Simulation study using optimization routine
Uses single Core. Performs a simulation study to assess the performance of the test.
- outDir
Character string. Path to output file
- betaVec
Numeric vector. Values for beta_1 (slope/trend parameter)
- rhoVec
Numeric vector. Values for autoregressive parameter
- sigmaVec
Numeric vector. Values of standard deviation of noise
- nSims
Numeric scalar. Number of time series to simulate
- nBootSims
Numeric scalar. Number of bootstrap data sets
- nVec
Numeric vector. Values for the length of time series to simulate
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
simulation_study_opt(here::here("output.txt"),betaVec = 0.5,rhovec =0.5, sigmaVec = 0.25,
nTVec = 10, nSims = 200, nBootSims = 500)
} # }