The Fogarty Index is the ratio of total catches to total primary productivity in an ecosystem. Link and Watson (2019) state ".. Fogarty ration of 0.22 to 0.92 per mil, with an extreme limit of ~2.5 emerges from theoretically based limits coupled with estimates of global catches"
yearFieldCatch = "YEAR",
catchField = "totLand",
ppField = "ANNUAL_MEAN",
yearFieldPP = "YEAR"
Data frame. Data containing the total catch (mt/region/year) by each species in each year.
Data frame. Data containing Primary Production same units as catch (but in Carbon)
Character string. The name of the field in catch
which contains the Year.
Character string. The name of the field in catch
which contains the catch data.
Character string. The name of the field in PP
which contains the ANNUAL_MEAN data.
Character string. The name of the field in PP
which contains the Year.
Data frame:
Year of the index
Value of the index
The units of the index: unitless
J. S. Link, R. A. Watson, Global ecosystem overfishing: Clear delineation within real limits to production. Sci. Adv. 5, eaav0474 (2019). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav0474
Other Link Indices: