Models for macrobenthos and megabenthos were run for spring and fall using all spatial and spatio-temporal random effects, and three catchability covariates: mean predator length at the location, number of predator species at the location, and bottom temperature at the location.
See workflow document for details.
In the table below, Total stations is all stations where benthivore predators were sampled. The fields from Total stomachs through Variance n preds reflect the number of predators sampled at all of these stations. The last four columns reflect the number and percent of stations with positive macrobenthos and megabenthos prey, respectively.
Note that we did not use data from 1973-1979 in the models. As of October 2024, we are including data through 2023 from both NEFSC and NEAMAP.
macrobenagg_stn <- readRDS(here::here("fhdata/macrobenagg_stn_all_modBT.rds"))
megabenagg_stn <- readRDS(here::here("fhdata/megabenagg_stn_all_modBT.rds"))
nstationsyr <- macrobenagg_stn |>
dplyr::group_by(year, season_ng) |>
dplyr::summarise(totstations = n(),
totstomachs = sum(nstomtot),
minnpred = min(nbenthivoresp),
meannpred = mean(nbenthivoresp),
maxnpred = max(nbenthivoresp),
varnpred = var(nbenthivoresp))
macropreystns <- macrobenagg_stn |>
dplyr::filter(meanmacrobenpywt > 0) |>
dplyr::group_by(year, season_ng) |>
dplyr::summarise(macrobenstations = n())
megapreystns <- megabenagg_stn |>
dplyr::filter(meanmegabenpywt > 0) |>
dplyr::group_by(year, season_ng) |>
dplyr::summarise(megabenstations = n())
stationsprey <- dplyr::left_join(nstationsyr, macropreystns) |>
dplyr::left_join(megapreystns) |>
dplyr::arrange(desc(season_ng), .by_group = TRUE) |>
dplyr::mutate(year = as.character(year),
percmacro = round(macrobenstations/totstations*100),
percmega = round(megabenstations/totstations*100)) |>
flextable::flextable(stationsprey) |>
flextable::colformat_char(j = "year") |>
flextable::fontsize(size = 8, part = "all") |>
year = "Year", season_ng = "Season", totstations = "Total stations",
totstomachs = "Total stomachs", minnpred = "Minimum n preds", meannpred = "Mean n preds",
maxnpred = "Maximum n preds", varnpred = "Variance n preds",
macrobenstations = "Macrobenthos stations",
megabenstations = "Megabenthos stations",
percmacro = "Percent macrobenthos", percmega = "Percent megabenthos")
Year | Season | Total stations | Total stomachs | Minimum n preds | Mean n preds | Maximum n preds | Variance n preds | Macrobenthos stations | Megabenthos stations | Percent macrobenthos | Percent megabenthos |
1973 | SPRING | 148 | 1,437 | 1 | 1.655405 | 5 | 0.7443924 | 110 | 35 | 74 | 24 |
1973 | FALL | 183 | 2,493 | 1 | 2.142077 | 6 | 1.4522308 | 151 | 61 | 83 | 33 |
1974 | SPRING | 165 | 1,972 | 1 | 2.018182 | 5 | 1.3106430 | 126 | 70 | 76 | 42 |
1974 | FALL | 186 | 1,886 | 1 | 1.838710 | 6 | 1.1630340 | 149 | 57 | 80 | 31 |
1975 | SPRING | 34 | 328 | 1 | 1.500000 | 5 | 0.8030303 | 27 | 17 | 79 | 50 |
1975 | FALL | 162 | 1,812 | 1 | 1.864198 | 5 | 1.0000767 | 135 | 51 | 83 | 31 |
1976 | SPRING | 182 | 2,183 | 1 | 2.076923 | 5 | 1.6404590 | 152 | 49 | 84 | 27 |
1976 | FALL | 163 | 2,105 | 1 | 2.024540 | 6 | 1.3203817 | 132 | 66 | 81 | 40 |
1977 | SPRING | 217 | 2,591 | 1 | 2.552995 | 7 | 2.5446322 | 165 | 68 | 76 | 31 |
1977 | FALL | 232 | 2,395 | 1 | 2.043103 | 8 | 2.0500821 | 162 | 93 | 70 | 40 |
1978 | SPRING | 271 | 2,887 | 1 | 2.081181 | 11 | 2.1785705 | 187 | 75 | 69 | 28 |
1978 | FALL | 495 | 5,372 | 1 | 2.115152 | 8 | 2.1871181 | 334 | 185 | 67 | 37 |
1979 | SPRING | 294 | 2,377 | 1 | 1.880952 | 7 | 1.1837315 | 199 | 79 | 68 | 27 |
1979 | FALL | 545 | 5,999 | 1 | 2.137615 | 10 | 2.1666892 | 351 | 214 | 64 | 39 |
1980 | SPRING | 269 | 2,466 | 1 | 1.836431 | 6 | 1.1373245 | 171 | 75 | 64 | 28 |
1980 | FALL | 367 | 3,844 | 1 | 2.013624 | 10 | 1.6254969 | 233 | 113 | 63 | 31 |
1981 | SPRING | 262 | 3,246 | 1 | 1.793893 | 5 | 0.8539089 | 144 | 113 | 55 | 43 |
1981 | FALL | 230 | 2,801 | 1 | 1.700000 | 6 | 0.9532751 | 96 | 72 | 42 | 31 |
1982 | SPRING | 372 | 4,988 | 1 | 2.190860 | 10 | 2.3812639 | 234 | 104 | 63 | 28 |
1982 | FALL | 231 | 2,210 | 1 | 1.865801 | 6 | 1.1775645 | 87 | 57 | 38 | 25 |
1983 | SPRING | 297 | 2,455 | 1 | 1.666667 | 7 | 0.9662162 | 110 | 65 | 37 | 22 |
1983 | FALL | 206 | 1,736 | 1 | 1.728155 | 5 | 0.9111058 | 64 | 41 | 31 | 20 |
1984 | SPRING | 309 | 2,312 | 1 | 1.394822 | 5 | 0.4929601 | 135 | 74 | 44 | 24 |
1984 | FALL | 255 | 2,604 | 1 | 1.956863 | 7 | 1.5375019 | 106 | 69 | 42 | 27 |
1985 | SPRING | 314 | 6,213 | 1 | 3.098726 | 9 | 3.7506054 | 201 | 118 | 64 | 38 |
1985 | FALL | 250 | 4,377 | 1 | 2.980000 | 9 | 3.3690763 | 104 | 80 | 42 | 32 |
1986 | SPRING | 311 | 5,871 | 1 | 3.395498 | 9 | 3.2979152 | 191 | 121 | 61 | 39 |
1986 | FALL | 249 | 4,112 | 1 | 3.116466 | 12 | 4.2807358 | 132 | 119 | 53 | 48 |
1987 | SPRING | 304 | 5,711 | 1 | 3.483553 | 10 | 3.3264613 | 234 | 145 | 77 | 48 |
1987 | FALL | 269 | 3,909 | 1 | 2.762082 | 8 | 2.5551240 | 148 | 109 | 55 | 41 |
1988 | SPRING | 250 | 4,036 | 1 | 3.104000 | 8 | 3.0654458 | 156 | 102 | 62 | 41 |
1988 | FALL | 262 | 4,152 | 1 | 3.122137 | 12 | 3.7321517 | 142 | 100 | 54 | 38 |
1989 | SPRING | 286 | 7,273 | 1 | 4.625874 | 11 | 3.6735738 | 247 | 175 | 86 | 61 |
1989 | FALL | 296 | 7,547 | 1 | 4.405405 | 12 | 4.7028859 | 222 | 151 | 75 | 51 |
1990 | SPRING | 292 | 5,727 | 1 | 3.376712 | 9 | 2.8129266 | 221 | 159 | 76 | 54 |
1990 | FALL | 310 | 7,045 | 1 | 4.190323 | 12 | 4.6400355 | 204 | 151 | 66 | 49 |
1991 | SPRING | 305 | 6,743 | 1 | 4.144262 | 9 | 2.9856989 | 250 | 189 | 82 | 62 |
1991 | FALL | 386 | 7,662 | 1 | 4.145078 | 10 | 4.2853913 | 271 | 165 | 70 | 43 |
1992 | SPRING | 419 | 9,469 | 1 | 4.527446 | 11 | 4.5752018 | 325 | 204 | 78 | 49 |
1992 | FALL | 429 | 8,653 | 1 | 4.391608 | 13 | 4.3603032 | 317 | 214 | 74 | 50 |
1993 | SPRING | 438 | 10,931 | 1 | 5.271689 | 11 | 4.5553065 | 367 | 286 | 84 | 65 |
1993 | FALL | 424 | 10,001 | 1 | 4.938679 | 13 | 5.7409117 | 317 | 220 | 75 | 52 |
1994 | SPRING | 426 | 10,259 | 1 | 4.730047 | 11 | 4.4846009 | 323 | 260 | 76 | 61 |
1994 | FALL | 369 | 8,425 | 1 | 4.384824 | 11 | 5.2265082 | 275 | 219 | 75 | 59 |
1995 | SPRING | 460 | 12,275 | 1 | 5.313043 | 12 | 4.3898077 | 374 | 300 | 81 | 65 |
1995 | FALL | 410 | 11,162 | 1 | 4.739024 | 13 | 6.2324587 | 298 | 213 | 73 | 52 |
1996 | SPRING | 460 | 12,497 | 1 | 5.191304 | 12 | 5.2312968 | 381 | 290 | 83 | 63 |
1996 | FALL | 338 | 7,348 | 1 | 4.639053 | 12 | 5.7981142 | 229 | 191 | 68 | 57 |
1997 | SPRING | 437 | 9,848 | 1 | 4.574371 | 11 | 4.4743875 | 324 | 225 | 74 | 51 |
1997 | FALL | 312 | 5,692 | 1 | 4.208333 | 11 | 5.4387728 | 188 | 178 | 60 | 57 |
1998 | SPRING | 497 | 13,900 | 1 | 5.895372 | 13 | 5.6422568 | 409 | 308 | 82 | 62 |
1998 | FALL | 365 | 8,929 | 1 | 4.835616 | 12 | 4.8245522 | 272 | 233 | 75 | 64 |
1999 | SPRING | 506 | 13,686 | 1 | 7.638340 | 19 | 8.4768638 | 425 | 330 | 84 | 65 |
1999 | FALL | 353 | 7,083 | 1 | 6.861190 | 15 | 8.0062452 | 288 | 219 | 82 | 62 |
2000 | SPRING | 483 | 11,630 | 1 | 8.020704 | 17 | 8.9497779 | 415 | 321 | 86 | 66 |
2000 | FALL | 330 | 5,901 | 1 | 6.645455 | 17 | 12.6915446 | 238 | 187 | 72 | 57 |
2001 | SPRING | 479 | 10,616 | 1 | 7.893528 | 18 | 10.8861296 | 399 | 277 | 83 | 58 |
2001 | FALL | 317 | 6,162 | 1 | 7.400631 | 19 | 12.7535439 | 246 | 169 | 78 | 53 |
2002 | SPRING | 472 | 11,730 | 1 | 8.879237 | 18 | 10.5565107 | 396 | 267 | 84 | 57 |
2002 | FALL | 317 | 6,183 | 1 | 7.189274 | 17 | 12.6792517 | 243 | 171 | 77 | 54 |
2003 | SPRING | 416 | 9,231 | 1 | 7.932692 | 17 | 11.5569045 | 336 | 230 | 81 | 55 |
2003 | FALL | 312 | 6,797 | 1 | 8.163462 | 16 | 7.5005256 | 261 | 190 | 84 | 61 |
2004 | SPRING | 458 | 9,605 | 1 | 7.788210 | 18 | 9.8346966 | 367 | 234 | 80 | 51 |
2004 | FALL | 299 | 5,225 | 1 | 6.685619 | 15 | 11.3504972 | 246 | 148 | 82 | 49 |
2005 | SPRING | 422 | 7,986 | 1 | 7.412322 | 17 | 13.1550022 | 340 | 209 | 81 | 50 |
2005 | FALL | 320 | 6,191 | 1 | 7.537500 | 17 | 12.0048589 | 278 | 176 | 87 | 55 |
2006 | SPRING | 460 | 9,453 | 1 | 8.919565 | 21 | 15.5556077 | 392 | 253 | 85 | 55 |
2006 | FALL | 354 | 7,030 | 1 | 8.375706 | 20 | 13.5666603 | 297 | 197 | 84 | 56 |
2007 | SPRING | 474 | 9,895 | 1 | 8.702532 | 18 | 13.5963149 | 407 | 295 | 86 | 62 |
2007 | FALL | 485 | 8,807 | 1 | 6.806186 | 16 | 10.3673170 | 448 | 331 | 92 | 68 |
2008 | SPRING | 480 | 9,186 | 1 | 7.031250 | 17 | 9.3246999 | 439 | 335 | 91 | 70 |
2008 | FALL | 487 | 9,065 | 1 | 7.205339 | 20 | 12.5791484 | 432 | 324 | 89 | 67 |
2009 | SPRING | 541 | 14,315 | 1 | 9.090573 | 21 | 18.2195591 | 510 | 384 | 94 | 71 |
2009 | FALL | 496 | 11,680 | 1 | 8.266129 | 21 | 16.3694363 | 441 | 340 | 89 | 69 |
2010 | SPRING | 521 | 13,137 | 1 | 9.180422 | 24 | 22.0058467 | 475 | 378 | 91 | 73 |
2010 | FALL | 483 | 9,918 | 1 | 7.511387 | 20 | 16.2628369 | 421 | 330 | 87 | 68 |
2011 | SPRING | 485 | 10,773 | 1 | 8.049485 | 18 | 16.2413479 | 437 | 325 | 90 | 67 |
2011 | FALL | 468 | 10,517 | 1 | 8.198718 | 20 | 20.0996129 | 432 | 349 | 92 | 75 |
2012 | SPRING | 499 | 13,536 | 1 | 10.118236 | 22 | 22.8233415 | 474 | 350 | 95 | 70 |
2012 | FALL | 498 | 11,708 | 1 | 8.598394 | 27 | 23.5969391 | 454 | 362 | 91 | 73 |
2013 | SPRING | 525 | 13,754 | 1 | 10.118095 | 19 | 13.4325918 | 510 | 368 | 97 | 70 |
2013 | FALL | 514 | 10,647 | 1 | 8.272374 | 25 | 18.3857070 | 475 | 339 | 92 | 66 |
2014 | SPRING | 438 | 10,624 | 1 | 9.230594 | 20 | 16.9192450 | 426 | 303 | 97 | 69 |
2014 | FALL | 497 | 10,138 | 1 | 8.056338 | 24 | 19.3556906 | 431 | 351 | 87 | 71 |
2015 | SPRING | 516 | 11,298 | 1 | 8.713178 | 21 | 16.8612629 | 482 | 332 | 93 | 64 |
2015 | FALL | 512 | 10,682 | 1 | 8.083984 | 22 | 21.8109367 | 445 | 354 | 87 | 69 |
2016 | SPRING | 485 | 12,366 | 1 | 9.668041 | 22 | 19.4288319 | 451 | 352 | 93 | 73 |
2016 | FALL | 513 | 10,480 | 1 | 8.083821 | 23 | 20.6394447 | 438 | 341 | 85 | 66 |
2017 | SPRING | 397 | 10,066 | 1 | 10.168766 | 20 | 16.0042745 | 369 | 279 | 93 | 70 |
2017 | FALL | 273 | 4,406 | 1 | 5.230769 | 10 | 3.9061086 | 204 | 144 | 75 | 53 |
2018 | SPRING | 397 | 8,467 | 1 | 8.256927 | 19 | 14.9186703 | 377 | 299 | 95 | 75 |
2018 | FALL | 444 | 8,062 | 1 | 7.443694 | 22 | 19.6559647 | 383 | 334 | 86 | 75 |
2019 | SPRING | 482 | 9,705 | 1 | 8.095436 | 17 | 14.2403533 | 442 | 347 | 92 | 72 |
2019 | FALL | 488 | 9,653 | 1 | 7.991803 | 22 | 19.3264214 | 401 | 339 | 82 | 69 |
2020 | SPRING | 122 | 1,749 | 1 | 7.483607 | 17 | 11.3096464 | 97 | 82 | 80 | 67 |
2020 | FALL | 142 | 2,632 | 1 | 5.260563 | 10 | 3.9103486 | 126 | 129 | 89 | 91 |
2021 | SPRING | 457 | 9,757 | 1 | 8.638950 | 21 | 16.8320761 | 429 | 344 | 94 | 75 |
2021 | FALL | 493 | 8,683 | 1 | 7.251521 | 24 | 16.0341694 | 411 | 348 | 83 | 71 |
2022 | SPRING | 495 | 9,954 | 1 | 8.224242 | 20 | 16.6277512 | 451 | 358 | 91 | 72 |
2022 | FALL | 449 | 8,693 | 1 | 7.772829 | 23 | 19.1848851 | 380 | 343 | 85 | 76 |
2023 | SPRING | 216 | 3,637 | 1 | 6.379630 | 20 | 16.8970715 | 188 | 145 | 87 | 67 |
2023 | FALL | 470 | 8,636 | 1 | 7.748936 | 20 | 20.5722270 | 347 | 282 | 74 | 60 |
# from each output folder in pyindex,
outdir <- here::here("pyindex")
moddirs <- list.dirs(outdir)
moddirs <- moddirs[-1]
# only latest
moddirs23 <- moddirs[-grep("1980-2022", moddirs)]
Spatial coverage for stomachs in fall, both groups (same set of predators, same stations)
mapfall <- paste0(moddirs23[1], "/Data_by_year.png")
Spatial coverage for stomachs in spring, both groups (same set of predators, same stations)
mapspring <- paste0(moddirs23[2], "/Data_by_year.png")
See workflow document for details.
stratlook <- data.frame(Stratum = c("Stratum_1",
Region = c("AllEPU",
# function to apply extracting info
getmodindex <- function({
# read settings
modpath <- stringr::str_split(, "/", simplify = TRUE)
modname <- modpath[length(modpath)]
index <- read.csv(file.path(, "Index.csv"))
# return model indices as a dataframe
out <- data.frame(modname = modname,
modcompareindex <- purrr::map_dfr(moddirs23, getmodindex)
splitoutput <- modcompareindex %>%
dplyr::mutate(Season = modname |> map(str_split, pattern = "_") |> map_chr(c(1,2))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Data = modname |> map(str_split, pattern = "_") |> map_chr(c(1,1))) %>%
dplyr::left_join(stratlook) %>%
dplyr::filter(Region %in% c("GOM", "GB", "MAB","SS", "AllEPU"))
benthosmax <- max(splitoutput$Estimate)
benthostsmean <- splitoutput %>%
dplyr::group_by(modname, Region) %>%
dplyr::mutate(fmean = mean(Estimate))
Do we have ecodata
trends in any time series? Some.
Driven by early 80s spike?
filterEPUs <- c("MAB", "GB", "GOM", "SS", "AllEPU")
currentMonth <- lubridate::month(Sys.Date())
currentYear <- lubridate::year(Sys.Date())
if (currentMonth > 4) {
endShade <- currentYear
} else {
endShade <- currentYear - 1
shadedRegion <- c(endShade-9,endShade)
shade.alpha <- 0.3
shade.fill <- "lightgrey"
lwd <- 1
pcex <- 2
trend.alpha <- 0.5
trend.size <- 2
hline.size <- 1
line.size <- 2
hline.alpha <- 0.35
hline.lty <- "dashed"
label.size <- 5
hjust.label <- 1.5
letter_size <- 4
errorbar.width <- 0.25
x.shade.min <- shadedRegion[1]
x.shade.max <- shadedRegion[2]
setup <- list(
shade.alpha = shade.alpha,
shade.fill =shade.fill,
lwd = lwd,
pcex = pcex,
trend.alpha = trend.alpha,
trend.size = trend.size,
line.size = line.size,
hline.size = hline.size,
hline.alpha = hline.alpha,
hline.lty = hline.lty,
errorbar.width = errorbar.width,
label.size = label.size,
hjust.label = hjust.label,
letter_size = letter_size,
x.shade.min = x.shade.min,
x.shade.max = x.shade.max
fix<- splitoutput |>
dplyr::filter(Data %in% c("macrobenthos"),
Region %in% filterEPUs) |>
dplyr::group_by(Region, Season) |>
dplyr::summarise(max = max(Estimate))
p <- splitoutput |>
dplyr::filter(Data %in% c("macrobenthos"),
Region %in% filterEPUs) |>
dplyr::group_by(Region, Season) |>
dplyr::left_join(fix) |>
dplyr::mutate(#Value = Value/resca,
Mean = as.numeric(Estimate),
SE = Std..Error.for.Estimate,
Mean = Mean/max,
SE = SE/max,
Upper = Mean + SE,
Lower = Mean - SE) |>
ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = Time, y = Mean, group = Season))+
ggplot2::annotate("rect", fill = setup$shade.fill, alpha = setup$shade.alpha,
xmin = setup$x.shade.min , xmax = setup$x.shade.max,
ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = Lower, ymax = Upper, fill = Season), alpha = 0.5)+
ggplot2::ylab(expression("Relative benthos biomass"))+
ggplot2::facet_wrap(Region~Season, ncol = 2)+
fix<- splitoutput |>
dplyr::filter(Data %in% c("megabenthos"),
Region %in% filterEPUs) |>
dplyr::group_by(Region, Season) |>
dplyr::summarise(max = max(Estimate))
p <- splitoutput |>
dplyr::filter(Data %in% c("megabenthos"),
Region %in% filterEPUs) |>
dplyr::group_by(Region, Season) |>
dplyr::left_join(fix) |>
dplyr::mutate(#Value = Value/resca,
Mean = as.numeric(Estimate),
SE = Std..Error.for.Estimate,
Mean = Mean/max,
SE = SE/max,
Upper = Mean + SE,
Lower = Mean - SE) |>
ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = Time, y = Mean, group = Season))+
ggplot2::annotate("rect", fill = setup$shade.fill, alpha = setup$shade.alpha,
xmin = setup$x.shade.min , xmax = setup$x.shade.max,
ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = Lower, ymax = Upper, fill = Season), alpha = 0.5)+
ggplot2::ylab(expression("Relative benthos biomass"))+
ggplot2::facet_wrap(Region~Season, ncol = 2)+
Trend comparisons by season, any difference macro and megabenthos?
ggplot(benthostsmean |> filter(Season =="fall"),
aes(x=Time, y=((Estimate-fmean)/fmean), colour=Data)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=(Estimate+Std..Error.for.Estimate - fmean)/fmean,
ymax=(Estimate-Std..Error.for.Estimate - fmean)/fmean))+
#acet_wrap(~fct_relevel(Type, "Ecoregion", "Bluefish"), scales = "free_y") +
facet_wrap(~Region, scales = "free_y", ncol = 1) +
#scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x)round(x/foragemax, digits = 2))+
ylab("Relative benthos biomass scaled to time series mean") +
ggtitle("Fall models: trend comparison") +
theme(#legend.position = c(1, 0),
#legend.justification = c(1, 0)
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.text = element_text(size=rel(0.5)),
legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'lines'),
legend.title = element_text(size=rel(0.5)))
ggplot(benthostsmean |> filter(Season =="spring"),
aes(x=Time, y=((Estimate-fmean)/fmean), colour=Data)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=(Estimate+Std..Error.for.Estimate - fmean)/fmean,
ymax=(Estimate-Std..Error.for.Estimate - fmean)/fmean))+
#acet_wrap(~fct_relevel(Type, "Ecoregion", "Bluefish"), scales = "free_y") +
facet_wrap(~Region, scales = "free_y", ncol = 1) +
#scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x)round(x/foragemax, digits = 2))+
ylab("Relative benthos biomass scaled to time series mean") +
ggtitle("Spring models: trend comparison") +
theme(#legend.position = c(1, 0),
#legend.justification = c(1, 0)
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.text = element_text(size=rel(0.5)),
legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'lines'),
legend.title = element_text(size=rel(0.5)))
Scale comparisons by season, any difference macro and megabenthos? Yes, way more macrobenthos, as expected.
ggplot(splitoutput |> filter(Season =="fall"),
aes(x=Time, y=Estimate, colour=Data)) +
#geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=Estimate+Std..Error.for.Estimate, ymax=Estimate-Std..Error.for.Estimate))+
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=Estimate+Std..Error.for.Estimate, ymax=Estimate-Std..Error.for.Estimate, fill=Data), linetype = 0, alpha = 0.15)+
#acet_wrap(~fct_relevel(Type, "Ecoregion", "Bluefish"), scales = "free_y") +
facet_wrap(~Region, scales = "free_y", ncol = 1) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x)round(x/benthosmax, digits = 2))+
ylab("Relative benthos biomass scaled to maximum") +
ggtitle("Fall models: scale comparison")+
theme(#legend.position = c(1, 0),
#legend.justification = c(1, 0)
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.text = element_text(size=rel(0.5)),
legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'lines'),
legend.title = element_text(size=rel(0.5)))
ggplot(splitoutput |> filter(Season =="spring"),
aes(x=Time, y=Estimate, colour=Data)) +
#geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=Estimate+Std..Error.for.Estimate, ymax=Estimate-Std..Error.for.Estimate))+
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=Estimate+Std..Error.for.Estimate, ymax=Estimate-Std..Error.for.Estimate, fill=Data), linetype = 0, alpha = 0.15)+
#acet_wrap(~fct_relevel(Type, "Ecoregion", "Bluefish"), scales = "free_y") +
facet_wrap(~Region, scales = "free_y", ncol = 1) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x)round(x/benthosmax, digits = 2))+
ylab("Relative benthos biomass scaled to maximum") +
ggtitle("Spring models: scale comparison")+
theme(#legend.position = c(1, 0),
#legend.justification = c(1, 0)
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.text = element_text(size=rel(0.5)),
legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'lines'),
legend.title = element_text(size=rel(0.5)))
Has benthos shifted along the coast?
getcogVAST <- function({
fit <- VAST::reload_model(readRDS(paste0(,"/fit.rds")))
cogout <- FishStatsUtils::plot_range_index(Sdreport = fit$parameter_estimates$SD,
Report = fit$Report,
TmbData = fit$data_list,
year_labels = as.numeric(fit$year_labels),
years_to_plot = fit$years_to_plot,
Znames = colnames(fit$data_list$Z_xm),
PlotDir = paste0(,"/test")) #already have plots, will delete this directory
saveRDS(cogout, paste0(,"/cogout.rds"))
unlink(paste0(,"/test"), recursive=TRUE) #removes directory with unneeded plots
purrr::map(moddirs23, getcogVAST)
Center of gravity plots with ecodata
plotcog <- function({
cogout <- readRDS(paste0(,"/cogout.rds"))
modpath <- unlist(str_split(, pattern = "/"))
modname <- modpath[length(modpath)]
cogdat <-$COG_Table) |>
dplyr::mutate(direction = ifelse(m==1, "Eastward", "Northward"))
ggplot2::ggplot(cogdat, ggplot2::aes(x = Year, y = COG_hat)) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ecodata::geom_gls() +
ggplot2::labs(y = "Center of gravity, km") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~direction, scales = "free_y") +
purrr::map(moddirs23, plotcog)
## [[1]]
## [[2]]
## [[3]]
## [[4]]
Density maps
for( in moddirs23){
modpath <- unlist(str_split(, pattern = "/"))
modname <- modpath[length(modpath)]
cat(modname, "\n")