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What does math
have to do with fish?

Data, statistics, and modeling
for management advice

Sarah Gaichas
Northeast Fisheries Science Center

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  • My path to NOAA

  • What is NOAA anyway?

  • What we do

  • Challenges with what we do

  • Addressing challenges: math!

  • Examples

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My (circuitous) path to NOAA

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My (circuitous) path to NOAA


ponies Aedes solicitans

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My (circuitous) path to NOAA


ponies Aedes solicitans

summer flounder with tag



Spanish mackerel with otoliths for ageing

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What is NOAA?

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What is NOAA?

NOAA regions

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Working at NOAA Fisheries

observers assessment phd


  • Observer program analyst
  • Stock assessment + PhD at UW
  • Ecosystem modeling GOA food web


  • Integrated ecosystem assessment, management strategy evaluation multispecies harvest
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Fisheries: what do we need to know?

How many fish can be caught sustainably?

  • How many are caught right now?
  • How many were caught historically?
  • How many are there right now?
  • How many were there historically?
  • How productive are they (growth, reproduction)?

school of forage fish

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Fisheries: what do we need to know?

How many fish can be caught sustainably?

  • How many are caught right now?
  • How many were caught historically?
  • How many are there right now?
  • How many were there historically?
  • How productive are they (growth, reproduction)?

school of forage fish

  • What supports their productivity?
  • What does their productivity support, besides fishing?
  • How do they interact with other fish, fisheries, marine animals?
  • How do environmental changes affect them?
  • What is their ecological, economic, and social value to people?
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Challenges addressed with math

  • We don’t live in the ocean; can’t see or directly count what we manage
  • We know only basic biological properties of species; data are expensive
  • Catch coming to land is not the only fishing effect
  • We manage species separately but they interact
  • Different laws govern different species, activities
  • People depend on these estimates for livelihoods
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Challenges addressed with math

  • We don’t live in the ocean; can’t see or directly count what we manage
  • We know only basic biological properties of species; data are expensive
  • Catch coming to land is not the only fishing effect
  • We manage species separately but they interact
  • Different laws govern different species, activities
  • People depend on these estimates for livelihoods
  • Statistical design of surveys, sampling and estimation
  • Observation models for data
  • Sampling and estimation
  • Model structure and parameterization
  • Discarded catch estimation, habitat and other alterations
  • Multispecies and integrated assessment
  • Integrated assessment, management strategy evaluation
  • Validation, quality control, transparency
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Trawl surveys

How many fish are there now?

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What does math have to do with management?

NOAAlogo NOAA fisheries

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What kinds of models are there?


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Components of assessment

Prerequisite: research

  • Biology and ecology of the resource and its habitat
  • Improving observations and sampling
    • Improving modeling and estimation methods

Mathematical modeling

  • Population or ecosystem dynamics (numbers and or biomass)
  • Observation models: fishery catch and survey sampling
    • Adding species interactions, climate and habitat effects

Parameter estimation

  • Most often maximum likelihood, Bayesian increasingly common
    • Search algorithms needed for high dimensional space
    • Genetic algorithms, others in testing

Forecasting (1-3 years out)

  • Predictions depend on modeled and unmodeled processes
  • Characterize uncertainty
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Math, models, and fisheries--examples

  1. Prologue: What is a "forage fish"?

  2. Pacific sardine: stock assessment performance testing
    "How does climate change affect our stock assessments?"

    • Overview of stock assessment process
    • Testing a real assessment model with fake (but known!) "data"
  3. Atlantic herring: fishery management strategy evaluation
    "Which harvest control rules best consider herring's role as forage?"

    • Balancing fishing benefits and ecological services
    • Diverse stakeholder interests
    • Needed timely answers!
  4. Epilogue: Integrated ecosystem assessment

  • (Appendix) Alaska pollock: ecological research with a food web model
    "How does ecosystem structure affect dynamics?"
    • Distinguishing climate, fishing, and food web interactions
    • Dealing with uncertainty
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1. Prologue: What is a forage fish?

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2. How does climate change affect our stock assessments?

  • Changing climate and ocean conditions → Shifting species distributions, changing productivity

  • Needs:

    • Improve our ability to project global change impacts in the California Current and Nordic/Barents Seas (and elsewhere)
    • Test the performance of stock assessments to these impacts

Climate-Ready Management1 Climateready

[1] Karp, Melissa A. et al. 2019. Accounting for shifting distributions and changing productivity in the development of scientific advice for fishery management. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz048.

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Virtual worlds: end-to-end ecosystem models

Atlantis modeling framework: Fulton et al. 2011, Fulton and Smith 2004

Norwegian-Barents Sea

Hansen et al. 2016, 2018

NOBA scale 90%

Building on global change projections: Hodgson et al. 2018, Olsen et al. 2018

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Design: Ecosystem model scenario (climate and fishing)

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Design: Ecosystem model scenario (climate and fishing)

  • Recruitment variability in the operating model

  • Specify uncertainty in assessment inputs using atlantisom

sardinerec scale 100%

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What can we do so far?

Survey census test NOBA

True length composition NOBA

Standard survey test CCA

Survey length composition CCA

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A "sardine" assessment

Need: assessment model data inputs and life history parameters (model based on actual Sardine assessment in Stock Synthesis 3)


  • survey biomass index
  • survey length composition
  • survey age composition (conditional catch at age)
  • fishery catch (tons)
  • fishery length composition
  • fishery age composition


  • natural mortality (from total mortality)
  • growth curve (from survey length at age)
  • maturity at age (true)
  • unfished recruitment and steepness (true)
  • weight-length curve (true)


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A "sardine" assessment: setup

  • California Current Atlantis run with and without climate signal
  • Input data generated (e.g. sardine survey, below in green)
  • Parameters derived; simpler recruitment distribution

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A "sardine" assessment: fits to data

surveyfit lenfit

caafit1 caafit2

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A "sardine" assessment: skill? (proof of concept)

Biomass Fishing mortality


Key: True SS3 estimate

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Assessment performance under climate: in progress

Still working on:

  1. Functions for more detailed assessments

    1. Splitting aggregate age groups into true ages

    2. Interpolating aggregate age groups weight at age for true ages

    3. Fishery catch weight by area

  2. Wrapper functions to generate data in fewer steps

  3. Automated skill assessment functions

  4. Inputs for other common assessment models

workinprogress scale 100%

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3. Are any Atlantic herring harvest control rules good for both fisheries and predators?

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What is Management Strategy Evaluation?

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The Dream and The Reality

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Design: multiple (herring) operating models spanning uncertainty

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Economics: more data, models, assessments!

  • The dream: predator response links to ecosystem services, human well being
  • Fishery complexity rivals or exceeds that of food webs!



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Seabirds: data collected throughout Gulf of Maine



  • Colony adult and fledgling count data used to develop population model
  • Chick diet observations examined in relation to fledgling success

The overall population in numbers for each predator P each year NPy is modeled with a delay-difference function, where annual predator survival SPy is based on annual natural mortality v and exploitation u:

NPy+1=NPySPy+RPy+1 ; SPy=(1vy)(1u) ,

and annual recruitment RPy (at recruitment age a) is a Beverton-Holt function.

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Terns and herring--developing a modeled relationship



No clear significant relationships of common tern productivity and the proportion of herring in diets across all colonies, there were some correlations between herring total biomass and tern productivity. This relationship (right plot) was developed to relate herring biomass to common tern productivity (recruitment):


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Testing the model--does it work?


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Predator results summary

Three control rule types--Constant catch, conditional constant catch, and 15% restriction on change--were rejected at the second stakeholder meeting for poor fishery and predator performance.

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What control rules give us 90% of everything we want?

  • Tern productivity at 1.0 or above more than 90% of the time
  • Herring biomass more than 90% of SSBmsy
  • Fishery yield more than 90% of MSY  
  • AND fishery closures (F=0) less than 1% of the time (second plot).

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Food web modeling; supplemental results

fw10per Tradeoffs between forage groups apparent

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What have we learned? Data-backed models allow us to test options

Complex food web, generalist predators

  • Herring is one of several important prey
  • Assessing multiple prey together will likely show stronger effects on predator productivity


  • Tern/Tuna/Groundfish/Mammal productivity is also affected by predators, weather, and other factors not modeled here
  • Even relatively weak relationships still showed which herring control rules were poor
  • Managers did select a harvest control rule considering a wide range of factors!
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4. Epilogue: integrated ecosystem assessment

  • Establish objectives

  • Develop indicatprs

  • Assess ecosystem

  • Risk assessment

  • Management strategy evaluation

  • Evaluate and iterate

relating environment marine habitat and the marine community to human activities social systems and objectives

The IEA Loop1 IEA process from goal setting to assessment to strategy evaluation with feedbacks

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Indicator example: Marine heatwaves in the Mid-Atlantic

New Indicator 2020

Marine heatwave cumulative intensity (left) and maximum intensity (right) in the Mid-Atlantic Bight.

img: January - December 2019 sea surface temperatures above 90th percentile of average

Maximum intensity heatwave anomaly in the Mid-Atlantic Bight occurring on July 22, 2019.

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Collaborators - THANK YOU!

The New England and Mid-Atlantic State of the Ecosystem reports made possible by (at least) 38 contributors from 8 intstitutions

Donald Anderson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
Andy Beet
Patricia Clay
Lisa Colburn
Geret DePiper
Michael Fogarty
Paula Fratantoni
Kevin Friedland
Sarah Gaichas
Avijit Gangopadhyay (School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
James Gartland (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Glen Gawarkiewicz (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Sean Hardison
Kimberly Hyde
Terry Joyce (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
John Kocik
Steve Kress (National Audubon Society)
Scott Large

Don Lyons (National Audubon Society)
Ruth Boettcher (Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries)
Young-Oh Kwon (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Zhuomin Chen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Sean Lucey
Chris Melrose
Ryan Morse
Kimberly Murray
Chris Orphanides
Richard Pace
Charles Perretti
Vincent Saba
Laurel Smith
Mark Terceiro
John Walden
Harvey Walsh
Mark Wuenschel

NOAA Fisheries IEA logo

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Multiple objectives, multiple challenges

Fisheries stock assessment and ecosystem modeling continue to develop
Can we keep pace with climate?

Existing management systems are at least as complex as the ecosystems, with diverse interests and emerging industries

Integrated ecosystem assessment and management strategy evaluation

  • Include key interactions
    • Species
    • Fisheries
  • Environment
  • Make tradeoffs explicit
  • Account for uncertainty

Mathematical innovation needed!

Three dimensional map of the Northeast US shelf showing major bottom

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Questions? Thank you!

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Appendix 1. How does ecosystem structure affect dynamics?


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Alaska pollock: a tale of two ecosystems


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Alaska pollock: a tale of two ecosystems


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Alaska pollock: a tale of two ecosystems

  • Different pollock trajectories

  • Different pollock diets, mortality sources

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diets:- copepods, krill, pollock in EBS

- krill, shrimp, some copepods in GOA

Ecosystem models and uncertainty


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Model ensemble


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What is a food web model?

A system of linear equations

For each group, i, specify:

Biomass B [or Ecotrophic Efficiency EE ]
Population growth rate PB
Consumption rate QB
Diet composition DC
Fishery catch C
Biomass accumulation BA
Im/emigration IM and EM

Solving for EE [or B ] for each group:



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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: grading inputs


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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: run a scenario


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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: run a scenario


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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: run a scenario


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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: run a scenario in an ensemble


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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: run a scenario in an ensemble


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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: run a scenario in an ensemble


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Ecosystem models and uncertainty: run a scenario in an ensemble


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Defining ecosystem structure in the EBS and GOA: expectations

Ecosystem reaction to pollock if pollock is a "wasp waist": increasepoll

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Defining ecosystem structure in the EBS and GOA: expectations

Ecosystem reaction to pollock if pollock is a "wasp waist": increasepoll

Pollock reaction to other groups if control is bottom up or top down: increaseothers

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Perturbation results: ecosystem reaction to 10% pollock increase

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Perturbation results: pollock reaction to 10% increase in others

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Perturbation results: ecosystem reaction to 10% phytoplankton increase

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Insights for fishery management

  • Differences in food web structure between two adjacent ecosystems with similar biological communities and fishery management

    • Which species respond to the same perturbation
    • Level of uncertainty / predictability in response
  • EBS: Influential group at mid trophic levels

    • Wasp waist transmits signal to other groups (neither AK system)
    • Self regulating dominant group (beer belly) absorbs signals
    • Beer belly systems are more predictable, stable as long as the beer belly maintains itself?
  • GOA: Influential groups at high trophic levels

    • Magnifies bottom up signals and top down?
    • A less predictable system?
    • Subject to more radical change?
  • Structure of a food web may determine how predictable a system is under perturbation, and how changes in primary production propagate through systems

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Appendix 2: Fishery management in the US

Eight regional Fishery Management Councils establish plans for sustainable management of stocks within their jurisdictions. All are governed by the same law, but tailor management to their regional stakeholder needs.

US map highlighting regions for each fishery management council

More information:

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  • My path to NOAA

  • What is NOAA anyway?

  • What we do

  • Challenges with what we do

  • Addressing challenges: math!

  • Examples

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