Decision making under deep uncertainty (DMDU) needed when disagreement on:
Essential features of DMDU
Robust Decision Making (RDM) used when
RDM is "deliberation with analysis"
... involves assessing the consequences of a range of management strategies or options and presenting the results in a way which lays bare the tradeoffs in performance across a range of management objectives. (Smith, 1994) a flexible approach that allows for a balance between multiple objectives and identifies harvest strategies robust to various types of uncertainty. Simulation can accommodate more realistic modeling of the fishery than dynamic optimization, as well as more practically implementable policies. (Holland and Herrera, 2009)
Eight regional Fishery Management Councils establish plans for sustainable management of stocks within their jurisdictions. All are governed by the same law, but tailor management to their regional stakeholder needs.
More information:
Harvest control rules are:
"Which harvest control rules best consider herring's role as forage?"
Process to develop fishery management procedures
First used in S. Africa, Australia, and at International Whaling Commission late 1980s - early 1990s
Under this approach, management advice is based on a fully specified set of rules that have been tested in simulations of a wide variety of scenarios that specifically take uncertainty into account. The full procedure includes specifications for the data to be collected and how those data are to be used to provide management advice, in a manner that incorporates a feedback mechanism. (Punt and Donovan, 2007)
First MSE within US Council
(Feeney, Boelke, Deroba, Gaichas, Irwin, and Lee, 2019)
Scope: annual stockwide HCR
Open stakeholder meetings (2)
Uncertainties identified
Operating Model Name | Herring Productivity | Herring Growth | Assessment Bias |
LowFastBiased | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 1976-1985: fast | 60% overestimate |
LowSlowBiased | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 2005-2014: slow | 60% overestimate |
LowFastCorrect | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 1976-1985: fast | None |
LowSlowCorrect | Low: high M, low h (0.44) | 2005-2014: slow | None |
HighFastBiased | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 1976-1985: fast | 60% overestimate |
HighSlowBiased | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 2005-2014: slow | 60% overestimate |
HighFastCorrect | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 1976-1985: fast | None |
HighSlowCorrect | High: low M, high h (0.79) | 2005-2014: slow | None |
Implementation error was included as year-specific lognormal random deviations: Fa,y=ˉFySaeεθ,y−σ2θ2εθ∼N(0,σ2θ)
Assessment error was modeled similarly, with first-order autocorrelation and an optional bias term ρ: ˆNa,y=[Na,y(ρ+1)]eεϕ,y−σ2ϕ2εϕ,y=ϑεϕ,y−1+√1−ϑ2τyτ∼N(0,σ2ϕ)
The Dream:1 Convert the effects of control rules on 4 user groups to dollars:
1 Credit: Min-Yang Lee
Time constraints forced:
Three HCR types were rejected at the second stakeholder meeting for poor fishery and predator performance.
Complex food web, generalist predators
Standalone process with stakeholders
Scenarios could specify a set of MSE operating models
Climate scenarios for a region could be used in many MSEs
(Feeney, Boelke, Deroba, et al., 2019)
(Feeney, Boelke, Deroba, et al., 2019)
NOAA Fisheries supports MSE
Climate and EBFM Roadmaps include
Enhance with DMDU
Deroba, J. J, S. K. Gaichas, M. Lee, et al. (2019). "The dream and the reality: meeting decision-making time frames while incorporating ecosystem and economic models into management strategy evaluation". In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 0706-652X. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0128. URL: (visited on Jul. 20, 2018).
Feeney, R. G, D. V. Boelke, J. J. Deroba, et al. (2019). "Integrating Management Strategy Evaluation into fisheries management: advancing best practices for stakeholder inclusion based on an MSE for Northeast U.S. Atlantic herring". In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. ISSN: 0706-652X. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0125. URL: (visited on Nov. 09, 2018).
Holland, D. S. and G. E. Herrera (2009). "Uncertainty in the Management of Fisheries: Contradictory Implications and a New Approach". In: Marine Resource Economics 24.3. Publisher: [MRE Foundation, Inc, The University of Chicago Press], pp. 289-299. ISSN: 0738-1360. URL: (visited on Jul. 14, 2020).
Punt, A. E. and G. P. Donovan (2007). "Developing management procedures that are robust to uncertainty: lessons from the International Whaling Commission". En. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science 64.4. Publisher: Oxford Academic, pp. 603-612. ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsm035. URL: (visited on Jul. 14, 2020).
Smith, A. D. M. (1994). "Management strategy evaluation – the light on the hill". In: Population dynamics for fisheries management. Ed. by D. Hancock. Perth: Australian Society for Fish Biology, pp. 249-253.
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Decision making under deep uncertainty (DMDU) needed when disagreement on:
Essential features of DMDU
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