Greece, Crete, near the cave of Polypheomos
Greece, Crete, near the cave of Polypheomos
Greece, Crete, near the cave of Polypheomos
Greece, Crete, near the cave of Polypheomos
Greece, Crete, near the cave of Polypheomos
Hubris will sink you (or substantially delay achieving your objectives, and at great cost)
Things change; workarounds are important
testing is a theme (hypotheses, skills, each other)
Tricky: unforseen challenges
Vengeful: high cost of overconfidence
Test your models
Guard your Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Fits to historical data (hindcast)
Influence of data over time (retrospective diagnostics)
Keep as simple and focused as possible
Simulation testing
Scientist exchange central to this project
NOAA internal "international fellowship" and REDUS funding:
Changing climate and ocean conditions → Shifting distributions, changing productivity
Climate-Ready Management1
[1] Karp, Melissa A. et al. 2019. Accounting for shifting distributionsand changing productivity in the development of scientific advice for fishery management. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz048.
Atlantis modeling framework: Fulton et al. 2011, Fulton and Smith 2004
Building on global change projections: Hodgson et al. 2018, Olsen et al. 2018
Scenarios for effects of temperature on growth, natural mortality
Focus on key stocks (Northeast Arctic cod, Norwegian spring spawning herring, California Current sardine, Pacific hake or a Pacific rockfish)
Atlantis output → dataset generator (atlantisom
) → Stock Synthesis assessment
Compare performance of different model settings, multiple models, model ensembles
→ multispecies, other single species models for testingRecruitment variability in the operating model
Specify uncertainty in assessment inputs using atlantisom
Hodgson, E. E., Kaplan, I. C., Marshall, K. N., Leonard, J., Essington, T. E., Busch, D. S., Fulton, E. A., et al. 2018. Consequences of spatially variable ocean acidification in the California Current: Lower pH drives strongest declines in benthic species in southern regions while greatest economic impacts occur in northern regions. Ecological Modelling, 383: 106–117.
Marshall, K. N., Kaplan, I. C., Hodgson, E. E., Hermann, A., Busch, D. S., McElhany, P., Essington, T. E., et al. 2017. Risks of ocean acidification in the California Current food web and fisheries: ecosystem model projections. Global Change Biology, 23: 1525–1539.
Hodgson, E. E., Kaplan, I. C., Marshall, K. N., Leonard, J., Essington, T. E., Busch, D. S., Fulton, E. A., et al. 2018. Consequences of spatially variable ocean acidification in the California Current: Lower pH drives strongest declines in benthic species in southern regions while greatest economic impacts occur in northern regions. Ecological Modelling, 383: 106–117.
Marshall, K. N., Kaplan, I. C., Hodgson, E. E., Hermann, A., Busch, D. S., McElhany, P., Essington, T. E., et al. 2017. Risks of ocean acidification in the California Current food web and fisheries: ecosystem model projections. Global Change Biology, 23: 1525–1539.
Full factorial design over common stock assessment assumptions
Natural mortality:
Also, an equally weighted ensemble of the 9 estimation models
Stock synthesis framework initially, but extend to other assessment models, generalize, and learn from Norwegian data and assessment framework
Example workflows:
Get true biomass, abundance, age composition, length composition, weight at age, fishery catch, fishery catch at age, fishery length composition, and fishery weight age age for a "sardine-like species":
Format these outputs and get other life history parameters for input into a stock assessment model (Stock Synthesis, using r4ss
Get true and observed input data, format inputs, and run the assessment model:
In progress: compare assessment results with truth:
Survey census test NOBA
True length composition NOBA
Standard survey test CCA
Survey length composition CCA
Need: assessment model data inputs and life history parameters
(model based on actual Sardine assessment in Stock Synthesis 3)
Fishing mortality
Key: True SS3 estimate
Still working on:
Functions for older Atlantis codebases (i.e., CCA model)
Splitting aggregate age groups into true ages
Interpolating aggregate age groups weight at age for true ages
Fishery catch weight by area
Wrapper functions to generate data in fewer steps
Automated skill assessment functions
Inputs for models other than Stock Synthesis
What level of uncertainty is appropriate to carry through these analyses?
Survey specification:
timing and spatial coverage?
which species are captured?
species-specific survey efficiency ("q")?
selectivity at age for each species?
Survey uncertainty:
additional observation error (survey cv for index)?
effective sample size for biological samples?
Fishery uncertainty:
additional observation error (catch cv for total)?
catch sampled for length/age in all areas?
effective sample size for biological samples?
Greece, Crete, near the cave of Polypheomos
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