018). "The dream and the reality: meeting decision-making time frames while incorporating ecosystem and economic models into management strategy evaluation". In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 0706-652X. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0128. URL: (visited on Jul. 20, 2018).
Gaichas, S. K, M. Fogarty, G. Fay, et al. (2017). "Combining stock, multispecies, and ecosystem level fishery objectives within an operational management procedure: simulations to start the conversation". In: ICES Journal of Marine Science 74.2, pp. 552-565. ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw119. URL: (visited on Oct. 18, 2017).
Gamble, R. J. and J. S. Link (2009). "Analyzing the tradeoffs among ecological and fishing effects on an example fish community: A multispecies (fisheries) production model". En. In: Ecological Modelling 220.19, pp. 2570-2582. ISSN: 03043800. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.06.022. URL: (visited on Oct. 13, 2016).
Lucey, S. M, S. K. Gaichas, and K. Y. Aydin (2020). "Conducting reproducible ecosystem modeling using the open source mass balance model Rpath". En. In: Ecological Modelling 427, p. 109057. ISSN: 0304-3800. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109057. URL: (visited on Apr. 27, 2020).
Trijoulet, V, G. Fay, and T. J. Miller (2020). "Performance of a state-space multispecies model: What are the consequences of ignoring predation and process errors in stock assessments?" En. In: Journal of Applied Ecology n/a.n/a. ISSN: 1365-2664. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13515. URL: (visited on Dec. 04, 2019).
Slides available at
2018 CIE for Ecosystem Based Fishery Management Strategy
Operating Model Name | Herring Productivity | Herring Growth | Assessment Bias |
LowFastBiased | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 1976-1985: fast | 60% overestimate |
LowSlowBiased | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 2005-2014: slow | 60% overestimate |
LowFastCorrect | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 1976-1985: fast | None |
LowSlowCorrect | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 2005-2014: slow | None |
HighFastBiased | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 1976-1985: fast | 60% overestimate |
HighSlowBiased | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 2005-2014: slow | 60% overestimate |
HighFastCorrect | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 1976-1985: fast | None |
HighSlowCorrect | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 2005-2014: slow | None |
Implementation error was included as year-specific lognormal random deviations: Fa,y=ˉFySaeεθ,y−σ2θ2εθ∼N(0,σ2θ)
Assessment error was modeled similarly, with first-order autocorrelation and an optional bias term ρ: ˆNa,y=[Na,y(ρ+1)]eεϕ,y−σ2ϕ2εϕ,y=ϑεϕ,y−1+√1−ϑ2τyτ∼N(0,σ2ϕ)
Three HCR types were rejected at the second stakeholder meeting for poor fishery and predator performance.
Alt text: Fisheries models range from single and multispecies models to full ecosystem models
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