Creates post-processing output for Atlantis
out.dir = file.path(atl.dir, "Post_Processed/Data/"),
agg.scale = "day",
large.file = F,
process.all = F,
plot.all = F,
plot.benthic = F,
plot.overall.biomass = F,
plot.biomass.timeseries = F,
plot.length.age = F, = F,
plot.c.mum = F, = F,
plot.recruits = F,
plot.numbers.timeseries = F,
plot.physics = F,
plot.growth.cons = F,
plot.cohort = F, = F,
plot.consumption = F,
plot.spatial.biomass = F,
plot.spatial.biomass.seasonal = F,
plot.catch = F,
plot.catch.fleet = F,
plot.spatial.catch = F,
plot.mortality = F,
plot.weight = F,
plot.spatial.overlap = F
string. Path to location of atlantis parameter files
string. path to location of atlantis output files
string. path to desired location of post-processed output
string. Prefix for atlantis run output (specified in runcommand.bat)
list generated from get_atl_paramfiles()
Scale to aggregate dietcheck biomass from (either 'raw','month', or 'year' )
String. "Windows" or "Linux"
Boolean. Global option to process all components
Boolean. Global flag for plotting everything
logical. Benthic plots show timeseries of all benthic and epibenthic groups for one box
logical. Plots showing the total biomass across all functional groups as stacked barplots
logical. Plots showing biomass-related timeseries on various aggregations and reference points
logical. Plots relating to the length-age relationship of age-structured groups
logical. Plots relating to biomass but grouped by box
logical. Plots and tables related to tuning C and mum parameters
logical. Plots relating to SN and RN timeseries
logical. Plots of recruitment and SSB timeseries
logical. Plots showing timeseries of numbers (as opposed to biomass)
logical. Plots of physical statevariables as well as fluxes
logical. Plots relating to growth and consumption
logical. Plots showing timeseries of each cohort across age-structured groups
logical. Plots showing predation of and consumption by each functional group
Boolean. Plots showing consumption
logical. Plots showing the spatial (box/level) structure of groups' biomass
logical. Plots showing the spatial (box/level) structure of groups' biomass
logical. Plots annual catch(mt) age based catch (numbers) and age based %ages
logical. Plots showing the spatial (box/level) structure of groups' catch
logical. Plots Mortality (F, M1, M2) from two output sources (Mort, SpecificMort)
logical. Plots the maximum size of fish in each size class over the domain
Either saves an R object or returns a list called "result"
Author: Ryan Morse, modified by Joseph Caracappa