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Scientist Exchange (2019):

A collaborative U.S.- IMR research project

Sarah Gaichas, Isaac Kaplan, Patrick Lynch, and Christine Stawitz
Northeast and Northwest Fisheries Science Centers,
and Office of Science & Technology

Supported by REDUS project, IMR, and NOAA NMFS International Fellowship

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Scientist Exchange

  • High priority for all!

    • U.S.- Norway Bilateral Science Agreement
    • IMR REDUS project
  • 2017: Hansen (IMR) to NOAA NWFSC, Seattle

  • Funding for 2019 exchange:

    • NOAA internal "international fellowship" funding opportunity
    • leveraged funds from REDUS

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This project: Fragile ecosystems, robust assessments? Performance testing stock assessments for the California Current and Nordic and Barents Seas under climate change

  • NOAA funds cover 45-50 days accommodation and per diem for 3 visiting scientists:

    • Gaichas, April 15 - June 15
    • Lynch, April 18 - June 7
    • Kaplan, May 11 - June 21
  • REDUS funds cover airfare for visiting scientists; IMR providing offices, network access, etc.

  • additional NMFS and IMR collaborators to leverage diverse skills and experiences

    • Christine Stawitz, visiting IMR May 19-25
    • Cecile Hansen, Daniel Howell, Erik Olsen, and many others on the REDUS team.
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Project motivation

  • Changing climate and ocean conditions --> Shifting distributions, changing productivity

  • Needs:

    • Improve our ability to project global change impacts in the California Current and Nordic/Barents Seas (and elsewhere)
    • Test the performance of stock assessments to these impacts

Climate-Ready Management1 Climateready

[1] Karp, Melissa A. et al. 2019. Accounting for shifting distributionsand changing productivity in the development of scientific advice for fishery management. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz048.

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End-to-end ecosystem operating models

  • Barents Sea1-2
  • California Current3-4

  • Building on previous global change projections 5-6

[1] Hansen et al 2016 [2] Hansen et al 2018

[3] Marshall et al. 2017 [4] Kaplan et al. 2017

[5] Hodgson et al. 2018 [6] Olsen et al. 2018

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End-to-end ecosystem operating models

  1. Scenarios for effects of temperature on growth, recruitment (future: spatial distribution, changing interactions)

  2. Focus on key assessed stocks (e.g. petrale sole, Pacific hake)

  3. Pass output to dataset generator -> Stock Synthesis assessment

  4. Also dataset generator -> multispecies, other single species models

  5. Compare performance of different model settings, multiple models, model ensembles

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Could test both estimation and MSE capability

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What can we do so far?

Example results:

Survey census test NOBA

Standard survey test CCA

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Tusen Takk til Havforskningsinstituttet! Vi gleder oss til en produktiv tid her.

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Scientist Exchange

  • High priority for all!

    • U.S.- Norway Bilateral Science Agreement
    • IMR REDUS project
  • 2017: Hansen (IMR) to NOAA NWFSC, Seattle

  • Funding for 2019 exchange:

    • NOAA internal "international fellowship" funding opportunity
    • leveraged funds from REDUS

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