Role of Ecosystem reporting in MAFMC EAFM
New! Response memo
2020 Mid-Atlantic Report
EAFM risk assessment update
SSC discussion and feedback
The IEA Loop1
2016 EAFM Policy Guidance document; revised 20191
MAFMC EAFM framework2
2017 Inital EAFM risk assessment completed; revised and published 20183
SOE indicators to be used for annual risk assessment updates
[1] [2] [3]
The Council’s EAFM framework has similarities to the IEA loop on slide 2. It uses risk assessment as a first step to prioritize combinations of managed species, fleets, and ecosystem interactions for consideration. Second, a conceptual model is developed identifying key environmental, ecological, social, economic, and management linkages for a high-priority fishery. Third, quantitative modeling addressing Council-specified questions and based on interactions identified in the conceptual model is applied to evaluate alternative management strategies that best balance management objectives. As strategies are implemented, outcomes are monitored and the process is adjusted, and/or another priority identified in risk assessment can be addressed.
"So what?" --John Boreman, September 2016
Clear linkage of ecosystem indicators with management objectives
Synthesis across indicators for big picture
Objectives related to human-well being placed first in report
Short (< 30 pages), non-technical (but rigorous) text
Emphasis on reproducibility
In 2016, we began taking steps to address these common critiques of the ESR model
Our response to the need for more formal response to comments!
SSC feedback requested on the approach and all details, memo has specific questions
Summary 2 pager
Human dimensions
Protected species
Fish and invertebrates (managed and otherwise)
Habitat quality and ecosystem productivity
Established ecosystem-scale objectives in the Mid-Atlantic
Objective Categories | Indicators reported here |
Seafood Production | Landings by feeding guild |
Profits | Revenue decomposed to price and volume |
Recreation | Days fished; recreational catch |
Stability | Diversity indices (fishery and species) |
Social & Cultural | Commercial engagement trends |
Biomass | Biomass or abundance by feeding guild from surveys |
Productivity | Condition and recruitment of managed species, Primary productivity |
Trophic structure | Relative biomass of feeding guilds, Zooplankton |
Habitat | Estuarine and offshore habitat conditions |
Uncertainty already included in:
Uncertainty difficult to include in:
Conceptual model links indicators in the report with management objectives.
A subset of objectives are currently under investigation using GAMs. We plan to extend this work with structural equation modeling and or other methods in 2020.
NOAA is finalizing an Ocean Acidification research plan1.
Work is in progress to to bolster monitoring and to develop a baseline climatology for our region.
A time series indicator may be several years away. Until then, we seek feedback on what available information (for example, initial monitoring2) would be useful to the Councils right now.
[1] [2]
MAFMC requested that this indicator be included (in past years it was in the New England report only).
Satellite for all indicators
Roger Mann (VIMS) looking to fund student at NEFSC to evaluate
Unable to address this aspect of estuarine water quality this year, but see 13
Temperature change within the cold pool vs. volume or other metric?
Chesapeake Bay water quality update
High precipitation let to extreme low salinity event in spring 2019
How best to incorporate NERR data?
Primary Production Required to support landings (see also Memo 5, Memo 15)
Fewer highly engaged Mid-Atlantic communities; engagement scores for medium-highly engaged communities decreasing, linked to landings/revenue?
Existing - North |
Proposed - North |
Existing - Mid |
Proposed - Mid |
Existing - South |
Season | Species | Trend | Species | Trend | Species | Trend | Species | Trend | Species | Trend |
Spring | Little Skate | `↗` | Atlantic Herring | Little Skate | `↗` | Spiny Dogfish | `↗` | Spiny Dogfish | `↗` | |
Spring | Atlantic Herring | `↘` | Little Skate | `↗` | Atlantic Herring | `↘` | Atlantic Herring | `↘` | Longfin Squid | `↗` |
Spring | Windowpane | `↗` | Longhorn Sculpin | `↗` | Spiny Dogfish | `↗` | Little Skate | `↗` | Summer Flounder | `↗` |
Spring | Winter Skate | `↗` | Windowpane | `↗` | Windowpane | `↗` | Alewife | `↘` | Clearnose Skate | `↗` |
Spring | Longhorn Sculpin | `↗` | Alewife | `↘` | Winter Skate | `↗` | Silver Hake | `↗` | Spotted Hake | `↗` |
Fall | Butterfish | `↗` | Butterfish | `↗` | Summer Flounder | `↗` | Longhorn Sculpin | `↗` | Longfin Squid | `↘` |
Fall | Longfin Squid | `↗` | Fourspot Flounder | Longfin Squid | `↗` | Little Skate | `↗` | Northern Searobin | `↗` | |
Fall | Summer Flounder | `↗` | Longhorn Sculpin | `↘` | Butterfish | `↗` | Butterfish | `↗` | Clearnose Skate | `↗` |
Fall | Winter Flounder | `↘` | Summer Flounder | `↗` | Smooth Dogfish | `↗` | Sea Scallop | `↗` | Butterfish | `↗` |
Fall | Spiny Dogfish | `↘` | Spiny Dogfish | `↘` | Windowpane | `↗` | Fourspot Flounder | `↗` | Spiny Dogfish/Spotted Hake | `↗` |
Define how to use indicator in risk assessment to refine further
Splitting out SAFMC, ASMFC removed downward catch diversity trend
Not added because the previous conceptual model was replaced
Define objectives for this indicator for further refinement.
Council-managed species separated in landings plots; see Appendix table.
Seal diet information added, but inadequate information to estimate consumption.
Attempt VAST? Other data sources and suggestions? Forage energy density:
Spring 2017 |
Fall 2017 |
Spring 2018 |
Fall 2018 |
Total |
1980s |
1990s |
Species | ED (SD) | N | ED (SD) | N | ED (SD) | N | ED (SD) | N | ED (SD) | N | ED | ED (SD) |
Alewife | 6.84 (1.62) | 128 | 8.12 (1.46) | 50 | 6.45 (1.21) | 47 | 7.41 (1.6) | 42 | 7.1 (1.62) | 267 | 6.4 | |
Atl. Herring | 5.34 (0.94) | 122 | 5.77 (1.31) | 52 | 6.69 (0.85) | 51 | 5.41 (1.34) | 50 | 5.69 (1.19) | 275 | 10.6 | 9.4 (1.4) |
Atl. Mackerel | NA | 7.24 (1.13) | 50 | 5.33 (0.86) | 51 | 6.89 (1.07) | 50 | 6.48 (1.32) | 151 | 6.0 | ||
Butterfish | 7.13 (1.59) | 65 | 7.31 (1.45) | 89 | 4.91 (1.12) | 53 | 8.1 (2.7) | 50 | 6.92 (2.04) | 257 | 6.2 | |
Illex | 5.54 (0.4) | 77 | 5.43 (0.51) | 52 | 5.5 (0.52) | 50 | 4.76 (0.79) | 50 | 5.33 (0.63) | 229 | 7.1 | 5.9 (0.56) |
Loligo | 5.22 (0.36) | 83 | 5.24 (0.26) | 60 | 4.84 (0.63) | 52 | 4.6 (0.72) | 50 | 5.02 (0.56) | 245 | 5.6 | |
Sand lance | 6.66 (0.54) | 18 | NA | 5.78 (0.34) | 60 | 7.99 (0.74) | 8 | 6.17 (0.81) | 86 | 6.8 | 4.4 (0.82) | |
Silver hake | 4.25 (0.39) | 189 | 4.42 (0.45) | 50 | 4.19 (0.39) | 50 | 4.55 (0.63) | 50 | 4.31 (0.46) | 339 | 4.6 |
Still looking for a source; HMS provided 2017-2019 landings
Inappropriate to combine Albatross and Bigelow--separate indices?
Options from the literature, or combine existing indicators?
Individual indicators or using many indicators at once? Single indicator example:
Large, S. I., Fay, G., Friedland, K. D., and Link, J. S. 2013. Defining trends and thresholds in responses of ecological indicators to fishing and environmental pressures. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70: 755–767.
Large, S. I., Fay, G., Friedland, K. D., and Link, J. S. 2015. Quantifying Patterns of Change in Marine Ecosystem Response to Multiple Pressures: e0119922. PLoS One, 10. (Accessed 14 October 2016).
Samhouri, J. F., Andrews, K. S., Fay, G., Harvey, C. J., Hazen, E. L., Hennessey, S. M., Holsman, K., et al. 2017. Defining ecosystem thresholds for human activities and environmental pressures in the California Current. Ecosphere, 8: e01860.
Tam, J. C., Link, J. S., Large, S. I., Andrews, K., Friedland, K. D., Gove, J., Hazen, E., et al. 2017. Comparing Apples to Oranges: Common Trends and Thresholds in Anthropogenic and Environmental Pressures across Multiple Marine Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. Frontiers. (Accessed 9 March 2020).
Management elements updated from original 2017 risk assessment; added risk rankings for chub mackerel and unmanaged forage fish.
Chesapeake Bay water quality
Recreational retained catch/seafood production
Commercial fishery engagement time series
Recreational diversity indices (fleet and catch)
Other ocean uses: fish habitat overlap with wind energy lease areas
Species level risk elements
Species | Assess | Fstatus | Bstatus | FW1Pred | FW1Prey | FW2Prey | Climate | DistShift | EstHabitat |
Ocean Quahog | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | modhigh | lowest |
Surfclam | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | lowest |
Summer flounder | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Scup | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Black sea bass | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Atl. mackerel | lowest | highest | highest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | lowest |
Butterfish | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest |
Longfin squid | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Shortfin squid | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | highest | lowest |
Golden tilefish | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish | highest | highest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest |
Bluefish | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | highest |
Spiny dogfish | lowmod | lowest | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | highest | lowest |
Monkfish | highest | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Unmanaged forage | na | na | na | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | na | na | na |
Deepsea corals | na | na | na | lowest | lowest | lowest | na | na | na |
Ecosystem level risk elements
System | EcoProd | CommRev | RecVal | FishRes1 | FishRes4 | FleetDiv | Social | ComFood | RecFood |
Mid-Atlantic | lowmod | modhigh | highest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowmod | highest | modhigh |
Species and Sector level risk elements
Species | MgtControl | TecInteract | OceanUse | RegComplex | Discards | Allocation |
Ocean Quahog-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Surfclam-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowest | modhigh | lowest |
Summer flounder-R | modhigh | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | highest |
Summer flounder-C | lowmod | modhigh | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Scup-R | lowmod | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Scup-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | modhigh | modhigh | highest |
Black sea bass-R | highest | lowest | modhigh | highest | highest | highest |
Black sea bass-C | highest | lowmod | highest | modhigh | highest | highest |
Atl. mackerel-R | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowmod |
Atl. mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | lowmod | highest |
Butterfish-C | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest | modhigh | lowest |
Longfin squid-C | lowest | modhigh | highest | highest | highest | lowmod |
Shortfin squid-C | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | highest |
Golden tilefish-R | na | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Golden tilefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Blueline tilefish-R | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | highest |
Blueline tilefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | highest |
Bluefish-R | lowmod | lowest | lowest | lowmod | modhigh | highest |
Bluefish-C | lowest | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | highest |
Spiny dogfish-R | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Spiny dogfish-C | lowest | modhigh | modhigh | modhigh | lowmod | modhigh |
Chub mackerel-C | lowest | lowmod | lowmod | lowmod | lowest | lowest |
Unmanaged forage | lowest | lowest | modhigh | lowest | lowest | lowest |
Deepsea corals | na | na | modhigh | na | na | na |
The New England and Mid-Atlantic SOEs made possible by (at least) 38 contributors from 8 intstitutions
Donald Anderson (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
Andy Beet
Patricia Clay
Lisa Colburn
Geret DePiper
Michael Fogarty
Paula Fratantoni
Kevin Friedland
Sarah Gaichas
Avijit Gangopadhyay (School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
James Gartland (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
Glen Gawarkiewicz (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Sean Hardison
Kimberly Hyde
Terry Joyce (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
John Kosik
Steve Kress (National Audubon Society)
Scott Large
Don Lyons (National Audubon Society)
Ruth Boettcher (Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries)
Young-Oh Kwon (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
Zhuomin Chen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
Sean Lucey
Chris Melrose
Ryan Morse
Kimberly Murray
Chris Orphanides
Richard Pace
Charles Perretti
Vincent Saba
Laurel Smith
Mark Terceiro
John Walden
Harvey Walsh
Mark Wuenschel
Guild | MAFMC | Joint | NEFMC | State or Other |
Apex Predator | NA | NA | NA | bluefin tuna, shark uncl, swordfish, yellowfin tuna |
Piscivore | bluefish, longfin squid, northern shortfin squid, summer flounder | goosefish, spiny dogfish | acadian redfish, atlantic cod, atlantic halibut, clearnose skate, little skate, offshore hake, pollock, red hake, silver hake, smooth skate, thorny skate, white hake, winter skate | fourspot flounder, john dory, sea raven, striped bass, weakfish, windowpane |
Planktivore | atlantic mackerel, butterfish | NA | atlantic herring | alewife, american shad, blackbelly rosefish, blueback herring, cusk, longhorn sculpin, lumpfish, menhaden, northern sand lance, northern searobin, sculpin uncl |
Benthivore | black sea bass, scup, tilefish | NA | american plaice, barndoor skate, crab,red deepsea, haddock, ocean pout, rosette skate, winter flounder, witch flounder, yellowtail flounder | american lobster, atlantic wolffish, blue crab, cancer crab uncl, chain dogfish, cunner, jonah crab, lady crab, smooth dogfish, spider crab uncl, squid cuttlefish and octopod uncl, striped searobin, tautog |
Benthos | atlantic surfclam, ocean quahog | NA | sea scallop | blue mussel, channeled whelk, sea cucumber, sea urchin and sand dollar uncl, sea urchins, snails(conchs) |
Role of Ecosystem reporting in MAFMC EAFM
New! Response memo
2020 Mid-Atlantic Report
EAFM risk assessment update
SSC discussion and feedback
The IEA Loop1
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